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Umps Under Fire After Rash of Botched Calls

 Umps Under Fire 
 After Rash of 
 Botched Calls 

mlb playoffs

Umps Under Fire After Rash of Botched Calls

Postseason miscues have MLB considering drastic changes

(Newser) - This year’s postseason has featured the usual thrills—pitchers' duels, come-from-behind victories—and an outbreak of something unusual: botched calls by umpires. The threat of more gaffes in next week’s World Series has the tradition-bound sport considering expanding the use of instant replay beyond the verification of home...

Time to Ditch Umps? (Or at Least Some of Them)

Machines might be able to do this job better

(Newser) - Joe Mauer smashed a ball to left field in the 11th inning Friday, and it landed fair, a foot inside the line. But it won’t show up on any box score, because umpire Phil Cuzzi, standing just 10 feet away, ruled it foul. It’s just one of several...

America Could Use More Umpires: Will

(Newser) - Umpiring is often a thankless job. In Mark Twain’s A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, they’re typically beheaded as soon as they make a controversial call, and modern fans routinely abuse them and question their eyesight. “But their integrity is unquestioned,” writes George Will...

Instant Replay on Deck for MLB
Instant Replay on Deck for MLB

Instant Replay on Deck for MLB

Umpires sign on to management's proposal, but details still up in the air

(Newser) - Umpires and Major League Baseball officials have struck a deal that could bring instant replay to the ballpark as early as the end of this month, AP reports. The World Umpires Association signed the agreement yesterday after days of haggling over details. Video review will be limited to boundary calls...

Managers Get No Red Flags in Replay Plan

And experts analyzing MLB plays won't even be in stadium

(Newser) - MLB's current plan for video review may go into effect as early as August 1, but don't expect it to be like the NFL's system. Team managers will have no say in which plays get looked at, and the experts analyzing footage won't even be in the stadium, ESPN reports.

MLB Wants Instant Replay by August

But officials and umps still need to negotiate details

(Newser) - Major League Baseball asked its umpires today to implement instant replay by August 1, but details remain sketchy, USA Today reports. Both sides still need to bargain over who can demand replays—umpires or managers—what video feeds will be used, and who will make the final call. "It's...

Instant Replay Will Settle This
 Instant Replay Will Settle This 

Instant Replay Will Settle This

Botched calls spark support for review of close plays

(Newser) - Baseball's top umpire says instant replay is on the way, the Houston Chronicle reports. Support for it is growing after four blown calls robbed home runs, but umpire supervisor Rich Rieker warns that the technology must be added "in a fashion that will not delay the game further."

Jesse Jackson Outraged on Umps' Behalf

League probe asked if umpires are KKK members, wife-beaters

(Newser) - Major League Baseball's umpires are fighting mad, and Jesse Jackson is behind them 100%, after reports surfaced that league officials have been asking umps' neighbors questions about marijuana use, domestic violence, and potential membership in the Ku Klux Klan. "They have essentially defamed their people in their own neighborhoods,...

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