
7 Stories

Man Pleads Guilty in Fatal Stabbing Over Snoring

Christopher Casey of Philadelphia area killed his complaining neighbor

(Newser) - A dispute over loud snoring led to one man's death and to a prison sentence for his neighbor in suburban Philadelphia. Prosecutors say Robert Wallace, 62, became irked over the snoring of 56-year-old Christopher Casey, who lived next door to Wallace in a duplex in Upper Moreland and shared...

She Snored So Loudly Her Landlords Told Her to Get Help

Now the Quebec woman's harassment complaint has been rejected

(Newser) - A Quebec woman's loud snoring has become national news in Canada. It seems the unidentified woman snored so loudly, and so regularly, that her downstairs neighbors told the landlord they couldn't take it anymore, reports the BBC . The landlords didn't just pass along the complaint—they showed...

Sleep Apnea, Heavy Snoring Linked to Memory Decline
Sleep Apnea, Heavy Snoring Linked to Memory Decline

Sleep Apnea, Heavy Snoring Linked to Memory Decline

But breathing machines may slow that loss

(Newser) - If you're prone to heavy snoring or sleep apnea, you could also be prone to something a lot more serious: memory and mild cognitive decline, including Alzheimer's, at a much earlier age. So say researchers out of New York University in the journal Neurology . They studied 2,470...

Air Traveler Jabs Snorer With Pen, Booted Off Flight

Southwest reports strange incident

(Newser) - It's bad to be seated next to a snorer on a plane. Worse is if you snore, and you get seated next to someone armed with a pen who evidently can't stand it. Southwest says a woman on a plane used her pen to jab the arm of...

Snoring, Sleep Problems Predict Increased Heart Risk

Those who can't sleep often end up at a greater risk

(Newser) - Not sleeping soundly, or quietly for that matter? It might not only be annoying, but dangerous. Those who snore loudly, have difficulty falling asleep, or wake up feeling tired may be at increased risk of developing heart disease and a host of other medical problems, a new study shows. Snoring...

Doctor: Snoring Can Kill Your Sex Life—and You

Times medic warns that snoring can signal serious health problems

(Newser) - Surveys show that snorers have less sex, writes the Times of London’s resident doctor, and snoring can ruin health as well as relationships. Heavy snorers often don’t breathe properly as they sleep, Mark Porter cautions, and end up waking momentarily hundreds of times a night, leading to fatigue...

Snorer Slept 14 Minutes A Night
Snorer Slept 14 Minutes A Night

Snorer Slept 14 Minutes A Night

British doctors aghast at patient's plight

(Newser) - After 17 years of getting only minutes of sleep per night, a British man is finally getting some quality sack time. Doctors say it's one of the worst cases of sleep apnea on record, the Guardian reports. The man thought he slept 12 hours a night and couldn't figure out...

7 Stories