
Read the latest Facebook news today on Newser.com

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In Sea Change, Zuckerberg Now Says 'the Future Is Private'

He announces major Facebook overhaul

(Newser) - "I know that we don't exactly have the strongest reputation on privacy right now, to put it lightly," Mark Zuckerberg quipped at the annual F8 Facebook developer's conference—but he promised that the company will turn it around. In his keynote address, the CEO announced a...

Facebook’s FTC Fine Could Be Massive

The FTC has been investigating possible privacy violations

(Newser) - Facebook said it could face a fine of up to $5 billion as the result of an investigation by the Federal Trade Commission, the AP reports. The agency has been investigating Facebook for possible privacy violations, but has not announced any findings yet. The company set aside $3 billion in...

Sri Lanka Blocks Social Media to 'Ease Tensions'

Move could backfire, analysts say

(Newser) - Sri Lankan authorities blocked most social media after Easter Sunday attacks killed more than 200 people , with officials saying the temporary move was meant to curtail the spread of false information and ease tensions. The NetBlocks observatory says it detected an intentional blackout of popular services including Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp,...

AOC Quits Facebook, Calls Social Media 'Public Health Risk'

She's also trying to cut back on Twitter

(Newser) - The youngest member of Congress is known for being social media savvy, but she's decided to break her Facebook habit. "I personally gave up Facebook, which was kind of a big deal because I started my campaign on Facebook," Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told the Yahoo News "...

Zuckerberg's Security Bill Is Staggering

Facebook spends $20M protecting Mark Zuckerberg and his family

(Newser) - Mark Zuckerberg's base salary is nearly nothing—but try protecting him. The Facebook CEO's security bill reached $20 million as he went on "an apology tour" during the company's "year from hell," reports Business Insider . An SEC filing on Friday shows Facebook paid him...

Facebook Has Lofty Goal in Undersea Cable Boom

It wants to encircle Africa in fiber optics, reports Wall Street Journal

(Newser) - Facebook plans to lasso the whole of Africa in underwater cable. The cable project dubbed Simba would encircle the continent, linking several spots on the eastern, western, and Mediterranean coasts in an effort to provide a more stable connection and lower bandwidth costs, people with knowledge of discussions tell the...

She Called Her Ex's New Wife a 'Horse,' Faces Jail

London resident is arrested under Dubai's strict cyber laws when she visits the UAE

(Newser) - When London resident Laleh Shahravesh saw that her ex-husband in the United Arab Emirates was getting remarried, she fired off a few insults on Facebook. "I hope you go under the ground you idiot," was one, per the BBC . "You left me for this horse" was another....

A Big Piece of Facebook History Has Vanished

Many of Mark Zuckerberg's posts are gone

(Newser) - A good chunk of Facebook's history is simply gone—at least from anywhere you'd expect to find it. That's because many of CEO Mark Zuckerberg's posts have vanished from the site, including vital ones reported by the media and everything from 2007-2008, Business Insider reports. Among...

Agency You Might Not Expect Goes After Facebook
Agency You Might Not Expect
Goes After Facebook
the rundown

Agency You Might Not Expect Goes After Facebook

Housing and Urban Development accuses company of aiding housing discrimination

(Newser) - The feds are going after Facebook, but the agency involved might not be the first that would come to mind: the Department of Housing and Urban Development. As the Hill explains, Ben Carson's HUD has filed charges leveling the serious accusation that the company is violating the Fair Housing...

New Facebook Rule: No White Nationalism Allowed

Enforcement starts next week

(Newser) - Facebook is cracking down: On both Facebook and Instagram, "praise, support and representation of white nationalism and separatism" are banned starting next week, the company announced Wednesday . The move comes two weeks after the gunman in New Zealand's mosque shootings streamed the massacre on Facebook. As Variety explains,...

Muslim Group Sues Facebook, YouTube Over Shooting Videos

French Muslims beat NZ group to the punch

(Newser) - A group representing Muslims in France is suing Facebook and YouTube over footage of the mosque shootings in New Zealand. The French Council of the Muslim Faith accuses the platforms, which raced to delete a livestream and copies that sprung up in the aftermath, of "broadcasting a message with...

Yep, It's Another Privacy Problem for Facebook

Millions of passwords were stored in plain text, a big no-no

(Newser) - Facebook left millions of user passwords readable by its employees for years, the company said Thursday, an acknowledgement it offered after a security researcher posted about the issue online. "Security rule 101 dictates that under no circumstances passwords should be stored in plain text, and at all times must...

Half Hour Passed Before Shooter's Livestream Was Flagged

More than 1.5 million copies sprung up in aftermath

(Newser) - Few people watched the live broadcast of helmet cam footage showing the Friday shooting at one of two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, according to Facebook. The 17-minute livestream had fewer than 200 views at its end, and no one reported it during that time. Facebook says the first user...

Facebook Losing 2 Top Execs
2 Top Execs
Depart Facebook

2 Top Execs Depart Facebook

Chief product officer, head of WhatsApp are both leaving

(Newser) - Two top Facebook executives are leaving the company, including product chief Chris Cox, who was long one of CEO Mark Zuckerberg's top deputies. Chris Daniels, who leads encrypted messaging app WhatsApp, will also depart Facebook, Zuckerberg wrote in a post announcing the news Thursday. It isn't clear what...

Facebook's Outage Thought to Be Its Longest Ever

Some users couldn't access site for 14 hours

(Newser) - In a major embarrassment for Facebook, users had to turn to Twitter for updates after what's thought to be the biggest outage in the site's history. "We’re aware that some people are currently having trouble accessing the Facebook family of apps. We’re working to resolve...

Warren Ads Calling for Facebook Breakup Yanked by Facebook

Citing modified logo, company will restore ads to allow 'robust debate'

(Newser) - Facebook may have inadvertently illustrated Elizabeth Warren's point about the consolidation of power by tech giants like itself. The social media company removed numerous ads calling for the breakup of Facebook, Amazon, and Google, published Friday by Warren's presidential campaign. "They've bulldozed competition, used our private...

'Idiot' Jumps on Pelican, Now Faces Charges

Maryland's Hunter Hardesty posted now-viral video involving protected species

(Newser) - Questionable content often finds its way onto Facebook, but viral videos of humans attacking animals generally don't go over well. A Maryland man is finding that out after he posted a clip Thursday from Key West, Fla., in which he's seen apparently luring a pelican over to the...

Warren: Time to Bust Up Google, Amazon

Presidential candidate is going after the giants of tech

(Newser) - Elizabeth Warren wants a fair playing field in the marketplace—and she's going after Big Tech to make it happen. "To restore the balance of power in our democracy, to promote competition, and to ensure that the next generation of technology innovation is as vibrant as the last,...

Zuckerberg Announces Facebook Shift, Critics Wary

He promises a 'privacy-friendly' Facebook

(Newser) - Facebook, which grew into a colossus by vacuuming up your information in every possible way and using it to target ads back at you, now says its future lies in privacy-oriented messaging that Facebook itself can't read. Mark Zuckerberg, co-founder and CEO, announced the shift in a Wednesday blog...

How Highly Personal Data Is Going Right to Facebook

The 'Wall Street Journal' uncovers the activity of 11 popular apps

(Newser) - Turns out Facebook is hoovering more data from your smartphone that you may have realized. The Wall Street Journal says 11 popular apps—mostly related to health and fitness—are sending people's highly personal information to Facebook even if the user isn't on Facebook and the app doesn'...

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