
Stories 101 - 108 | << Prev 

Japan Sends Mixed Signals on Whale Hunt

It cites tradition but denies tribe's bid to fish for salmon

(Newser) - Japan has a ready defense for its internationally maligned whale hunt: Whaling is integral to Japanese culture, embedded in the country's traditional diet, literature, and religion. Yet this argument looks questionable in light of the Japanese government's refusal to allow indigenous people to continue their traditional salmon fishing, writes Bruce...

New Zealand to Japanese Whalers: Go Home!

'Deception' blasted as fleet sails for 'research'

(Newser) - As a Japanese whaling fleet churned to Antarctic waters, a furious New Zealand prime minister today blasted the "deception" of Japan's claim that the killing ships will conduct research rather than commercial whaling. It would be better "if the Japanese stayed home," said Helen Clark. The fleet...

Whale Beached in Amazon
Whale Beached in Amazon

Whale Beached in Amazon

Minke stuck on sandbar in the rain forest

(Newser) - Frantic villagers yesterday splashed water to try to save the life of a whale beached in a river in the Amazon rain forest 1,000 miles from the ocean. The 18-foot minke whale was stuck on a sandbar in the Tapajos River in Brazil. "It apparently got separated from...

Aussies Blubbering About Decoding Whale Speak

Scientists put meaning to clicks & squeals

(Newser) - Australian scientists believe they've begun to decode the meaning behind whale sounds after extensive study of humpbacks off the nation's coast. They identified at least 34 types of whale calls, including a male purring sound associated with female wooing, high-frequency cries during disagreements, and a "wop" sound often exchanged...

What to Do With a Dead Whale
What to Do With a Dead Whale

What to Do With a Dead Whale

Washed-up hulks are difficult to dispose of

(Newser) - The rash of dead whales washing onto California shores recently isn’t just an ecological tragedy; it’s a mammoth challenge. Disposing of whale carcasses is notoriously difficult, the LA Times explains. Pull one out to sea, and it will probably drift back—as a 70-ton whale did in Malibu...

5 Held in Whale Shooting
5  Held in Whale Shooting

5 Held in Whale Shooting

Makah machine gun marine mammal off Washington coast

(Newser) - Five members of Washington's Makah Tribe were being held today after a harpooned California gray whale died as it headed out to sea. The AP reports that yesterday the tribesmen harpooned and shot the animal mammal with a .50 caliber machine gun. While the tribe has exercised its whaling rights...

Whales Head Home after 2-Week Stay
Whales Head Home after 2-Week Stay

Whales Head Home after 2-Week Stay

Officials think lost humpbacks have returned to the Pacific

(Newser) - Moby-Dick and Jonah can rest easy—the most overexposed whales in the world appear to have returned to the obscurity of the Pacific Ocean. The two humpbacks, who sparked an international media frenzy after getting stuck in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta 2 weeks ago, haven't been seen since late...

Lost Whales Heading Home, Face New Perils

Whales at risk from large ships, wrong turns, disease

(Newser) - The lost whales in the Sacramento River are on their way home, but may now be in danger from large ships. The mother humpback and her calf had lingered more than a week in the freshwater river, but now have made it to about 50miles from the ocean. The closer...

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