
10 Stories

Hip Fat Messes With Memory
 Hip Fat Messes With Memory 

Hip Fat Messes With Memory

Study links extra weight to forgetfulness in older women

(Newser) - Fat makes women more forgetful, a new study suggests. Researchers found that carrying extra weight negatively affects memory and that "pear-shaped" women—as opposed to "apple shaped"—are hardest hit. The study of more than 8000 post-menopausal women found that for every one-point increase in a woman's...

'Faint' Sarkozy Hospitalized After Jog

French prez 'felt faint,' undergoing medical tests

(Newser) - Nicolas Sarkozy “felt faint” during his usual morning jog today, reports the Guardian, and was admitted to the hospital where he was under observation and undergoing further tests. Elysee Palace declined to comment further, saying it would release further details this afternoon. The energetic French president is known as...

Top Towns to Raise Outdoorsy Kids
 Top Towns to Raise 
 Outdoorsy Kids 

Top Towns to Raise Outdoorsy Kids

(Newser) - Backpacker combed through info on outdoor programs and proximity to national forests and parks to find the best cities in the US to raise active, crunchy kids. The results:
  • Boulder, Colo.: "Yes, we live here, but Boulder wins on its merits." Close to woods, glaciers, and mountains,

Cycling May Take Toll on Sperm Quality

(Newser) - Men who train vigorously on bicycles have low sperm quality verging on infertility, LiveScience reports. A recent study of Spanish triathletes found that those who rode more than 180 miles a week saw the percentage of healthy sperm drop from a group average of 10% to 4%. “We found...

Poverty, Heat, Infrastructure Make Southerners Fat

(Newser) - The American South is the most obese region in the country because of a “perfect storm” of factors, Claire Suddath writes for Time. Mississippi, whose 33% adult obesity rate makes it the fattest state, is also the poorest, with 21% of people living under the poverty line. That means...

First Lady Joins Elmo to Push Exercise

Sesame Street visit 'the best thing i've done,' First Lady says

(Newser) - Talk about a power couple: Michelle Obama has teamed up with Elmo to film a public service announcement about the importance of exercise and healthful eating, reports Entertainment Tonight. Michelle, a lifelong Sesame Street fan, said meeting the iconic furry character was "probably the best thing I've done” since...

Diet Books for a Skinny 2009
 Diet Books for a Skinny 2009 

Diet Books for a Skinny 2009

Menu: Lemon juice, meditation, and a lunchbox of meat

(Newser) - Another year, another diet book. What's new? The Wall Street Journal dishes the skinny—and the zany—for 2009:
  • I Can Make You Thinner, Paul McKenna: Train your brain to only eat when hungry (hypnosis cd included).
  • The Lemon Juice Diet, Teresa Cheung: The initial recipe—lemon juice, water, maple

Diabetes in US Nearly Doubles in 10 Years

South is hardest hit, as obesity and lack of exercise fuel surge

(Newser) - The nation's diabetes epidemic shows no signs of slowing, Reuters reports. Almost twice as many people were diagnosed with the disease between 2005 and 2007 as between 1995 and 1997. Nearly all of the new cases are Type 2, which is linked to obesity and lack of exercise. Nine of...

'Net Runs Messengers Off Road
'Net Runs Messengers Off Road

'Net Runs Messengers Off Road

Pedal pushers have less and less work

(Newser) - Bike messengers, nearly ubiquitous in many cities in the '90s, are declining in numbers as internet transmission of documents cuts into their business. Seattle has fewer than half the number of active messengers it did 10 years ago, and New York has lost more than 1,000 couriers in the...

Back Pain's Insidious Cost Rises
Back Pain's Insidious Cost Rises

Back Pain's Insidious Cost Rises

US spends ever more on treatment—without much to show for it

(Newser) - Back pain is one of the US' most persistent health problems, but despite new treatment possibilities, Newsweek reports, cures remain elusive. Americans spent $85.9 billion in 2005 on medical costs relating to back pain, up from $52.1 billion in 1997. "We seem to be doing more and...

10 Stories
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