Islamic terrorism

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Pakistan Busts 124 Linked to Mumbai Attacks

Founder of group fingered in attacks among detained

(Newser) - Pakistan has arrested 124 people in a crackdown on groups linked to November's Mumbai terror attacks, reports AP. India has insisted that the days-long siege of its commercial capital that killed 164 was plotted in Pakistan. But Pakistan's Interior Minister Rehman Malik said today that India needed to provide more...

Mumbai Gunmen Aired Slights in Cell Phone Calls

During seige, attackers cite Muslim grievances in India, Kashmir

(Newser) - Cell phone calls made by Mumbai gunmen during their attacks last month have shed some light on the motivations behind the slaughter, the Washington Post reports. Two members of Lashkar-e-Taiba who phoned an Indian TV station during the attacks cited the deaths of 1,000 demonstrators—mostly Muslims—in Gujarat...

Evidence Grows of Regional Hand in Mumbai

Bangladeshi may have played part; Pakistani group still top suspect

(Newser) - Indian authorities believe that all 10 of the known gunmen in last week's Mumbai attacks were Pakistani, but sources inside the Indian police now say that elements from Bangladesh may have aided the attack. CNN reports that a Bangladeshi national bought cell phone cards for the attackers, which they used...

Alleged Mumbai Masterminds Test Pakistan

Banned terror group has operated for years with elite backing

(Newser) - As evidence mounts that the Mumbai attackers had links to a Pakistani militant organization, the nation's new civilian government is facing the toughest test yet of its ability—and its will—to stop terrorism. Pakistan has banned Lashkar-e-Taiba, the group blamed for the attacks. But the Islamist group has operated...

Terrorists Call for YouTube 'Invasion'

Jihadist site urges 'YouTube invasion'

(Newser) - Islamic extremists are being given training in how to use YouTube to spread anti-American propaganda, Reuters reports. A US-based terrorism monitoring organization discovered a posting on an extremist website that gives detailed instructions on best ways to use YouTube, and directions on finding software needed to utilize the site. The...

Five Mumbai Terrorists May Yet Be 'Missing'

Boat that transported gunmen had supplies for more assailants

(Newser) - Indian security forces say at least five terrorists could still be at large after last week’s assault on Mumbai, the Times of London reports. While police said earlier that only 10 militants were behind the attacks that killed almost 200, the fishing boat that transported them carried supplies for...

Rice to Jet to Mumbai as India Talks War

India security raised to 'war level' as Pakistan shifts troops

(Newser) - US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is preparing to fly to India as the Indian government yesterday raised its security to "war level," proclaiming it has proof that Pakistan played a role in the Mumbai terror attacks that killed more than 170 people. Pakistan has responded by threatening...

Why Wasn't India Prepared?
 Why Wasn't 
 India Prepared? 

Why Wasn't India Prepared?

In aftermath, many ask how 10 men wreaked such havoc

(Newser) - With Mumbai's bloody 3-day siege over, questions are arising about India's failure to anticipate and quickly repel the attack on its financial capital, the New York Times reports. A gang of only 10 terrorists caused widespread carnage, infiltrating three buildings, fighting off security forces, and fooling them into believing there...

Who Attacked Mumbai? Eyes Turn to Pakistan

Police investigate terrorists' boat; no al-Qaeda link seen

(Newser) - It's still unclear what group is behind the terrorist attacks in Mumbai that have now left 125 dead, but a consensus is growing that foreigners, possibly from Pakistan, may have orchestrated the assaults. Police are investigating the origins of a fishing boat that ferried the terrorists to Mumbai—and which...

Mass Trials Signal Saudis' Anti-Terror Progress

Nearly 1K will be tried according to Islamic law

(Newser) - The biggest mass prosecution of Islamist extremists in Saudi Arabian history is the latest clue that the kingdom’ anti-terror campaign in on track, the Economist reports. The Saudis plan to try 991 prisoners on charges ranging from committing terrorist violence to justifying it in religious sermons—and will do so...

Al-Qaeda Crows About US Credit Crisis

Some supporters hope for McCain victory

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda websites are celebrating the crippling crisis sweeping the US economy and financial markets, with some internet postings crediting al-Qaeda for luring the nation into a war that has exhausted its resources, reports the Washington Post. Some writers are penning messages expressing hope for renewed terror attacks and a John...

Taliban Govern Large Areas of Afghanistan

Residents turning to Taliban 'rulers' to settle criminal, civil disputes

(Newser) - The Taliban is regaining significant ground in Afghanistan, running a harsh but effective parallel government that wields more power than the official administration, reports the Observer. Taliban influence has spread as far as the outskirts of Kabul, and is firmly entrenched in large parts of the south and east.

At 20, al-Qaeda Is in Decline
At 20, al-Qaeda
Is in Decline

At 20, al-Qaeda Is in Decline

Bin Laden's terror group enters third decade losing war, but 'legacy will endure'

(Newser) - Two decades after its founding, al-Qaeda's golden years are over, argues Peter Bergen in the Washington Post. Osama bin Laden's plan has largely backfired: 9/11 neither resulted in US withdrawal from the Middle East, or in the defeat of "impious" Middle Eastern regimes. But while al-Qaeda discredited itself in...

Captured MIT Grad Linked to Trove of al-Qaeda Secrets

Pakistani was carrying maps, target lists—and emails

(Newser) - A suspected al-Qaeda operative arrested in Afghanistan last month could provide a treasure trove of intelligence about terrorist sleeper cells in the US and abroad, government sources tell ABC News. MIT graduate Aafia Siddiqui, 36, was captured carrying maps of New York, a list of potential targets, information on chemical...

Captured Qaeda Suspect Fires on Troops

MIT-trained Pakistani woman had been fugitive since 2003

(Newser) - An MIT-trained Pakistani neuroscientist with suspected al-Qaeda ties has been charged with trying to kill American soldiers and FBI agents while in custody last month, the New York Times reports. Aafia Siddiqui, who disappeared in Pakistan in 2003, turned up in Afghanistan, where she was detained for loitering suspiciously outside...

Al-Qaeda Calls for Gaza War
 Al-Qaeda Calls for Gaza War 

Al-Qaeda Calls for Gaza War

Message from Osama's deputy urges attack on 'treacherous regimes'

(Newser) - Osama bin Laden's deputy has called on Muslims to launch a  holy war to break Israel's economic blockade of Gaza, reports AP. The call was issued in an 11-minute al-Qaeda audiotape by Ayman al-Zawahri, marking the anniversary of the loss of Gaza, the West Bank and the Golan Heights in...

India Locks Down Jaipur After Bombs Kill 80

City locked down to prevent Hindu/Muslim clashes

(Newser) - Police have locked down the old city of Jaipur today after seven bomb blasts killed at least 80 people yesterday, the AP reports. Police in the western Indian city suspect Islamic terrorists were behind the carnage and have imposed the curfew to prevent any retaliatory violence from the city's Hindu...

Al-Qaeda Is Still Worst Terrorist Threat: US

Safe havens in Pakistan have helped group recharge

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda remains the terrorist group that most threatens the US, Reuters reports. An annual State Department survey of worldwide terrorist activity, out today, said the group killed 5,400 civilians—50% Muslims—in 2007. Though weaker now than in 2001 due to multilateral anti-terrorism efforts, the group has used the...

9 Terrorists Escape From Moroccan Prison

Militants were guilty of 2003 Casablanca bombings

(Newser) - Nine Moroccan terrorists convicted of involvement in the 2003 Casablanca suicide bombings escaped from prison today, AFP reports. The men, Islamist extremists who were serving 20 years to life, tunneled out of Kenitra detention center, near Rabat. They left a note explaining that, having exhausted the appeals process, they resorted...

Osama Bin Laden 'Alive &amp; Well'
 Osama Bin Laden 'Alive & Well' 

Osama Bin Laden 'Alive & Well'

Deputy touts his health on internet

(Newser) - Seven years after 9/11, Osama bin Laden is alive and well, according to his deputy. "Sheik Osama bin Laden is in good health. The ill-intentioned always try to circulate false reports about him being sick," said Ayman al-Zawahiri in a 104-minute recording posted on the internet. The comments...

Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>