hate groups

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Chet Hanks: 'White Boy Summer' Isn't About Hate

Actor's son condemns how it's been co-opted by white supremacists and other groups

(Newser) - A phrase coined by Tom Hanks' rapper son has become a rallying cry for hate groups, despite Chet Hanks' assurance that "white boy summer" is actually all about "love." For many, "the phrase represents an unapologetic embrace of white heterosexual masculinity, often at the expense of...

Man Who Fatally Plowed Into Muslim Family Learns His Fate

Canadian man killed 4 members of family, seriously injured the 5th

(Newser) - The man who plowed into a Muslim family out on their evening walk in Ontario, Canada, in 2021 was on Thursday sentenced to life in prison for killing four members of the family and seriously injuring a fifth. Nathaniel Veltman, 23, was convicted of four counts of murder and one...

Hate Groups Hold March as Florida Braces for More

Demonstration near Orlando draws small crowd and is denounced by lawmaker

(Newser) - Hate groups marched outside Orlando on Saturday, shouting, "We are everywhere!" in a video posted by a Florida state representative. Democratic Rep. Anna V. Eskamani denounced the demonstration and called it "another example of the far right extremism growing" in the state. The Anti-Defamation League's Center...

Lawsuit Aims to 'Decimate' Hate Group

Black man says he was attacked by Patriot Front members in Boston last year

(Newser) - A Black teacher and musician who says members of a white nationalist hate group punched, kicked, and beat him with metal shields during a march through Boston last year sued the organization on Tuesday. Charles Murrell III, of Boston, was in the area of the Boston Public Library to play...

Biden Makes Next Move in Vow to Heal Nation's 'Soul'

United We Stand Summit, designed to tackle hate-fueled violence, will take place next month

(Newser) - President Biden will host a White House summit next month aimed at combating a spate of hate-fueled violence in the US, as he works to deliver on his campaign pledge to "heal the soul of the nation." The White House announced Friday that Biden will host the United...

SPLC's Hate Groups Report Sees a Decrease

Center says dropping numbers 'suggest the extremist ideas now operate more openly'

(Newser) - As far as raw counts go, they're down: In its annual report released Wednesday, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) said it recorded nearly 300 fewer hate groups in 2021 as compared to the year prior, logging 733, and about 80 fewer anti-government groups, logging 488 of those. But...

Hundreds Turn Out to Protest KKK Group's Downtown Rally

Nine members are outnumbered by counterdemonstrators

(Newser) - A Klu Klux Klan group drew nine members to its rally in downtown Dayton on Saturday, as well as hundreds of counterprotesters. The rally was planned by the Honorable Sacred Knights of Indiana, which obtained a permit, the Hill reports. The Southern Poverty Law Center has identified it as a...

Number of Hate Groups in US Is at Record High

Southern Poverty Law Center blames Trump, in part

(Newser) - There were 1,020 hate groups operating in the US last year—a record high, and a 7% increase from 2017, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center's annual report. The last time hate groups surged in the US was in response to the election of Barack Obama as...

With Sheriff's Memo, a Blow to the Proud Boys

Document reveals FBI designation of group as 'extremist'

(Newser) - The FBI considered the far-right "chauvinist" Proud Boys to be an extremist group even before members were accused in an alleged assault in New York City last month. That's according to a document from the Clark County Sheriff's Office in Vancouver, Wash., shared by nonprofit Property of...

These States Have the Most Hate Groups

Idaho does not fare well

(Newser) - Some states are worse than others when it comes to hate groups. Using data from the Southern Poverty Law Center, 24/7 Wall St. has compiled a list of the 10 states with the most such groups. Idaho ends up first in the unwanted category, at least on a per-capita basis....

Report: Young Racists Seeking Out 'Hipper' Groups Than KKK

KKK membership declining despite surge in 'hate groups'

(Newser) - An organization that tracks far-right extremists says the number of Ku Klux Klan chapters in the US is plummeting as a new generation of khaki-clad racists rejects hoods and robes for a "hipper" brand of hate, the AP reports. The Southern Poverty Law Center said in a report Wednesday...

After Twitter Yanks Verified Status, She Cites Holocaust

That from Laura Loomer, who along with Richard Spencer and others lost the blue tick

(Newser) - A few Twitter users lost the coveted blue tick on Wednesday after Twitter released new guidelines regarding verified accounts. The move came after the company was attacked for granting verified status to Jason Kessler, who put together the white nationalist rally that rocked Charlottesville in August (and issued this "...

After Charlottesville, ACLU Revises a Long-Held Stance

It won't defend groups who come armed to protests

(Newser) - If you're a hate group, you may be able to acquire a permit to hold a protest, but if you come packing firearms, don't expect the American Civil Liberties Union to come to your defense. Per the Wall Street Journal , that's the ACLU's new official position...

Airbnb Makes Big Move Against Alt-Right Rally Attendees

Service cancels bookings for those coming to Charlottesville 'Unite the Right' event

(Newser) - An alt-right rally planned in a Charlottesville, Va., park Saturday is a follow-up to protests in May against the removal of a Confederate statue there . But those attending may have to rebook their lodgings: After Airbnb got wind of large groups making reservations through its system to ostensibly attend the...

Sessions Made a Closed-Door Speech to 'Hate Group'

Closed-door remarks were made at event for SPLC-designated 'hate group'

(Newser) - The Alliance Defending Freedom has been designated an anti-LGBT "hate group" by the Southern Poverty Law Center , but the group still attracted a high-profile guest speaker this week: Attorney General Jeff Sessions. CNN and NBC News reports that Sessions spoke at the "Summit on Religious Liberty" Tuesday night...

For 1st Time This Century, Far-Right Groups Decline

But those left are 'leaner and meaner,' watchdog warns

(Newser) - Tough times for the far right? The number of militias, skinhead gangs, and other extremist groups in the US dropped last year for the first time since 1999, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center . The hate-group watchdog found that the number of extreme-right groups dropped around 14% to 2,...

White House Petition: Call Westboro a Hate Group

Church hit with 5 petitions, others want to yank tax-exempt status

(Newser) - Piers Morgan . Death Stars . And now Westboro Baptist Church. The unusual White House petitions keep adding up, and now not one, but five petitions calling for action against everyone's least favorite funeral protesters have passed the 50,000-signature threshold requiring a response. Indeed, one petition calling for Westboro...

Here's a Study Walmart Is Sure to Hate

Researchers see correlation between stores, hate groups

(Newser) - Researchers have spotted a correlation between the number of Walmarts in a county and the number of local hate groups. Indeed, the number of stores appeared more significant than other area characteristics—unemployment, poor education, and high crime—commonly associated with hate groups. The researchers from Penn State, New Mexico...

Fox Affiliate Calls Neo-Nazis 'Civil Rights Group'

National Socialist Movement not described as hate group by Orlando station

(Newser) - When the National Socialist Movement started patrolling the streets of Sanford, Florida , in response to the uproar over Trayvon Martin's death , many media outlets mentioned the fact that the NSM is made up of neo-Nazis. But not Fox News' Orlando affiliate, which described the organization as a "civil...

No. of Hate Groups in US: 1,018
 No. of Hate Groups in US: 1,018 
new report

No. of Hate Groups in US: 1,018

It's a number that's rapidly growing: report

(Newser) - The number of hate groups in the US has been on the rise for more than a decade, and last year 1,018 were active, according to a new report by the Southern Poverty Law Center. That's up from 602 in 2000, the New York Times notes. The report...

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