nuclear weapons

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Putin Says US Forced His Hand on Nuclear Missile Plan

Russian president says missiles banned in late-'80s US-Russia treaty to go into production again

(Newser) - A decades-long halt on Russia's production of shorter- and intermediate-range nuclear-capable missiles has come to an end. Vladimir Putin on Friday called for his country to resume the manufacture of ground-based missiles with a range of between 310 and 3,410 miles, which had been banned in the Intermediate-Range...

Images May Reveal Putin's Nuclear Depot in Belarus

'New York Times' analyzes satellite photos

(Newser) - In the past week, Russia and Belarus have announced measures that could be interpreted as readying nuclear weapons. Russia said that President Vladimir Putin had ordered drills near Ukraine to simulate the use of tactical nuclear weapons. And Belarus' defense minister said that his country's forces, including a unit...

The Possibility of Nuclear War Should Inform Your Vote

George F. Will on what Annie Jacobsen's new book teaches us

(Newser) - George F. Will has read Annie Jacobsen's new book— Nuclear War: A Scenario —so you don't have to. But his top-level summary of it does leave you with an ask: Think carefully about who you vote to put in the White House this November. (You might also...

Ahead of Russian Election, a Stark Warning From Putin

Leader says if Russia's statehood is threatened, it's ready to use nuclear weapons

(Newser) - President Vladimir Putin said that Russia is ready to use nuclear weapons if there's a threat against it, voicing hope that the United States would refrain from actions that could trigger a nuclear conflict. Putin's statement was another blunt warning to the West ahead of a presidential vote...

In New Russia-Nuke Question, a Wrinkle Emerges
In New Russia-Nuke Question,
a Wrinkle Emerges
the rundown

In New Russia-Nuke Question, a Wrinkle Emerges

US tells allies that Putin might launch a dummy warhead into space to throw everybody off

(Newser) - The US is pretty sure Russia is developing a nuclear weapon that could be deployed in space to take out satellites. Vladimir Putin, of course, denies it . Here's a look at coverage with more details on what's going on:
  • Soon? US intelligence agencies are warning allies that Russia

Off the Coast of Florida, UK Suffers Missile 'Anomaly'

Submarine has a 'highly embarrassing' 2nd misfire of Trident missile

(Newser) - A Trident missile shot off a British nuclear submarine in a test launch last month didn't fare well: It misfired and crashed into the waters off of Florida. Per Sky News , the UK Defense Ministry confirmed on Tuesday that an "anomaly" had taken place during the Jan. 30...

Report: Hamas Missile Hit Base That Has Nuclear Weaponry

'New York Times' says the warheads themselves were not struck in Israel

(Newser) - The New York Times has a disturbing report out of Israel, where it says a Hamas missile struck a military base that houses nuclear weaponry. However, none of Israel's nuclear warheads were hit, according to the story by investigative reporter Riley Mellen. The Oct. 7 rocket struck the Sdot...

Israeli Official Suspended After Talk of Nuclear Attack

Netanyahu, defense minister denounce the comment

(Newser) - Israel's heritage minister has been suspended from office indefinitely after suggesting in an interview that Israel could drop a nuclear bomb on Gaza. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took the action after Amichai Eliyahu's radio interview aired Sunday, Politico reports. Reasoning that there are "no non-combatants in Gaza,...

Putin Move Raises Fears of More Nuclear Tests

Russian leader signs bill revoking ratification of test ban treaty

(Newser) - President Vladimir Putin on Thursday signed a bill revoking Russia's ratification of a global nuclear test ban, a move that Moscow said was needed to establish parity with the United States. Putin has said that rescinding the ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, also known as the CTBT, would...

China Preps for Assault With Tips Learned From Russia

Government looks to limit the effect of potential sanctions as it builds up military capability

(Newser) - A Pentagon report on China's military power says Beijing is exceeding previous projections of how quickly it is building up its nuclear weapons arsenal and is "almost certainly" learning lessons from Russia's war in Ukraine about what a conflict over Taiwan might look like, per the AP...

Soldiers' Tricky Mission: Tend Aging Nuclear Arsenal of US

The AP is given a look at the delicate process

(Newser) - In an ultra-sterile room at a secure factory in Kansas City, US government technicians refurbish the nation's nuclear warheads. The job is exacting: Each warhead has thousands of springs, gears, and copper contacts that must work in conjunction to set off a nuclear explosion. Eight hundred miles away in...

As N. Korea Displays Nukes, a Message From Putin

Russian leader thanked North for its 'firm support' amid Victory Day celebrations in Pyongyang

(Newser) - Pyongyang hosted quite a military parade Thursday evening, complete with tens of thousands of spectators, a display of North Korea's nuclear weaponry , and delegates from Russia and China . The event, marking the 70th anniversary of the armistice that stopped the fighting in the Korean War, also saw a special...

We Got Atomic Bombs. St. Louis Paid a Price

A joint investigation finds health risks, spills to the St. Louis area were ignored

(Newser) - The federal government and companies responsible for nuclear bomb production and atomic waste storage sites in the St. Louis area in the mid-20th century were aware of health risks, spills, improperly stored contaminants, and other problems—but often ignored them, finds an investigation done in collaboration by the AP , the...

Think Tank Issues Dire Warning About World's Nukes

'We are drifting into one of the most dangerous periods in human history,' says group after count goes up

(Newser) - A Swedish think tank that keeps tabs on nuclear weapons around the world issued quite a statement Monday to describe the state of things: "We are drifting into one of the most dangerous periods in human history," said Dan Smith of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, per...

Belarus Prez Promises Nuclear Weapons to 'Everyone'

He urges other countries to join Russia-Belarus union

(Newser) - Belarus has signed a deal to allow Russia to deploy nuclear weapons on its territory but President Alexander Lukashenko apparently doesn't want other former members of the Soviet Union to feel left out. In an interview aired on a state-run Russian channel Sunday, the Belarusian leader promised that "...

Belarus Signs Russia Nuclear Weapons Deal

Weapons can now be deployed in Belarusian territory

(Newser) - Russia and Belarus signed a deal on Thursday formalizing the procedure for deploying Russian nuclear weapons on Belarusian territory. Control of the weapons will remain with Moscow. The move formalized a deal agreed on earlier by Russian President Vladimir Putin and Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, the AP reports. Putin announced...

Kim: We'll Expand Nuclear Arsenal 'Exponentially'

N. Korean strongman calls for nuclear scientists to boost production of weapons-grade material

(Newser) - North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has called for his nuclear scientists to increase production of weapons-grade material to make bombs to put on his increasing range of weapons, the AP reports. The report in state media Tuesday followed a series of missile launches—seven launch events in this month...

Ukraine Takes Russia's Nuclear Arms Plan to UN

Foreign ministry wants emergency session of Security Council

(Newser) - Ukraine's government on Sunday called for an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council over Russian President Vladimir Putin's plans to station tactical atomic weapons in Belarus. Ukraine's Foreign Ministry condemned the move in urging the UN to step in. "Ukraine expects effective action to counter...

Russia to Put Tactical Nuclear Weapons in Belarus

Putin argues it's like the US agreements with European nations

(Newser) - President Vladimir Putin said Saturday that Russia will station tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus. The allies struck an agreement after Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko raised the possibility, Putin told Russian state television, per the BBC . Russia will maintain control of the weapons, he said, likening the move to the US...

6 Officers Fired After Missile Base Gets Inspection 'F'

2 commanders, 4 subordinates relieved of command at North Dakota's Minot Air Force Base

(Newser) - Six officers at an Air Force nuclear base were fired this week after units failed an inspection meant to ensure the nation's nuclear weapons stockpile is safe and secure, CNN reports. The two commanders and four subordinates "were in charge of caring for the infrastructure, fuel, and logistics...

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