domain names

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Tea Party (the Band) Could Get Rich Over Domain Name

Rockers' website name may fetch $1M—if they decide to sell it

(Newser) - An obscure group of Canadian rockers made an unintentionally savvy business decision in 1990: It picked the name Tea Party and created a website. Which is why if you go to , you'll find no small-government rants, just band information, explains BusinessWeek . The domain name would probably fetch...

Domain-Name Bosses Approve Huge Expansion

Forget .com: we'll soon see sites ending in brand and city names

(Newser) - It's a huge day for the Internet: The organization in charge of online addresses has OKed a giant boost in domain endings, giving the green light to nearly any word in any language, reports the New York Times . The Internet Corporation for the Assignment of Web Names and Numbers...

Raunchy .XXX Debuts Online
 Raunchy .XXX Debuts Online 

Raunchy .XXX Debuts Online

First .xxx sites spring up despite porn purveyors' objections

(Newser) - The Internet's "red light district" has gone live, with the first sites using the .xxx domain name suffix making their debut. ICM Registry, the company tasked with running the new domain, says .xxx will only be available to the adult industry. For now, however, new sites like porn....

.Love? .Nazi? Domain Name Suffix Battle Heats Up

Will it make surfing easier—or just more complicated?

(Newser) - In a matter of months, companies will have the chance to gobble up brand new domain name suffixes—and controversy is already boiling. In 2008, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers approved a plan to expand the selection of suffixes from the usual .com and .net to choices...

Go Daddy Will Push .co Suffix in Super Bowl Ads

Internet registrar readies big push

(Newser) - The new web domain suffix ".co" is about to get a whole lot more exposure. Go Daddy, which manages half of America's web addresses, will push the suffix in two Super Bowl ads, reports the Los Angeles Times . It will do so in typical Go Daddy fashion, with racy...

Facebook Pays Farm Bureau $8.5M for 'FB' Domain Name

'' pays off handsomely for the group

(Newser) - Lucky for the American Farm Bureau Federation that it shares two very important initials with another organization: Facebook paid the non-governmental group $8.5 million to acquire the domain name "," reports Reuters . Mark Zuckerberg's employees use the address internally, and when you're valued at $50 billion...

Bracing for WikiLeaks, BofA Buys Nasty Domain Names
Bracing for WikiLeaks, BofA Buys Nasty Domain Names

Bracing for WikiLeaks, BofA Buys Nasty Domain Names

They're terrified someone will start blogs saying executives suck, blow

(Newser) - Despite reports to the contrary, Bank of America hasn’t actually been confirmed as WikiLeaks’ next target, but it appears to think it is. The company has reportedly created a “war room” to brainstorm ways to minimize the damage, according to Fast Company . One of those methods? Buying up...

Internet Boots WikiLeaks&mdash;Temporarily
 Internet Boots 

Internet Boots WikiLeaks—Temporarily

Julian Assange's site moves to Switzerland

(Newser) - WikiLeaks' US domain host terminated its account last night, making the website inaccessible for the third time in a week ... but it's already back online. EveryDNS, which had hosted the domain name for 4 years, said the site has become the target of multiple denial-of-service attacks, threatening EveryDNS's...

Domain Name Sells for $13M

It's about the same price it went for in 2006

(Newser) - The papa bear of all domain names——is selling for $13 million, reports tech news site the Register . Current owner Escom LLC is bankrupt and has agreed to fork over the name to Clover Holdings, about which little is known. The domain sold in 2006 for about the...

Conservative Site 'Buys' Olbermann

Sets up shop at

(Newser) - The Daily Caller, Tucker Carlson’s right-wing answer to the Huffington Post, has taken its feud with Keith Olbermann to another level, by buying The site celebrated its acquisition with a massive home page banner reading, “We Own You,” and an article in which Carlson crows,...

Porn Sites to Get .XXX Domain Name System
 Porn Sites to Get .XXX Suffix 

Porn Sites to Get .XXX Suffix

Panel agrees to new suffix for adult entertainment online

(Newser) - Someday soon, .xxx could be bigger than .com in the Internet world. The panel that oversees domain names has agreed to create the .xxx suffix for porn sites on the Web, reports PC World . The move has been long debated, with proponents saying it will help filter such sites from...

Cops Let Department's Website Name Expire ...

... and guy who got a traffic ticket buys it

(Newser) - A Tennessee police department didn't know that domain names expire—and now a guy who's angry about a speeding ticket is the proud owner of . It seems the cop in charge of the site was out on sick leave, and no other city employees saw the...

Dotcom Web Domain Turns 25
 Dotcom Web Domain Turns 25 

Dotcom Web Domain Turns 25

In 1985, 6 were registered; now, it's 668K a month

(Newser) - The .com Internet domain name celebrates its 25th anniversary today, and despite some rather sluggish early years the Web address has turned into a strapping young suffix indeed. A Cambridge, Mass., tech firm snatched up the first dotcom address in 1985, and was joined by just 5 other companies in...

.xxx Porn Sites May Be Coming Soon

Icann to revisit proposal for adult domain name

(Newser) - If your plans to buy were hopelessly derailed when Icann reversed a decision to start selling .xxx domain names, never fear: The Internet’s governing body is set to revisit that ruling. “If the contract is signed, we could be selling names by the end of...

.Com the Second Riskiest Domain

McAfee roots out the world's sketchiest domains

(Newser) - It may be the most familiar domain, but .com is also the extension second most likely to screw with your computer—beaten only by Cameroon's .cm. A whopping 32.2% of .com addresses pose a security risk, according to McAfee’s third annual “Mapping the Mal Web” report, compared...

Web Addresses Will Gain International Flavor

Chinese, Arabic, Hebrew domains, among others, will have support by 2010: ICANN

(Newser) - In the biggest change ever to the system, Web domains will soon be available in the native scripts of Chinese, Arabic, Hebrew, and other non-Latin-based languages. A proposal expected to be approved this week means “Internationalized Domain Names” could be up and running as soon as mid-2010. China and...

One Susan Boyle Cashes In on Another
One Susan Boyle Cashes In on Another

One Susan Boyle Cashes In on Another

US Boyle offers URL for $25K after flood of visitors seeking singer

(Newser) - Susan Boyle is selling for $25,000. A possible purchaser? Singing sensation Susan Boyle. The Boyle who currently owns the site is an American painter who bears the same name as the British star, Mashable reports. The US Boyle has been getting a lot of visitors to her...

Bush Library Pays $35K for Domain Name Mistake

(Newser) - A Web company has profited off the George W. Bush Presidential Library to the tune of $35,000, the Dallas Morning News reports. The Internet firm that was contracted to develop the library’s website and had purchased in 2007 unknowingly let the domain license lapse, and...

Patch for Major Security Flaw Is Ineffective

Widely distributed fix for Internet failing only slows the damage

(Newser) - A fatal flaw in Internet security has a patch, but it’s a leaky one, the New York Times reports. Yesterday, a Russian scientist demonstrated an attack that secretly redirected web traffic. It took him just hours using standard equipment; before the patch, it would have taken seconds. Thieves could...

'Every Network Is at Risk' Thanks to Bug

Security expert says DNS flaw could cause Internet-wide chaos

(Newser) - Security researcher Dan Kaminsky outlined what he calls the biggest Internet security hole since 1997 to a gathering of experts yesterday, and it's a lot worse than had been understood, Wired reports. “Every network is at risk,” Kaminsky said at the Black Hat conference in Las Vegas. "...

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