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Biloxi Running 'Debtors Prison From the Dark Ages': ACLU

Class-action lawsuit says Miss. city is shaking down poverty-stricken residents

(Newser) - Debtors prisons are supposedly a thing of the distant past —except in Biloxi, Miss. That's according to a class-action lawsuit filed against the city, its police department, the courts, and a private probation company, alleging these agencies have conspired to threaten poor residents into paying up to avoid...

Okla. Gov to Court: Ten Commandments Monument Stays

Mary Fallin rejects state Supreme Court ruling to remove monument

(Newser) - Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin has no plans to take down the 6-foot-tall stone Ten Commandments monument from state Capitol grounds—despite a state Supreme Court ruling ordering just that, reports Reuters . Fallin says her attorney general is asking the high court to reconsider its 7-2 ruling, saying, per Tulsa World ...

Video: White Delaware Cop Kicks Black Suspect in Face

Newly released footage shows August 2013 incident near Dover gas station

(Newser) - "Oh my God. That's bad. That's messed up." That was the reaction of one Delaware viewer interviewed by the News Journal to a video released yesterday showing a white Dover Police Department officer kicking a black suspect in the head during an August 2013 incident, the...

Online Sleuth: Surveillance Planes Spied on Baltimore

ACLU wants answers, FBI and Baltimore PD haven't given any yet

(Newser) - The Internet—a powerful tool that allows you to catch up with friends on social media, indulge in online gaming, and figure out that surveillance planes are hovering over your city. That last activity is how one Baltimore aviation aficionado (and ex-ACLU employee) spent last Saturday night, picking up on...

ACLU Suit: Spill Killer-Drone Details, Mr. President

Complaint says administration has been stonewalling about 'kill list' since 2013

(Newser) - In October 2013, the ACLU filed a FOIA request to find out more about the US counterterrorism drone program, the Guardian reports. Since then, the Obama administration has fought "tooth-and-nail" against releasing documents and "failed to follow through on … commitments to openness," the ACLU said today...

The NSA Just Got Sued by a Whole Bunch of Groups

Wikimedia, ACLU, Amnesty on same side of suit vs. 'dragnet surveillance'

(Newser) - The NSA and the Justice Department made an impressive and diverse list of enemies this morning, via a lawsuit filed over its spying. Not surprisingly filing the suit: the ACLU. But as Reuters reports, it filed Wikimedia v. NSA on behalf of: Amnesty International, the Global Fund for Women, Human...

NSA Xmas Gift: Decade's Worth of Declassified Docs

Reports show numerous instances of 'unintentional technical or human error'

(Newser) - While many people were wrapping presents and prepping for holiday dinners, the NSA did its own holiday sharing on Christmas Eve: The agency released 10 years' worth of declassified documents, Mashable reports. The materials, which covered a period from the middle of 2001 through early 2013, are the heavily redacted...

Why Bush Should Be Pardoned for Torture
Why Bush Should Be
Pardoned for Torture

Why Bush Should Be Pardoned for Torture

ACLU thinks it's the only way to stop future torture

(Newser) - A Senate panel's report on the CIA's use of torture lays out a "blueprint for criminal investigations" of George W. Bush and others, writes ACLU chief Anthony D. Romero in the New York Times . And while that argument might not be surprising coming from the ACLU, this...

Sex Offenders Suffer 'Inhuman' Conditions in Miami: ACLU

Ex-convicts' camp full of rats, lacks toilets: suit

(Newser) - Following their release from prison, registered sex offenders are experiencing "horrid" conditions in Miami: Living outdoors near train tracks, they have no running water or toilets, and they share their camp with rats, the American Civil Liberties Union says in a suit. Their living area is a result of...

'Dangerously Militarized' Cops Misusing SWAT Teams

Army tactics, equipment used for drug raids

(Newser) - Police forces across America have become "dangerously militarized" and are using equipment and tactics taken straight from the Army to do things like serve search warrants and search homes for drugs, a new American Civil Liberties Union report finds. Among the findings of the report on police militarization, as...

Judge: No-Fly List Is Unconstitutional

Air travel an 'aspect of liberties,' she says

(Newser) - In today's world, international travel isn't a "mere convenience or luxury," but "a necessary aspect of liberties sacred to members of a free society," a federal judge has decided, striking down the government's post-9/11 no-fly list procedures as unconstitutional. The judge ordered the...

Judge in '0INK' Case: Plate Rules Make No Sense

Indiana court orders state to clarify guidelines

(Newser) - Quick, which of these license plates was approved and which rejected in Indiana: HATER or HATERS? You probably couldn't tell, and that, along with a host of other similar seemingly random discrepancies, led a judge to yesterday declare the state's system for approving personalized plates unconstitutional, the Indy ...

School Pays Student $70K for Facebook 'Interrogation'

They forced her to hand over password to Facebook, email

(Newser) - A Minnesota school has agreed to pay a student $70,000 to settle a lawsuit stemming from an incident in which administrators forcibly perused her Facebook account, the Minneapolis Star-Tribune reports. It began when Riley Stratton, then 13, posted on Facebook complaining that a hall monitor was mean, and the...

Michigan: We're Protecting Kids From 'WAR SUX' Plate

State defends rejection of personalized license plate

(Newser) - Michigan rejected a Washtenaw County man's request for a personalized license plate reading "WAR SUX," and the state says it's all about protecting the children. David DeVarti, with the help of the ACLU, sued over the rejection, accusing officials of violating the First Amendment, but lawyers...

Woman Gets $5K Bill After Cavity Searches for Drugs

Those searches turned up no sign of drugs, by the way

(Newser) - A 54-year-old New Mexico woman is suing US customs and a hospital after an escalating series of drug searches that took six hours and yielded no sign of drugs—only a $5,000 hospital bill for her trouble. Some details, as rounded up by Raw Story , Reason , and the AP...

Judge to Baker: You Must Serve Gay Weddings

Colorado cake-maker refused to contribute to same-sex ceremony

(Newser) - A baker who refused to make a wedding cake for a same-sex ceremony must serve gay couples despite his religious beliefs or face fines, a judge said today. The order from administrative law judge Robert N. Spencer said Masterpiece Cakeshop in suburban Denver discriminated against a couple "because of...

Woman Sues Catholic Bishops Over Hospital Miscarriage

Catholic hospitals' abortion rule puts women at risk: lawsuit

(Newser) - A Michigan woman is suing US Catholic bishops after having a painful miscarriage at a Catholic hospital that did not offer her an abortion, the Detroit Free Press reports. In her lawsuit, Tamesha Means says she went to Mercy Health Partners in Muskegon in 2010 when her water broke after...

3.3K US Prisoners Serving Life for Non-Violent Crimes

ACLU report slams 'grotesquely' out of whack sentencing

(Newser) - When you think of criminals who get locked away for life with no hope of parole, murderers or rapists might come to mind. But a guy who shoplifted a $159 jacket? He is one of 3,278 prisoners serving such a sentence in federal or state prisons in the US...

Next Stop for 'Boobies' Bracelets: Supreme Court?

Pa. school board votes to appeal federal court decision

(Newser) - The court battle between two girls and their Pennsylvania school over "I (heart) Boobies!" bracelets could be settled by the US Supreme Court. The Easton Area School District board voted 7-1 last night to appeal a federal appeals court's decision that rejected its claim the bracelets are...

ATF to Whistle-Blower: You Can't Publish a Book

John Dodson wrote account of Operation Fast and Furious

(Newser) - ATF agent John Dodson blew the whistle on Operation Fast and Furious , in which feds accidentally handed Mexican drug cartels 2,000 guns. Now Dodson's bosses say he can't publish a book on the scandal—though he plans to do so anyway, Fox News reports. Dodson gave the...

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