McCain 2008

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Palin Stunner: A Brilliant or Brutal Pick?
Palin Stunner:
A Brilliant or Brutal Pick?

Palin Stunner: A Brilliant or Brutal Pick?

McCain gets mixed reviews for bold choice on running mate

(Newser) - John McCain certainly turned some heads by selecting Sarah Palin as his vice president. Here’s what people are saying:  
  • Given how perfectly Palin fits his needs, it’s surprising that this is so surprising, write Mark Grunwald and Jay Newton-Small of Time. McCain needed to prove he was

West Turning Blue, Dems Say
 West Turning Blue, Dems Say

West Turning Blue, Dems Say

Party boasts strong voter registration, turnout in Mountain states

(Newser) - The Mountain West has historically gone for the GOP, but thanks to aggressive grass-roots organizing, Democrats believe they have a shot at turning red states blue, Politico reports. More field offices, opened much earlier than the GOP's, have boosted registration in Colorado, New Mexico, and Nevada. “This presidential cycle...

Palin Is Risky Gamble for McCain
Palin Is
Risky Gamble
for McCain

Palin Is Risky Gamble for McCain

Alaska gov. helps with women, conservatives, but lacks experience

(Newser) - Sarah Palin is an unconventional vice presidential pick for John McCain, the Wall Street Journal notes. Her selection seems like the latest ploy to lure Hillary Clinton supporters to the Republican ticket, while simultaneously appeasing McCain’s conservative base and burnishing his reformer credentials. But Palin also lacks experience, undermining...

McCain Picks Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin for Veep

42-year-old first-termer is first woman to serve on top GOP ticket

(Newser) - John McCain has chosen Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his VP choice, NBC reports; McCain is expected to make the announcement at a rally in Ohio at noon today. Palin is a socially conservative mother of five who is both the state’s first woman governor and, at 42, its...

Gustav May Delay GOP Convention
Gustav May Delay GOP Convention

Gustav May Delay GOP Convention

Storm could raise specter of Katrina, detract from McCain

(Newser) - Republicans are considering delaying the start of next week's convention in Minneapolis if deadly Hurricane Gustav hits big, reports the Washington Post. The storm is on course to nail the Gulf Coast with full force early next week, and party officials don’t want America thinking about President Bush’s...

Dems Plan to Crash GOP Convention, Too

Campaign lays out anti-RNC programs

(Newser) - All's fair in the war between conventions, and the Democrats are readying their spoiling machine ahead of the GOP gathering next week, the Swamp reports. An Obama campaign operative’s email lays out the attack Dems will launch from their war room literally across the street from the RNC:
  • A

McCain to Air Rebuttal Ad, Could Leak VP Choice Tonight

GOP goal is to distract from Obama speech

(Newser) - John McCain has a top-secret ad scheduled to run during or just after Barack Obama’s acceptance speech in battleground states—and the campaign could leak news of the Republican’s running mate even earlier, Mike Allen writes on Politico. Little is known about the ad, save that McCain will...

McCain Says He Hasn't Made VP Choice Yet

Will travel with Romney and Ridge

(Newser) - John McCain has yet to decide on a running mate, the Republican told a Pittsburgh radio station today. The presidential nominee-in-waiting was expected to name his vice presidential pick later this week, in the hopes of curbing Barack Obama's convention bounce. McCain and his running mate then are expected to...

McCain Steps Up Foreign Policy Attacks

(Newser) - John McCain continued his effort today to paint Barack Obama’s as a soft, cocky cosmopolitan who would diminish the nation's strength, Politico reports. Before a crowd of veterans, McCain attacked Obama’s foreign policy credibility. "If he really thinks that, by liberating Iraq from a dangerous tyrant, America...

McCain Borrows Clinton's '3am' Attack
McCain Borrows Clinton's
'3am' Attack

McCain Borrows Clinton's '3am' Attack

'Hillary's Right,' new ad proclaims

(Newser) - John McCain has resurrected Hillary Clinton’s “3am” attack ad, and will be running a modified version in several battleground states, USA Today reports. The Republican's ad reruns a portion of Clinton’s, along with clips of Clinton attacking Obama’s experience, and ends with the tag, “Hillary’...

Sunday Pundits Dissect Biden Pick

Biden dominates Sunday talk shows

(Newser) - The newly announced Obama/Biden ticket predictably dominated the talk shows today. Politico gives the run-down:
  • Obama VP adviser Caroline Kennedy told Meet the Press she hoped Joe Biden would prove to be as sage a pick as her father's choice of LBJ.
  • House Speaker Nancy Pelosi turned Biden's rep for

McCain's Dream Ticket? Powell on Veep List, Aide Says

But Romney still likely pick over pro-choicer

(Newser) - Decorated general and former secretary of state Colin Powell might add another title to his resume, reports Politico, citing a McCain adviser who says his candidate's failure to rule out a running mate who supports abortion rights points to Powell as a possible pick. But Mitt Romney—whose father was...

Mailed Threats Shut Down Two McCain Offices
Mailed Threats
Shut Down Two
McCain Offices

Mailed Threats Shut Down Two McCain Offices

Sites in Denver and NH evacuated; police investigating powder

(Newser) - Two campaign offices of John McCain—one in a Denver suburb, the other in New Hampshire—were shut down today after they received threatening letters with an unidentified white powder, authorities say. No injuries have been reported, and staffers underwent medical checkups as a precaution. A government official said investigators...

McCain Vows Lifetime Lobby Ban on Aides

Candidate calls pork-pushers 'symptom of a disease'

(Newser) - Calling lobbyists “the symptom of a disease,” John McCain railed against earmarking and pork-barrel spending yesterday, telling Politico that members of his administration would be barred from lobbying after life at the White House. Some of McCain’s top campaign aides are former lobbyists, and the senator has...

Another Poll Confirms: McCain Closes Gap

(Newser) - Another poll, another batch of bad news for Barack Obama. A new NBC/Wall Street Journal survey says John McCain has cut Obama's lead by half in the last month and now trails only 45% to 42%. That slim margin makes the race a statistical dead heat. A flurry of other...

Lieberman Will Speak at GOP Convention

Former Democrat a strong prospect for McCain VP

(Newser) - Joe Lieberman will speak at the Republican National Convention after all, a party official tells the AP. The former Democratic VP candidate who's become one of John McCain's most avid supporters (and is reputed to be the person he'd really like to have as his own VP) will deliver a...

Maverick Mac Has Become Slave to System
Maverick Mac Has Become Slave to System

Maverick Mac Has Become Slave to System

Candidate ditches hard truths for what works — ripping Obama

(Newser) - John McCain has transformed from a maverick politician with bold ideas for America to a conventional campaigner so desperate for airtime his main tactic is putting down Barack Obama, David Brooks writes in the New York Times. And now that McCain has abandoned his rebellious, post-partisan style, the "inescapable...

McCain Weighs Pro-Choice Running Mate
McCain Weighs Pro-Choice
Running Mate 

McCain Weighs Pro-Choice Running Mate

(Newser) - John McCain's campaign has been pitching the idea of a pro-choice running mate to key state GOP officials around the country, reports the National Review. McCain wants to know how hostile conservative grass-roots activists would be and whether he can win their support if he selects a pro-choice VP such...

McCain to Name VP Aug. 29
 McCain to Name VP Aug. 29

McCain to Name VP Aug. 29

Will announce pick day after Dem Convention

(Newser) - John McCain will name his VP running mate at a huge Ohio rally on Aug. 29—the senator’s 72nd birthday and a day after the Democratic convention, Politico reports. McCain won’t finalize his choice—widely considered by GOP experts to be Mitt Romney or Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty—...

McCain Cries Foul Over NBC Coverage
McCain Cries Foul Over NBC Coverage

McCain Cries Foul Over NBC Coverage

Reporter questioned whether forum 'cone of silence' was breached

(Newser) - The McCain camp has fired off a stern letter to NBC objecting to coverage of the weekend's Rick Warren forum, after Andrea Mitchell reported speculation the Republican might have had access to the questions he was asked ahead of time. Commentators wondered if the "cone of silence" designed to...

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