World Trade Center

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WTC Rebuilding an Emblem of Can't-Do Politics
WTC Rebuilding an Emblem of Can't-Do Politics

WTC Rebuilding an Emblem of Can't-Do Politics

Morass of competing parties and gridlock mirrors US system

(Newser) - We’re having an entertaining campaign season, Daniel Henninger allows in the Wall Street Journal, but the US' fundamental political system is in deep trouble: “It’s an open question whether we have one, or are losing the one we’ve got.” He finds a microcosm in the...

Hero Dog Wins Cloning Contest

German shepherd who sniffed out WTC survivors will soon have double

(Newser) - A retired Canadian rescue dog who helped find the last survivor in the rubble of the World Trade Center has been chosen as the world's most clone-worthy dog, the Globe & Mail reports. A California genetics company chose 15-year-old German shepherd Trakr to be cloned after reading an essay from...

WTC Project Years Behind, Billions Over

Memorial unlikely to be ready for 10th anniversary of 9/11

(Newser) - The problem-plagued World Trade Center rebuilding project will be completed years behind schedule and up to $3 billion over budget, reports the Wall Street Journal. Construction of the various elements of the $15 billion complex—which includes a sprawling 9/11 memorial, office towers, a performing arts center, and a transportation...

Candidates Spar Over Origins of 9/11 Attacks

Charges of delusion, distortion fly on the trail

(Newser) - A top aide to John McCain aide today called Barack Obama “naïve,” “delusional,” and the “perfect manifestation of a Sept. 10 mindset,” ABC News reports. The sniping came in response to Obama’s comment that the US acted correctly in trying the terrorists...

Pope Prays at Ground Zero
 Pope Prays at Ground Zero 

Pope Prays at Ground Zero

Benedict XVI blesses 9/11 victims and their families

(Newser) - Pope Benedict XVI got on his knees at Ground Zero today to bless the site where 2,600 people died and pray for the victims of the 9/11 attacks and their grieving families. "Turn to your way of love those whose hearts and minds are consumed with hatred,"...

WTC Blueprints Found in Trash
 WTC Blueprints Found in Trash 

WTC Blueprints Found in Trash

After huge security breach, vagrant spots documents

(Newser) - A vagrant sifting through a trash can found confidential blueprints for the Freedom Tower, the New York Post reports. Though the documents are not complete, they contain sufficient information, such as the thickness of the building’s concrete core and schematics of the ventilation system, to facilitate a potentially devastating...

WTC Developer Sues Airlines for 9/11

Silverstein seeks $12.3B on top of insurance payout

(Newser) - The developer of the World Trade Center is suing airlines and airport security companies for $12.3 billion to cover his 9/11 losses, CNN reports. Larry Silverstein signed a 99-year lease on the site just six weeks before the attacks. He holds the defendants responsible for failing to prevent the...

9/11 Illnesses Haunt Journalists
 9/11 Illnesses Haunt Journalists 

9/11 Illnesses Haunt Journalists

Those who covered Ground Zero report breathing problems, other ailments

(Newser) - The helicopter ride through the burning World Trader Center's thick, chemical-laden smoke won Keith Meyers' 9/11 photos a share of the Pulitzer, but he says it cost him his health and career. "I could feel my skin tingling and burning," recalls the former New York Times photographer. Like...

Moving Day for 9/11's Stairway to Freedom

Way out of horror for thousands of survivors will be part of memorial

(Newser) - A potent symbol of survival on 9/11—a 37-step staircase used by thousands to escape the Twin Towers—was temporarily moved yesterday as part of a compromise plan that will incorporate the structure into the World Trade Center memorial. The stairs were hoisted on a flatbed and shifted to another...

Oscar Winner Is 9/11 Doubter
Oscar Winner Is 9/11 Doubter

Oscar Winner Is 9/11 Doubter

French Oscar winner sees a conspiracy to burn the building and pass it off as a terrorist attack.

(Newser) - In year-old video just now resurfacing, best-actress Oscar winner Marion Cotillard says she doesn't believe the "official story" of  the 9/11 attacks—and she's not sure the moon landing was real, either, the Telegraph reports. In a TV interview, the French star of La Vie en Rose speculates that...

Ground Zero Excavation Slow, Pricey
Ground Zero Excavation
Slow, Pricey

Ground Zero Excavation Slow, Pricey

NY Port Authority faces millions in penalties on delays

(Newser) - Ground Zero in New York City is a magnet for patriotism, skepticicm and frustration; underground, it continues to be a very costly challenge. Excavation preparatory to rebuilding is moving so woefully slowly that New York's Port Authority has accrued late fees of $300,000 a day since Jan. 1, with...

Tower Takes 2nd-Tallest NYC Honors
Tower Takes
NYC Honors

Tower Takes 2nd-Tallest NYC Honors

New BofA building outgrows Chrysler; only Empire State is taller

(Newser) - The Big Apple skyline’s getting a new No. 2, the New York Observer reports: Bank of America's new headquarters is set to overtake the Chrysler Building this week as runner-up to the Empire State Building. Luckily for the newcomer, height is traditionally marked at the “structural top”: The...

Muschamp, Critic's Critic, Dies at 59

Wrote during 'surge of exuberance' in architecture

(Newser) - Architecture critic Herbert Muschamp died of lung cancer last night at age 59, the New York Times reports. Muschamp wrote for the Times during a “surge of exuberance” in architecture, and his personal style grabbed readers for more than a decade. Said the Times editor who hired him, “...

9/11 Survivor's Story May Be Tall Tale

Details don't add up in World Trade Center escapee's account

(Newser) - Since September 11, 2001, Tania Head has made a name for herself as one of few people to escape from the upper floors of the World Trade Center, and has devoted much time to organizing survivors' networks and speaking of her experience. But recent inquiries suggest Head may have fabricated...

Six Years Later
Six Years Later

Six Years Later

Country, relatives mark anniversary of 9/11 attacks

(Newser) - Relatives gathered at a park near Ground Zero to remember the victims of the World Trade Center attacks today—the first anniversary without a clear blue sky, notes the New York Daily News. It was also the first time the memorial was moved away from the footprints of the towers....

WTC Victims' Families Grieve All Over Again

Remains continue to be found and identified, even 6 years later

(Newser) - Many of those affected by the 9/11 attacks are still burying loved ones as remains are found and slowly identified, making closure hard to achieve, the Boston Globe reports. "How many times are you going to bury somebody?" asks the widow of a man killed in the World Trade...

2 More Injured at Ground Zero Building

Scaffolding falls from structure where firefighters perished

(Newser) - Two New York firefighters were injured today by scaffolding falling from the Deutsche Bank building near ground zero, the AP reports. The incident came less than a week after a fire at the skyscraper across the street from the World Trade Center site claimed the lives of two other firefighters....

Post-9/11 Hero Dog Loses Cancer Fight
Post-9/11 Hero Dog Loses Cancer Fight

Post-9/11 Hero Dog Loses Cancer Fight

Rescued as a puppy, Jake searched for WTC, Katrina survivors

(Newser) - A black Lab who gained national attention with his rescue work at the World Trade Center site and later searched for Hurricane Katrina survivors has died. Jake, who lived in Utah, was 12 years old and suffering from cancer. Abandoned as a puppy with a broken leg, Jake helped train...

For Rudy, It Aways Comes Back to 9/11

The pros and cons of having terror as your touchstone

(Newser) - The Los Angeles Times tracks Rudy Giuliani's rhetoric on the stump, and marvels at the way he manages to bring just about any topic around to the threat of  terror. Fourteen seconds into in a speech in Des Moines called "Restoring Fiscal Discipline and Cutting Wasteful Washington Spending" the...

NY Firefighters' Emotions About Giuliani Run Hot

Ex-mayor has some fans, but post-9/11 bitterness lingers

(Newser) - In the wake of 9/11, Rudy Giuliani allied himself with the New York Fire Department. He attended funerals even after leaving office, and he continues to bring up "my firefighters" on the stump. But the ex-mayor shouldn't count on the department's 11,000 votes in his run for the...

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