terrorist attack

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Docs: Jews Were Tortured in Mumbai

Hospital staff horrified by condition of bodies recovered from Jewish center

(Newser) - Jews taken hostage in the Mumbai attacks were tortured by their captors before being bound together and executed, the Daily Telegraph reports. Doctors in the hospital where victims' bodies were taken say the level of brutality evident was among the most disturbing sight of their careers. Six Jewish victims have...

India Demands Pakistan Deliver Fugitives

Tensions rise as India calls for concrete action in wake of Mumbai attacks

(Newser) - India is demanding that Pakistan turn over 20 fugitives as a show of good faith that the nation intends to fully cooperate with investigations into the Mumbai terror attacks, Reuters reports. The list of fugitives, which was first submitted to Pakistan in 2002, includes a reported financier of Lashkar-e-Taiba, the...

Liberal Dreams Died in Mumbai
 Liberal Dreams 
 Died in Mumbai 

Liberal Dreams Died in Mumbai

(Newser) - Unlike the terrorists in Mumbai, the mainstream media has missed the boat—but can still dispel illusions about how to curb terrorist threats, Arthur Herman writes in the National Review. One illusion is that resolving India-Pakistan tensions, and problems in Kashmir, will deter terror. "Terrorists see it the other...

How 10 Young Men 'Took Over Our City'
 How 10 Young Men 
 'Took Over Our City' 

How 10 Young Men 'Took Over Our City'

In minutes, group landing from sea spread terror across Mumbai

(Newser) - How did 10 young men cripple a bustling Indian city in minutes? It started when four arrived on an inflatable boat in a poor fishing colony, scaring off inquisitive residents and jumping into taxis for the Oberoi Trident hotel, the Washington Post reports. “It’s a slum area. We...

Rice to Jet to Mumbai as India Talks War

India security raised to 'war level' as Pakistan shifts troops

(Newser) - US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is preparing to fly to India as the Indian government yesterday raised its security to "war level," proclaiming it has proof that Pakistan played a role in the Mumbai terror attacks that killed more than 170 people. Pakistan has responded by threatening...

Meet India's New Security Chief
 Meet India's New Security Chief 

Meet India's New Security Chief

Palaniappan Chidambaram to fill portfolio empty following Mumbai attacks

(Newser) - A shakeup following the Mumbai terror attacks has put India's finance minister in charge of security, the Wall Street Journal reports. As home minister, ex-finance chief Palaniappan Chidambaram is expected to forge an anti-terror task force and may station commandos around the country. His predecessor, who had spoken repeatedly of...

Murdered Brooklyn Rabbi, Wife to Be Buried in Israel

'Crying' son marked 2nd birthday yesterday

(Newser) - The Brooklyn-raised rabbi and his wife who were murdered in the Mumbai attacks will be buried in the Holy Land, the Daily News reports. Gavriel Holtzberg, 29, had wrapped the bodies of slain hostages in prayer shawls before being shot himself. The couple’s orphaned son marked his second birthday...

Who Needs CNN?
Who Needs CNN?

Who Needs CNN?

Citizen journalists capture Mumbai story without bureaucratic headaches

(Newser) - Witnesses of the Mumbai terror attacks didn’t wait for CNN to get information: They captured it themselves, the New York Times reports, the latest example of citizen journalists using technology to put themselves on the frontlines of news. “I felt I had a responsibility to share my view...

We Aimed to Murder 5,000: Mumbai Terrorist

'I have done right,' militant declares to police

(Newser) - The lone Mumbai terrorist captured alive said months of training had prepped him and his cohorts to kill 5,000 people, the Daily Mail reports. Describing the massacre to police, Azam Amir Kasab of Pakistan, 21, said his instructions were to “target whites, preferably Americans and British.” He...

Why Wasn't India Prepared?
 Why Wasn't 
 India Prepared? 

Why Wasn't India Prepared?

In aftermath, many ask how 10 men wreaked such havoc

(Newser) - With Mumbai's bloody 3-day siege over, questions are arising about India's failure to anticipate and quickly repel the attack on its financial capital, the New York Times reports. A gang of only 10 terrorists caused widespread carnage, infiltrating three buildings, fighting off security forces, and fooling them into believing there...

Killers Aim for Mumbai Dream
 Killers Aim for  
 Mumbai Dream 

Killers Aim for Mumbai Dream

City's a golden songbird they want dead: Mehta

(Newser) - A Mumbai native and 9/11-era New Yorker asks a familiar question in the wake of India's attacks: Why do they hate us? The beloved city he still calls Bombay "stands for lucre, profane dreams, and an indiscriminate openness." It's a sensual, vibrant place that understands money and...

US Suspects Pakistani Group Behind Mumbai Terror

Kashmir-based extremist group has links to al-Qaeda, Taliban

(Newser) - American intelligence experts are focusing on a Pakistani group as they help India probe the Mumbai attacks, the New York Times reports. Counterterrorism authorities won't say what makes them suspect Kashmir-based Lashkar-e-Taiba, but it’s believed that at least one member has been captured for interrogation. The militant group is...

Terrorists Planned to Blow Up Hotel

Pakistani man confesses that group planned to blow up Taj Hotel

(Newser) - A captured terrorist has confessed that his group intended to blow up Mumbai's Taj Mahal hotel, and had enough explosives to reduce it to rubble in an "Indian 9/11," the Times of India reports. The 21-year-old Pakistani, apprehended after a gunfight in which he killed a police inspector,...

Mumbai Crisis: 60 Hours, 195 Killed, 295 Wounded

Officials tie attacks to Pakistan

(Newser) - The attacks by terrorists on Mumbai spread over 60 hours and left at least 195 dead and 295 wounded, AFP reports. As the focus turns now to figuring out who and why, authorities were piecing together the logistics of the assaults. Attackers arrived by water Wednesday night on a pair...

Taj Terrorists Dead; Threat Over
 Taj Terrorists Dead; 
 Threat Over 

Taj Terrorists Dead; Threat Over

(Newser) - Commandos have gunned down the last two or three terrorists in the Taj Mahal hotel in Mumbai, ending the crisis that paralyzed the city for 3 days and took at least 160 lives, CNN reports. Other luxury hotels were cleared out earlier today, but security forces continued to fight terrorists...

Pakistan Backpedals, Won't Send Intel Chief to India

Historic visit will be the first of an ISI chief in history.

(Newser) - Pakistan made an abrupt about-face today and announced it would send an intelligence representative, not its intelligence chief, to India to aid in the investigation of the Mumbai terror attacks, the Hindustan Times reports. India had demanded that the ISI chief visit, and Pakistan agreed, but backtracked after a late-night...

Rabbi, Wife Slain in Mumbai Jewish Center

Other US victims were Virginia man and his teenage daughter

(Newser) - The massacre in Mumbai has left at least four Americans dead: A Brooklyn-raised rabbi and his wife, and a Virginia man and his teenage daughter. Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg, 29, and Rivka Holtzberg, 28, were slain at a Jewish center they helped run. Family and friends in Brooklyn have one speck...

Who Attacked Mumbai? Eyes Turn to Pakistan

Police investigate terrorists' boat; no al-Qaeda link seen

(Newser) - It's still unclear what group is behind the terrorist attacks in Mumbai that have now left 125 dead, but a consensus is growing that foreigners, possibly from Pakistan, may have orchestrated the assaults. Police are investigating the origins of a fishing boat that ferried the terrorists to Mumbai—and which...

Mumbai Jewish Center Siege Over; Hostages Dead

Local news says assault on militants there is over

(Newser) - A huge explosion shook Mumbai’s Jewish center as Indian commandos ended a siege on militants holding foreign hostages there, MSNBC reports. A local rescue service reported that all hostages inside were dead, including two Americans. Local news reports said the mission was over, with militants either dead or captured...

Commandos End Mumbai Hotel Siege

Hostages saved as battles with militants continue throughout city

(Newser) - Indian commandos have ended a standoff at Mumbai's Oberoi hotel and freed some 200 hostages, Bloomberg reports. Two terrorists were killed. The military is still fighting to flush out terrorist gunmen in other parts of the city. Up to four terrorists are still holed up with hostages at the Taj...

Stories 281 - 300 | << Prev   Next >>