
Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

This Exists: DNA Tests for Cats

Now you can verify your cat's lineage

(Newser) - Do you have a burning desire to know your cat's ancestry? Are you dying to know if she's really a pure Abyssinian or if the guy at the pet store ripped you off? Well, now you can. Lyons Feline Genetics Laboratory at the University of California now offers...

Cat Poop Raises Owners&#39; Suicide Risk

 Study: Cat Poop 
 Raises Owners' 
 Suicide Risk 
in case you missed it

Study: Cat Poop Raises Owners' Suicide Risk

Parasite infection linked to higher rate of attempts

(Newser) - More bad press for cat poop: A parasite found in cat feces has been linked to an increased likelihood of owners committing suicide, reports NPR . The study of more than 45,000 Danish women over the course of 30 years found that those infected with toxoplasmosis (possibly from changing cat...

Oregon Man Suffering From Black Death

He gets plague after grabbing mouse from stray cat

(Newser) - An Oregon man suffering from the Black Death is in critical condition. The rural Crook County resident, in his 50s, fell ill after he was bitten in the hand as he tried to grab a mouse from a stray cat. It's the fifth plague case in Oregon since 1995....

NJ: Belt Fido In, or Go to Jail
 NJ: Belt Fido In, or Go to Jail 

NJ: Belt Fido In, or Go to Jail

Owners' alternative: 6 months in jail

(Newser) - New Jersey wants all family members buckled up—even the furry ones. Officials are worried about distracted driving, which is the top cause of US driving deaths, so forget having your pet on your lap or leaning its head out the window. If your dog or cat isn't buckled...

Super-Sized Kitty Dies
 Super-Sized Kitty Dies 

Super-Sized Kitty Dies

Celebrity fat cat 'Meow' dies of obesity complications

(Newser) - A colossal cat handed in to an animal shelter in New Mexico has died just weeks after eating up national attention. Meow, a 2-year-old tabby who topped the scales at 39 pounds, died of pulmonary failure related to his huge size, reports the New York Daily News . He had been...

Huge Cat Finds Its Way to Animal Shelter

Now 'Meow,' 39 pounds, needs a home

(Newser) - If you need some companionship—and you have room in your apartment for a cat who is basically the size of a toddler—consider adopting 2-year-old Meow, who was dropped off at a rural shelter in Roswell, NM, recently. That shelter—overwhelmed with Meow's girth—turned him over to...

Man Gets Ticket After Cat Refuses to Go on a Jog

It couldn't keep up, so he tied it to a rock ... then birds attacked

(Newser) - A case of feline fitness gone wrong: Colorado police have ticketed a man who is accused of tying his cat to a rock after it refused to go jogging. Sgt. Fred Palmer says 19-year-old Seth Franco brought his cat on a leash to a path at a Lafayette park on...

Calif. Cat-Eater Busted
 Calif. Cat-Eater Busted 

Calif. Cat-Eater Busted

Man arrested after neighbors report screeching, smelling 'awful meat'

(Newser) - Disgusted cops in Bakersfield say they've arrested a man on suspicion of cooking and eating cats. Jason Louis Wilmer was charged with animal cruelty and using a pet or domesticated animal for food after neighbors heard cats screeching at his house and called police, AP reports. "I heard...

Your Cat's Poop May Be Blowing Your Mind

Jaroslav Felgr's quest to study Toxoplasma gondii

(Newser) - Jaroslav Flegr has a theory: Cat poop is rewiring the human brain, including his own. The Prague-based biologist has been pursuing the theory since the early '90s, but he's only recently beginning to garner scientific respect, with some of the biggest names in neurobiology backing him up, the...

Meet World&#39;s Richest Cat
 Meet World's Richest Cat 

Meet World's Richest Cat

Italy's Tomasso inherits owner's $13.4 million estate, sort of

(Newser) - Now that's some serious scratch—Tommaso, a 4-year-old former stray, is now the world's richest cat, the inheritor of $13.4 million worth of properties around Italy, reports the Guardian . Tommaso's rich owner, a 94-year-old childless widow, died last month, leaving her entire estate to her cat....

Cat With 26 Toes Helps Save Shelter

Daniel's odd feet has brought in $50,000 and counting

(Newser) - Daniel, an orange-and-white tabby cat, is doing everything he can to save the Milwaukee Animal Rescue Center, and he's doing it by showing off his bizarre feet. He has 26 toes. Donations of $26—one for each digit—are flooding into the nonprofit animal shelter , which was recently hit...

Cops Hunt Cat Swinger
 Cops Hunt Cat Swinger 

Cops Hunt Cat Swinger

Attacked 'distressed' animal manages to escape

(Newser) - British animal cops are hunting a cruel kitty hater captured on video wildly swinging a cat by its tail. The 2-year-old cat, Mowgli, finally managed to escape, and make it back home in a "distressed state," said officials. "This was a very violent, nasty attack on a...

Cat With 2 Faces Sets Record
 Cat With 2 Faces Sets Record 

Cat With 2 Faces Sets Record

'Frank and Louie' has survived for 12 years

(Newser) - The cat is named Frank and Louie. Yep, Frank and Louie. That's because it was born with two faces, mouths, and noses (but just three eyes, the middle of which can't blink). And he almost didn't make it. Marty Stevens rescued the cat from being euthanized, and...

Revealed: The True Story of Willow the Cat

Stray was picked up on ski trip, flown to NYC

(Newser) - The mystery cat who took the media by storm this week isn’t such a mystery anymore: An alert reader of Gothamist wrote in to reveal the secret biography of Willow, who turned up in New York years after going missing in Colorado. Turns out the New York Times ’...

Cat Burglar Is ... Actual Cat
 Cat Burglar Is ... Actual Cat 

Cat Burglar Is ... Actual Cat

Dusty takes shoes, swimsuits, and more

(Newser) - A prolific cat burglar has stolen precious possessions from homes near San Francisco. But police are staying off the case—the burglar really is a cat. Dusty, a 5-year-old feline from San Mateo, has taken hundreds of items during his nearly nightly heists. Dusty's owner tells the San Francisco ...

Man Kills Cat After Brother Sleeps With Fiancée

Sean Mulcahy pleads guilty to animal cruelty

(Newser) - It's brotherly revenge gone terribly wrong: When Sean Mulcahy learned that his brother Ryan had slept with his fiancée, he slit the throat of Ryan's cat, dumped it in a ditch across the street, and then texted Ryan a photo of the grisly deed, reports the Chicago Tribune . Sean...

14% Would Keep Dog, Boot Lover

Women have a tougher time deciding

(Newser) - More evidence of Americans' love affair with pets: Asked whether they'd dump their pet or their significant other if forced to choose, a full 14% said the human would go, according to a new AP/Petside poll. "I would absolutely give up my girlfriend for him," one respondent said....

Lost Katrina Cat Back Home After 5 Years

Mississippi family reunited with Scrub

(Newser) - Awesome entry in the cat-came-back department: A Biloxi cat named Scrub has been reunited with his family five years after he disappeared in the aftermath of Katrina. He'd been turned in as a stray about 15 miles away, and the humane society tracked his owners through a microchip, reports the...

Cat Bin Lady Charged With Animal Cruelty

Charges against Mary Bale could carry prison sentence

(Newser) - The British woman who outraged animal lovers worldwide after being caught on a surveillance camera dumping a cat into a garbage can and slamming the lid has been hit with two animal cruelty charges. Mary Bale, 45, will appear in court next month on charges of causing unnecessary suffering to...

Can You Legally Eat Your Kitty?
 Can You Legally Eat Your Kitty? 

Can You Legally Eat Your Kitty?

If you're in Missouri, maybe

(Newser) - Had Gary Korkuc not been pulled over by cops with good hearing on Sunday night, the meowing cat in his trunk might have wound up fried with the peppers and onions it was marinating in . But would that have been legal? Maybe in Missouri, writes Brian Palmer for Slate . Only...

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