News Corp

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News Corp Wins Approval for BSkyB Deal; Sky News to Be Spun Off
 Brits OK Murdoch Mega TV Deal 

Brits OK Murdoch Mega TV Deal

News Corp to buy BSkyB, spin off Sky News

(Newser) - The British government has given the green light to Rupert Murdoch's biggest deal in the nation for decades. Murdoch's News Corp will be allowed to increase its stake in pay-TV giant British Sky Broadcasting from 39.1% to 100%, on the condition that it spin off its Sky News subsidiary...

Roger Ailes Indictment? Obstruction of Justice Charges Could Come This Week: Sources
 Roger Ailes to 
 Be Indicted? 

Roger Ailes to Be Indicted?

Unsubstantiated report says it could come this week

(Newser) - Fox News boss Roger Ailes could be indicted "this week, maybe even Monday," an anonymous source told TV economist Barry Ritholtz yesterday, presumably on obstruction of justice charges stemming from allegations that Ailes told Judith Regan to lie to federal investigators in order to protect Rudy Giuliani. The...

Fox News Head Advised Lying to Feds: Court Docs

Roger Ailes apparently sought to protect Giuliani White House bid

(Newser) - Five years ago, fired HarperCollins boss Judith Regan claimed an executive at Harper’s parent, News Corp, had pushed her to lie to federal investigators—but until now, that executive’s identity remained hidden. Now court affidavits show that it was Roger Ailes, the head of Fox News, the New ...

Murdoch Unveils The Daily, at Price of 14 Cents a Day

News Corp. boss promises big things for iPad-only paper

(Newser) - Rupert Murdoch unveiled The Daily, his new iPad-only tablet today, promising that it would set the standard for digital newspapers. The much-hyped paper will cost 14 cents a day, or 99 cents per week, according to TechCrunch . An Apple executive was also on hand to confirm that the launch will...

Assange: I've Got Big Dirt on Rupert Murdoch

Secret News Corp docs part of WikiLeaks 'insurance files'

(Newser) - Julian Assange says the "insurance files" that he'll release if something happens to him or WikiLeaks include secret documents that could seriously damage Rupert Murdoch and his News Corp empire. "There are 504 US embassy cables on one broadcasting organization, and there are cables on Murdoch and News...

Steve Jobs Will Help Murdoch Debut 'The Daily'

News Corp's iPad-only tabloid to debut on 19th

(Newser) - How big is the overlap between Mac users and Fox fans? We’re about to find out: Rupert Murdoch will debut News Corp’s new digital-only daily tabloid “The Daily” alongside Steve Jobs himself at an event at San Francisco’s Museum of Modern Art next week, Yahoo’s...

Murdoch Nabs New Yorker Critic for iPad 'Newspaper'

News Corp. beefs up roster of coming Daily

(Newser) - Rupert Murdoch has added New Yorker music critic Sasha Frere-Jones to the roster of his upcoming iPad "newspaper," reports David Carr in the New York Times . Frere-Jones has been hired as the culture editor of the Daily, which Murdoch's News Corp. is currently developing for the Apple tablet....

Olbermann Donated to 3 Democrats

'Countdown' host appears to breach NBC ethics rules

(Newser) - Keith Olbermann donated $2,400—the maximum individual contribution—apiece to three Democrats before Election Day, apparently breaking NBC rules, Politico reports. The MSNBC host, who has acknowledged the contributions, gave to two Arizona representatives the day one of them, Raul Grijalva, stopped by his show (the other was Gabrielle...

Fox Is Back on Cablevision
 Fox Is Back on Cablevision 

Fox Is Back on Cablevision

Two sides finally reach a deal on fees

(Newser) - Fox says it has reached an agreement with Cablevision that will restore programing to more than 3 million New York-area subscribers. Signals for all stations and cable channels were restored prior to the first pitch of Game 3 of the World Series. Terms of the agreement to end the 2-week...

Cablevision Coaching Viewers to Watch Fox Online

Taped call records advice on watching games on illegal websites

(Newser) - Cablevision and Fox are still feuding , depriving 3.5 million people in the Big Apple of Fox channels 5 and 9 plus Fox Sports. The solution? Cablevision is coaching customers to cheat for content without a contract, reports the Daily News . A Fox employee recorded a conversation with a Cablevision...

Woman Sues Farmville Over Privacy, Keeps Playing

Litigant not outraged enough to abandon farm

(Newser) - A California woman was so disturbed by a Wall Street Journal article on how Farmville supposedly invades your privacy that she sued Zynga, makers of the popular Facebook game. The article says the game provides advertisers and Internet tracking companies with user IDs, though the Daily Intel blog at New ...

Cable Fight May Leave Fans in Philly, NYC in the Dark

Fox, Cablevision dispute could black out baseball, football games

(Newser) - Hey, no rush or anything, but suits from Cablevision and News Corp's Fox have about 7 hours to hash out a deal or baseball fans in Philly aren't going to be able to watch a playoff game tonight, reports AP . Fox pulled its channels from Cablevision when a contract expired...

News Corp. Made Second $1M Donation to GOP Group

US Chamber of Commerce the recipient of Rupert Murdoch's cash

(Newser) - It turns out that Fox News parent company News Corp . didn't make one $1 million donation to a GOP-linked group over the summer: It made two. The beneficiary of Rupert Murdoch 's largesse is none other than the US Chamber of Commerce, a Republican-aligned business lobby that is running a...

Sienna Miller to Sue for NOTW Phone-Hacking
 Sienna Miller 
 to Sue for NOTW 

Sienna Miller to Sue for NOTW Phone-Hacking

Star believes 'NOTW' reporter listened to her voicemails

(Newser) - Sienna Miller is set to join the growing list of outraged public figures taking legal action over phone-hacking by reporters at Britain's News of the World. Lawyers for the star say she plans to add her name to those seeking a review of how the police handled the case and...

Rupert Murdoch Is a 'Gangster'
 Rupert Murdoch Is a 'Gangster' 

Rupert Murdoch Is a 'Gangster'

News Corp. head is 'menacing to democracy'

(Newser) - Rupert Murdoch is painted as a “gangster” in a scathing Guardian piece by Henry Porter. The head of News Corp. , under fire for the phone-hacking scandal his News of the World is embroiled in, “is a problem for British society,” Porter writes, “as menacing in...

Most Influential of 2010: Zuck
 Most Influential of 2010: Zuck 
vanity fair 100

Most Influential of 2010: Zuck

Facebook founder tops Steve Jobs, Rupert Murdoch

(Newser) - Frighteningly enough, Mark Zuckerberg tops Vanity Fair 's list of this year's most influential people of the Information Age. The top 5 of its 100:
  1. Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook: His company is valued at around $25 billion, has more than 500 million members, runs 176 billion banner ads a month, and

Fox News Agrees to Run Ad Criticizing News Corp.

Ad calls attention to News Corp's GOP donation

(Newser) - Fox—unlike other news networks—has barely mentioned the fact that its parent company has donated $1 million to the Republican Governors Association. The network has, however, agreed to accept some money from its critics and run an ad from watchdog group Media Matters for America informing its viewers of...

Stewart: Fox Is 'Terrorist Command Center'

Daily Show host 'follows the money trail'

(Newser) - After a couple of Fox News pundits using cue cards and playing "six degrees of people who don't eat bacon" declared that the proposed mosque near Ground Zero could actually be a "terrorist command center," Jon Stewart decided two could play at that game. Pulling out his...

Dems Blast Murdoch's $1M GOP Donation

Fox News parent's move is not 'fair and balanced,' they say

(Newser) - Now that Bloomberg has reported that News Corp–the parent company of Fox News headed by Rupert Murdoch—has donated $1 million to the Republican Governors Association, Democrats have quickly pounced. "'Fair and balanced' has been rendered utterly meaningless," the Democratic Governors Association tells Ben Smith of Politico...

Murdoch to Start 'Newspaper'—for iPad, Cells

He dreams: 'We'll have young people reading newspapers'

(Newser) - News Corp is planning to launch a new “newspaper” exclusively for tablet computers and cellphones. The new property will operate out of the New York Post newsroom, and be helmed by the Post’s managing editor, but will have several dozen reporters of its own, a source tells the...

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