Lindsay Lohan

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LiLo Sued Over Fake Tanner
 LiLo Sued Over Fake Tanner 

LiLo Sued Over Fake Tanner

Chemist says formula is stolen

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan’s latest career venture has hit a speed bump, the St. Petersburg Times reports: A Florida chemist is suing Lohan for allegedly stealing her formula to create the actress’ sunless tanner. Jennifer Sunday says she was working on a deal with Lohan’s partner, Lorit Simon, that fell...

Actress/ Activist Hannah Arrested

Actress/ Activist Hannah Arrested

Plus, Angelina Jolie sets her sights on the presidency

(Newser) - Daryl Hannah feels strongly about coal mining—so strongly that she was arrested for protesting it in West Virginia yesterday, E! reports. The actress and 30 others staged a sit-in on a major highway and were charged with impeding traffic. Elsewhere:
  • President Angelina Jolie? It could happen. She wants to

LiLo, Paris Jealous of Jon and Kate

In latest drama, Lindsay denies Tweeting about cheating Timberlake

(Newser) - With Jon and Kate Gosselin dominating the tabloids, party girls like Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton are doing anything they can to get back in the spotlight. “Lindsay and Paris hate not being on the covers of weeklies,” a source tells the New York Post. “That's why...

Tweeting LiLo Loses Sam, Again

Lohan uses site to call ex, Justin Timberlake cheaters

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson have split for good, a source tells People. The pair hadn’t even made the reunion official before LiLo’s antics—including a new love for Twitter—made even friendship impossible. And it’s not just Ronson who’s suffering from the tweets: Lohan posted...

Scotland Yard to Grill LiLo in $500K Bling Theft

(Newser) - Scotland Yard is seeking to question Lindsay Lohan as part of an investigation into the theft of some $500,000 in Dior jewelry she wore during an Elle photo shoot in London, reports TMZ. Lohan was featured on the cover. Lohan "kept going on about the jewels, asking if...

Rejoice! LiLo, Sam Back On
 Rejoice! LiLo, Sam Back On 

Rejoice! LiLo, Sam Back On

And maybe even engaged, wink wink

(Newser) - Following Samantha Ronson around London appears to have paid off for Lindsay Lohan. The tempestuous couple flew home together and were even spotted holding hands at Heathrow Airport, the Mail reports. Back in the States, LiLo made a beeline for Sam’s house and let herself in. Even better? She...

Speidi Still on I'm a Celeb , Sigh
 Speidi Still on I'm a Celeb, Sigh 

Speidi Still on I'm a Celeb, Sigh

Plus, LiLo stalks Sam, LeAnn stalks Eddie, and more

(Newser) - You can stop holding your collective breath, world: Spencer and Heidi Pratt are still on I’m a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here!, their rep confirms to Us. Last night’s episode implied the reality couple, after trying to quit twice, really left—but a pair of people spotted...

LiLo Could Bring Down Fashion House
 LiLo Could Bring 
 Down Fashion House 

LiLo Could Bring Down Fashion House

Plus, Speidi quits reality show, for real this time

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan’s acting career is on the rocks, so she wants to try out fashion. But the head designer at House of Emanuel Ungaro—in talks with Lohan—threatened to quit if she comes aboard, the New York Post reports. Elsewhere:
  • Reality couple Spencer and Heidi Pratt has quit

I Didn't Threaten Fiancée: Lohan Dad

Denies charges, says suit will be dropped

(Newser) - Michael Lohan, who pleaded not guilty to accusations he threatened to kill his fiancée, tells E! that Erin Muller wants to drop the charges. “By no means did I threaten to cause harm to Erin or myself,” he says. “As a matter of fact, Erin even...

Madonna Nude Up for Auction
 Madonna Nude Up for Auction 

Madonna Nude Up for Auction

Plus, Rihanna and Chris move into film, and more

(Newser) - Want to gaze upon Madonna in the nude? Your chance is coming up when a 2005 portrait goes up for auction in Glasgow Saturday, the Mirror reports. The oil painting shows a naked Material Girl with now-ex-hubby Guy Ritchie. Elsewhere:
  • Rihanna and Chris Brown are both moving on—from just

Lohan Vows to Producer: I'll Be a Good Girl

Tabloid queen promises to change her ways for next film

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan promises to get her act together for her next film, People reports. “She said, ‘I really want to get serious. I'm committed,’” recalled Kent Parker, producer of indie comedy The Other Side, which begins filming this fall. “I’m not worried whatsoever,”...

It Was a Burglary Attempt: Cops Have Security Tape

(Newser) - Turns out, someone tried to break into Lindsay Lohan's house after all, People reports. LAPD released a surveillance video of one person in her back yard trying to find a way into the house while a second person waited in a car. Police responded to a security alarm at Lohan's...

OMG, You Guys, Celebs Wear Outfits Twice!

As recession chic grows, old clothes become the new black

(Newser) - Just as fashionistas have come to terms with our first lady buying clothes off the rack and (gasp!) online, a new bombshell: celebrities are wearing outfits more than once. In public! And it's not just Mrs. O—Liz Hurley rocked the same dress twice, Cher apparently recycled a...

LiLo's House Not Robbed, Just Messy
 LiLo's House 
 Not Robbed, 
 Just Messy 

LiLo's House Not Robbed, Just Messy

Plus, another ex pines over Jen, and more

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan can’t catch a break. First she’s dumped, then her house is broken into—or not. The attempted burglary reported yesterday turned out to be a false alarm, the AP reports. Police said the house was just extremely messy, not ransacked. Elsewhere:
  • Jennifer Aniston’s exes are

Madonna to Jesus: Learn English!
 to Jesus: 
 Learn English! 

Madonna to Jesus: Learn English!

Plus, Ali Lohan turning into her sister, more

(Newser) - Age is nothing but a number to Madonna and 22-year-old boy toy Jesus Luz, but the language barrier is a problem. The Material Girl is paying $1,000 a week for an English tutor, the Daily Star reports, citing the Star. Elsewhere:
  • Fifteen-year-old Ali Lohan might be the new Lindsay

No Secret Brad-Jen Meeting: Rep
 No Secret 
 Brad-Jen Meeting: Rep 

No Secret Brad-Jen Meeting: Rep

But not-so-secret Lilo-Sam meeting, and more

(Newser) - Hot on the heels of the rumor that Brad Pitt wants Jennifer Aniston back, reports surfaced yesterday that the two met last month—or did they? Jen’s reps quickly denied In Touch’s claim that they shared a secret drive around New York, the Daily Star reports. Elsewhere:
  • Lindsay

'Very Happy' LiLo 'In Touch' With Sam

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan is “doing great” after an admittedly “hard month” in April, she tells E! The troubled starlet also says she remains “in touch” with ex Samantha Ronson, and the two reunited briefly last week. “We’re friends,” Lohan said. Asked how she got through...

Kidman Slams Cruise
Kidman Slams Cruise

Kidman Slams Cruise

Plus, ex won't admit dating LiLo, more

(Newser) - Nicole Kidman doesn’t miss being married to Tom Cruise, Marie Claire reports. “I felt it was my job to put on a beautiful dress and be seen and not heard,” the actress told Easy Living. “I felt I became a star only by association. We would...

How LiLo Can Save Her Career
 How LiLo Can Save Her Career 

How LiLo Can Save Her Career

Starlet should take advice from Angie, Drew

(Newser) - It’s hard to imagine Lindsay Lohan as the next Julia Roberts, but that once seemed to be her destiny. After the DUIs, rehab, bad movies, and drama-ridden relationships, can she ever stage a comeback? The New York Daily News asked the experts for advice:
  • “Get involved in charitable

Mr. Big Is Back for Sex Sequel
 Mr. Big Is Back 
 for Sex Sequel 

Mr. Big Is Back for Sex Sequel

Plus, Brangelina's bodyguard sparks Hollywood tell-all panic, and more

(Newser) - Sex and the City fans, rejoice: Chris Noth, aka Mr. Big, has signed on for the sequel, Sarah Jessica Parker tells E! Elsewhere:
  • Hollywood is panicking over news that the Jolie-Pitts’ ex-bodyguard might write a tell-all, MSNBC reports. “If this kind of thing can happen with Brad

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