economic plans

12 Stories

Harris' Economic Plan Signals an 'Escalation'

She's doubling up on some Biden policies

(Newser) - Vice President Kamala Harris is set to make her most significant economic policy announcement yet, to include a proposed ban on price gouging in the food sector and a crackdown on corporations. Harris will unveil her economic plan Friday in Raleigh, North Carolina, and the proposals described or hinted at...

Buttigieg Plan: Free College for Families Under $100K

Sound Bend mayor lays out economic blueprint

(Newser) - Pete Buttigieg wants to help low-income families with free college tuition, free childcare, and expanded tax credits, according to a $2.1 trillion economic plan announced Friday. The plan includes free tuition at four-year public colleges for families earning up to $100,000, reduced tuition for those earning up to...

120K Protest 'Economic Treason' in Dublin

(Newser) - As many as 120,000 marched through Dublin today, enraged over a government plan to repair the economy by freezing worker pay and taxing pensions, the Irish Times reports. Calling the strategy "economic treason" in a speech to the crowd, union leader David Begg blamed "a business...

Obama's Cure Not Potent Enough for Economic Ills

Call for bold action on economy followed by plan that falls a long way short

(Newser) - Barack Obama's call for aggressive action on the economy hasn’t been backed up by a plan bold enough to do the job, Paul Krugman writes in the New York Times. Plunging levels of investment and consumer spending will leave a gap of around $2 trillion between what America produces...

Dems Don't Like Obama Tax Cuts
Dems Don't Like Obama Tax Cuts

Dems Don't Like Obama Tax Cuts

Hill leaders doubt plan's stimulus power, say prez-elect trying too hard to woo GOP

(Newser) - Barack Obama's proposed tax cuts are opening a rift with his former congressional colleagues, the Hill reports. Democratic lawmakers are skeptical as to whether the cuts—which are 40% of the proposed stimulus package—will give the economy the necessary boost. Some think the president-elect is trying too hard to...

Obama Visit Is Stimulus for White House-Congress Ties

Obama sees economic talks as first step to healing wounds of Clinton, Bush years

(Newser) - President-elect Obama’s visit to Capitol Hill today is as much about an economic stimulus package as it is about stimulating the White House-Congress relationship neglected by Bill Clinton and George W Bush, writes Manu Raju in Politico. A bipartisan, inclusive approach should earn Obama points with lawmakers—but if...

Obama Signals From Sidelines
 Obama Signals From Sidelines 

Obama Signals From Sidelines

Walks fine line while Bush remains in office

(Newser) - Barack Obama is swiftly filling his Cabinet and outlining the direction of his economic plans, the Los Angeles Times reports, a decisive push unusual for a president-elect. “There's no question that Bush is still president, but people are looking for signs to see what's going to happen going forward,...

Euro Leaders Hope to Emerge With Crisis Action Plan Today

Europe scrambles to shore up banks

(Newser) - European leaders hoped to emerge today from a meeting in Paris with a detailed unified action plan to address the continuing worldwide economic crisis, Reuters reports. Banks continued to hold emergency talks today with officials in the British government, which is about to purchase major equity stakes in the nation's...

Economists 'Endorsing' Mac Plan Didn't See Fine Print

Of 300 signed on to support jobs plan, many tepid, or worse, on his overall agenda

(Newser) - On Monday, John McCain's campaign released a pledge of support for the candidate’s “Jobs for America” plan signed by 300 economists. But, Politico found in interviews with a sample of the signatories, many didn’t actually support many of the policy prescriptions in the Republican's plan—and one...

McCain, Obama Outline Dueling Economic Plans

Candidates differ sharply on how to get economy rolling again

(Newser) - John McCain and Barack Obama drew clear battle lines yesterday over a central election issue—the sputtering economy. McCain promised to boost the economy with tax cuts and reduced regulation, while Obama set out a strategy to help the hard-hit poor and raise taxes on the rich, reports the Washington ...

McCain Outlines More Specific Fiscal Stance

Candidate looks to cut taxes, project fiscal responsibility

(Newser) - How would John McCain run the economy, really? In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, the candidate tried to answer that question, positioning himself as a fiscally responsible defender of the Bush tax cuts. But the candidate’s tax proposals don’t quite add up, the Journal notes, and...

Dems Tread Similar Paths on Economy
Dems Tread Similar Paths
on Economy

Dems Tread Similar Paths on Economy

Neither Clinton nor Obama venturing far into populist Edwards territory

(Newser) - With the Ohio and Pennsylvania primaries on the horizon, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are fine-tuning economic visions that have more similarities than differences, reports the Washington Post. Both candidates promise to ease the middle class tax burden while putting pressure on corporations that send jobs overseas, and to protect...

12 Stories