Lindsay Lohan

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Things Worth Forgetting From 2011—Like Snooki and Donald Trump
Things From 2011 You Must Wipe From Your Memory

Things From 2011 You Must Wipe From Your Memory

Lindsay Lohan's rotting teeth, and 44 other items

(Newser) - As the year draws to a close, it's hard not to reflect on the events that have made 2011 the glorious year it was. Well, almost. Writing for Buzzfeed , Dave Stopera, argues that there are about 45 things from the past year we should forget, while toasting to "...

More Trouble for LiLo, This Time in Hawaii

Says her $5K bag was stolen ... with passport, probation paperwork inside

(Newser) - Ah, LiLo, is there no mess you can't get into? Lohan was vacationing in Hawaii over the weekend when her $5,000 Chanel bag went missing—along with the sizable amount of cash, passport, and probation paperwork it contained, reports the New York Daily News . Apparently the starlet was...

Lindsay Lohan: 'Nature' Inspires Her Sexuality

 Lohan Dishes 
 on Sexuality: 
 'I Go With 
'playboy' interview

Lohan Dishes on Sexuality: 'I Go With Nature'

Actress says Marilyn Monroe inspires her

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan reveals the secret behind her free-wheeling sexuality in the upcoming issue of Playboy: "Sex and sexuality are a part of nature, and I go along with nature," she tells the mag, whose cover pic of Lohan has already leaked online . "I think Marilyn Monroe once...

Is This Playboy's Last Shot at Relevancy?

Magazine, Lindsay Lohan both looking a bit desperate

(Newser) - There's plenty of buzz around Lindsey Lohan's upcoming appearance in Playboy , and even suggestions that it could revive the former child star's film career, but it seems like "a last gasp for relevancy by the aging magazine" to Rene Lynch at the Los Angeles Times . The...

Lohan's Nude Playboy Cover Leaked Online

But she hides her birthday suit behind bunny chair

(Newser) - Poor Lindsay. She can't even seem to get her big Playboy nude debut right. It's not her fault, though. Someone leaked her Playboy cover online. It doesn't actually show much, because the birthday-suited actress is strategically straddling a red Playboy bunny-shaped chair that hides most of her...

Hef: 'Very Classy' LiLo Completely Nude in Playboy

And, not surprisingly, inspired by Marilyn

(Newser) - When you hear the word “classy,” surely you think of Lindsay Lohan, in her birthday suit, in Playboy—right? Well, Hugh Hefner apparently assumes you do, because he assures The Insider that Lohan’s spread is “classy. Very classy.” (And is she, as rumored , completely naked?...

LiLo Freed After 4.5 Hours in Jail

That's enough time to learn a lesson, right?

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan checked into jail at 8:48pm last night to serve her 30-day sentence … and promptly checked out again less than five hours later, around 1:30am, TMZ reports. The gossip site had previously noted that LiLo would most likely be released after mere hours due to prison...

LiLo Gets 30 Days in Slammer
 LiLo Gets 30 Days in Slammer 

LiLo Gets 30 Days in Slammer

...Except sheriffs say she'll actually only serve 6

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan is officially going to jail—but not for very long. Judge Stephanie Sautner sentenced the actress/ aspiring Playboy model to 30 days behind bars today, after she admitted to violating her probation by skipping therapy sessions at the Downtown Women’s Center. But the county sheriff’s department...

Lohan's Playboy Shoot: It's the Full Monty

Magazine gets full frontal: TMZ

(Newser) - See, Lindsay Lohan can give it her all when the spirit moves her: TMZ reports that her $1 million shoot for Playboy, which wrapped up yesterday, will result in full frontal nudity (as TMZ puts it, readers will get an eyeful of "the holy trifecta.") No word...

Lohan Posing in Playboy for $1M

Despite legal problems, shoot reportedly already started

(Newser) - It's a long way from The Parent Trap. Tabloid regular and occasional actress Lindsay Lohan is heading to the pages of Playboy magazine—for close to $1 million, reports TMZ . The famous girlie mag apparently offered $750,000, but LiLo wanted a full $1 million. She didn't get...

LiLo Skips Community Service Again?

Doesn't show up at morgue on time as ordered by judge

(Newser) - Apparently being led out of court in handcuffs and thrown back, albeit briefly, in jail was still not enough to teach Lindsay Lohan how to actually show up for her court-ordered community service. Lohan, who was ordered by the judge yesterday to perform community service at the county morgue until...

Lohan Taken Away in Cuffs After Probation Revoked

Judge orders her to work in the morgue

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan was taken out of court in handcuffs today after a furious Judge Stephanie Sautner revoked her probation. Lohan’s bail bondsman will have her out on bail later today, but the actress could now wind up spending up to 18 months in prison; the judge set a hearing...

Judge May Order Lohan Back to Slammer Today

Prosecutors want her behind bars for blowing off community service

(Newser) - Prosecutors are out to put Lindsay Lohan back behind bars after she blew off her community service . Lohan has never shown up at an LA coroner's office, where she was supposed to work 120 hours, and rarely appeared at a women's shelter, where she was required to put...

LiLo Washes Out of Community Service

Lindsay's been ducking the rules: TMZ

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan is screwing up again. She's been bounced from her court-ordered community service assignment for failing to follow rules, reports TMZ . She was ordered to serve 360 hours at the Downtown Women's Center in Los Angeles as probation in her shoplifting case. Lohan was supposed to show...

LiLo Goes to Extremes With New Tattoo

Billy Joel lyrics sprout on Lindsay's rib cage

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan has a lengthy, wordy new tattoo on her rib cage, and a source says that's a good thing. It proves she's focused, see? LiLo has tatted the lyrics “Clear as a crystal sharp as a knife/I feel like I’m in the prime of my...

Kim Kardashian Wedding: Neighbors Called Cops, Lindsay Lohan Partied Hard, Kendall Jenner Looked 'Sexy'
 Cops Called on Kim's Wedding 
and more...

Cops Called on Kim's Wedding

Plus: Who was the 'Pippa'? And more...

(Newser) - Unless you spent the weekend under a rock, you are probably aware that Kim Kardashian is now married (and $17.9 million richer ). And if you were annoyed by her wedding extravaganza, well, you weren’t the only one: Several neighbors got fed up with the noise from the...

Wine-Swilling Lohan: I Deserved Black Swan

Actress drinks wine while discussing her sobriety, says writer

(Newser) - Troubled actress Lindsay Lohan discussed her sobriety while drinking wine, then complained bitterly that she deserved the starring role in Black Swan, reports a Miami journalist. Lohan pointed out that she "took ballet until she was 19 and was indignant that she was not considered for Black Swan,"...

Lindsay Lohan Didn't Violate Probation by Drinking Alcohol: Judge
 LiLo Didn't Break  
 Probation: Judge 
no jail

LiLo Didn't Break Probation: Judge

But Lohan did show 'extremely poor judgment' by hosting party

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan headed to court in Los Angeles today for allegedly violating her probation—but it turns out she did nothing wrong, at least legally. Though she had tested positive for alcohol , her probation terms never called for alcohol testing, just testing for controlled substances. And even those tests were...

Lindsay Lohan Going Back to Court After Allegedly Testing Positive for Alcohol
 LiLo Flunks 
 Alcohol Test, 
 Ordered Back 
 to Court 
surprise, surprise

LiLo Flunks Alcohol Test, Ordered Back to Court

Probation Department wants her in jail: sources

(Newser) - Another day, another failed substance abuse test for Lindsay Lohan: Yes, she's headed to court again this morning, after testing positive for alcohol last week. Sources tell TMZ LiLo was tested twice, including once after she threw a rooftop barbecue, and tested positive one of the times. They add...

Lindsay Lohan Begins House Arrest Sentence
 LiLo Begins 
 House Arrest 

LiLo Begins House Arrest

Lindsay Lohan will serve sentence of roughly 35 days

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan arrived bright and early at LA's Lynwood Jail today to surrender for a house arrest sentence related to the theft of a necklace , according to TMZ . The 24-year-old actress will be cooped up in her townhouse for roughly 35 days with the electronic ankle bracelet she was...

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