US citizenship

Stories 61 - 76 | << Prev 

China Entrepreneurs Peddle US Citizenship for $1,475

Arrange 3-month trips for expectant mothers

(Newser) - US citizenship may be a priceless commodity to many, but it China it runs $1,475 (airfare not included). Entrepreneurs have set up a surprisingly efficient system to take advantage of the provision that babies born on US soil are entitled to citizenship, the Washington Post explains. Expectant moms are...

Arizona's Next Target: Kids Born in US to Illegals

GOP wants to deny citizenship to 'anchor babies'

(Newser) - Arizona Republicans intend to take their tough immigration legislation one step further, and have set their sights on what they call "anchor babies": the US-born children of illegal immigrants, viewed as the legal "anchors" holding their undocumented parents in the US. This fall, the Arizona GOP plans to...

US Can't Use 'Secret Evidence' to Kill a Citizen

Administration must explain the 'legal basis' for this move

(Newser) - News that the CIA has been given the green light to assassinate a US citizen has Spencer Ackerman filling out freedom-of-information requests to find out precisely why. We know that Anwar al-Awlaki is a New Mexico native who lives in Yemen and encourages attacks against Americans. The US cites "...

Evacuation Splits Haitian-American Families

Mixed citizenship means some family members are left behind

(Newser) - America's effort to get its stranded citizens out of Haiti has created a terrible dilemma for the many Haitian-American families with mixed citizenship. Anybody with a US passport can proceed to Port-au-Prince's airport for immediate evacuation, but family members without American passports must be left behind. Around 3,000 Americans...

Iran Accuses American Hikers of Espionage

Opinion on 3 arrested in July 'in the not distant future:' prosecutor

(Newser) - The three American hikers detained by Iran in July have been accused of espionage, a senior Iranian prosecutor says. The three, who the US maintains were on a hiking vacation in Iraq when they accidentally strayed across the poorly-marked border, "have been accused" and the investigation is ongoing, he...

Hawaii: For the Last Time, Obama Was Born Here

(Newser) - The birther movement may have conservatives whipped into a hopeful frenzy that President Obama was born abroad, but Hawaiian officials have had just about enough of that, the AP reports. Top state health officials have again produced Obama's birth certificate. I "have seen the original vital records maintained on...

Congressman Calls for End to 'Birthright Citizenship'

Says policy encourages illegal immigration

(Newser) - A Georgia Congressman wants an end to a US policy granting citizenship to anyone born on American shores, the AP reports. “Birthright citizenship” granted by the 14th Amendment, helps fuel illegal immigration, says Republican Nathan Deal, who’s running for governor. But immigration advocates argue that a change wouldn’...

Iran to Hear Detained Journo's Appeal Next Week

Iranian officials continue to deny that Saberi is on hunger strike

(Newser) - Iranian-American journalist Roxana Saberi will get her chance to overturn or lighten an 8-year prison sentence for spying early next week, when an Iranian court will hear her appeal, Reuters reports. Saberi’s father said the 32-year-old is “very weak,” having been on hunger strike for two weeks....

US Citizenship Requests Tumble

Come on, why wouldn't you want to live here?

(Newser) - It seems fewer people want to hop into the American melting pot these days, as applications for citizenship have fallen off a cliff, the Dallas Morning News reports. After receiving a record 1.4 million requests from legal residents looking to becoming naturalized in fiscal year 2007, US Citizenship and...

Mexican Kidnappers Menace Yanks
 Menace Yanks 

Mexican Kidnappers Menace Yanks

(Newser) - Mexican drug gangs are increasingly targeting Americans, kidnapping them in border towns and, even more disturbingly, US cities like Las Vegas and even Atlanta, Mary A. Fischer writes in Men’s Journal. Ironically, higher post-9/11 border security and Mexico's crackdown on drug cartels has hurt drug sales, forcing competing bands...

US Military Woos Recruits With Citizenship Offer

Armed forces to recruit temporary immigrants

(Newser) - Aiming to swell its ranks as it fights two wars, the US military will offer skilled temporary immigrants who enlist a shot at becoming citizens in just six months, the New York Times reports. Immigrants with temporary visas who have been in the US at least two years will now...

1M New Citizens Break Century Record

Fee increase helps immigration service clear huge backlog

(Newser) - Over a million new American citizens took the oath of allegiance last year—the highest number since the government began keeping records a century ago, reports CNN. The number of people going through the naturalization process has been steadily climbing for decades. The clearing of a major 2007 backlog—along...

Lost Children of Vietnam War Seek Their Place

Amerasians, shunted aside in both cultures, want citizenship

(Newser) - Some American servicemen left children behind when they came home from Vietnam and Korea, and those Amerasians, now in their 30s and 40s, are stuck between two cultures that don't fully accept them. "I am not a refugee, but I am being treated as one," says a member...

Citizenship Fees Up, Applications Down

59% decline seen after charge to would-be citizens rises from $400 to $675

(Newser) - Higher fees for immigrants seeking US citizenship could be responsible for a drop in applications, USA Today reports. The fee went from $400 to $675 last summer; applications are down almost 60% in the first 6 months of 2008, compared to the same period last year. “The expense has...

Citizen Glitch Makes Mac Ineligible to Be Prez: Expert

He's no natural-born American, prof argues

(Newser) - John McCain does not meet the constitutional requirement to be president because he's technically not a natural-born US citizen, a legal professor has concluded. But the expert, who focused on an obscure 1937 law that made McCain a citizen in the months after his birth in the Panama Canal Zone,...

FBI Bails on Immigrant Probes as Backlogs Mount

Backlog means immigrants will be granted residency before background checks

(Newser) - Immigration officials are expected to grant green cards to tens of thousands of aliens before required FBI background checks, because the Department of Homeland Security is struggling under a ballooning backlog, McClatchy Newspapers reports. Background checks would be performed after immigrants are granted residency, which could be revoked if problems...

Stories 61 - 76 | << Prev