Sierra Nevada

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Calif. Faces Worst Drought Ever
 Calif. Faces Worst Drought Ever 

Calif. Faces Worst Drought Ever

With snowpack well below normal, state likely to face water rationing, higher food prices

(Newser) - With winter precipitation lagging well below normal, California officials say residents should prepare for the state’s worst drought on record, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. The snowpack in the Sierra Nevada—the state’s main water supply—is at just 61% of normal after an unusually sunny and dry...

Fossett Died in Crash: Calif. DNA Report

Widow hopes this 'puts a definitive end' to speculation

(Newser) - California officials today identified two large bones found near a Sierra Nevada crash site as Steve Fossett's, the Fresno Bee reports. The Madera County Sheriff refused to say which of the adventurer's bones were found, to avoid hurting the family further, reports the AP. "I am hopeful that the...

Fossett Had 'Subconscious Death Wish'

(Newser) - Steve Fossett took his last, fatal flight into the Sierra Nevada mountains last year because he unconsciously wanted to die, a friend of his said yesterday. Will Hasley, who helped Fossett write a memoir 2 years ago, believes the aviation pioneer was guilt-ridden over marital and financial problems before the...

Hiker Brings 'Closure' for Fossett Widow

Calif. man fields thanks from Branson before fleeing spotlight

(Newser) - The widow of adventurer Steve Fossett, whose wrecked plane was found this week in the Sierra Nevada mountains, reached out personally yesterday to the hiker who played the key role in the discovery, the LA Times reports. Peggy Fossett thanked outdoorsman and sporting-goods salesman Preston Morrow for the chance to...

Searchers Find Human Remains in Fossett Plane

Authorities hope to identify missing millionaire adventurer

(Newser) - Searchers have found human remains in the wreckage of missing adventurer Steve Fossett's plane, Reuters reports. No official confirmation has come yet, but the find is all but sure to end the mystery of Fossett's disappearance more than a year ago on a solo flight from Nevada. His plane, along...

One-Man Beer Outfits Take Brewing Micro Indeed

Super-small operations cater to niches in US niche markets

(Newser) - Some so-called “microbreweries” have grown much too large to use that sobriquet, but as certain outfits outgrow the label, others are just growing into it. Portfolio's Lew Bryson introduces the future of beer: one-man brewing. In a market where once-boutique names like Sam Adams and Sierra Nevada now command...

Vanishing Snow Threatens West
Vanishing Snow Threatens West

Vanishing Snow Threatens West

Global warming blamed for shrinking snowpacks

(Newser) - Blame for a dramatic decrease in Western mountain snowpacks rests squarely on global warming, researchers said yesterday. Using computer models of 50 years' worth of data, scientists confirmed warming is turning snowfall into rain, melting the packs earlier and drying up more rivers by summer. The trend threatens to trigger...

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