
Stories 41 - 57 | << Prev 

Oregon Man Hit With Plague Could Lose Fingers

Paul Gaylord contracted rare disease from cat bite

(Newser) - One look at Paul Gaylord's hands shows why the plague is referred to as "Black Death." The 59-year-old contracted the plague after trying to take a mouse from the jaws of a choking cat, which then bit him. Now the Oregon welder's once-strong hands have been...

Plague Making a Comeback— Among the Rich

It's catching on among affluent New Mexicans

(Newser) - The Black Death appears to have gotten a toehold in an unlikely community: affluent New Mexicans. That's the conclusion of a new report studying reported cases in the US since 1976, and it's a pretty surprising one, given that the plague has historically cropped up among impoverished people...

Oregon Man Suffering From Black Death

He gets plague after grabbing mouse from stray cat

(Newser) - An Oregon man suffering from the Black Death is in critical condition. The rural Crook County resident, in his 50s, fell ill after he was bitten in the hand as he tried to grab a mouse from a stray cat. It's the fifth plague case in Oregon since 1995....

Wimpy Cousin of Black Death Still Around

Medieval plague shares gene sequence with modern version

(Newser) - The version of the bubonic plague kicking around today is indeed related to the one that wiped out a third of Europe’s population in the Middle Ages, researchers have confirmed, after DNA testing on 109 ancient skeletons buried in a mass victims' grave in London revealed a shared gene...

Rabid Bats Plague Los Angeles
 Rabid Bats Plague Los Angeles 

Rabid Bats Plague Los Angeles

Infestation hitting one Ventura County man harder than everyone else

(Newser) - It's probably only a matter of time before someone writes a screenplay about this: Rabid bats have been invading Los Angeles in increasing numbers this summer. The city public health department says 12 have already been found, up from the eight to 10 typically discovered over a full year,...

Airport Scare: Not a Bomb (or the Plague)

Scientist once busted for 'unauthorized export' of samples

(Newser) - Great news: The guy carrying a suspected pipe bomb in his luggage at Miami airport wasn't carrying a pipe bomb after all. Not-so-great news: He's been busted previously for shady business regarding the transportation of plague bacteria. This, too, however, isn't as sinister as it might appear: The traveler is...

Peru Hit by Bubonic Plague
 Peru Hit by Bubonic Plague 

Peru Hit by Bubonic Plague

Dozens infected in outbreak in northern province

(Newser) - The disease that decimated much of Europe in the Middle Ages is alive and well in Peru, where health officials say an outbreak in the north has killed a 14-year-old boy and infected at least 30 other people. Twenty-five of the cases are bubonic plague, which is spread by fleas,...

Plague Fears Close California Campground

Squirrel tests positive, raising fears of outbreak

(Newser) - A campground northeast of Los Angeles will be closed until at least next week after a squirrel tested positive for plague, the LA Times reports. Officials are dusting squirrel burrows in the surrounding national forest in an attempt to kill fleas, which can transmit the disease to humans."It...

4 Dystopias Health Reform Will Prevent

 4 Dystopias 
 Health Reform 
 Will Prevent 

4 Dystopias Health Reform Will Prevent

Could Obamacare prevent zombie plagues?

(Newser) - Perhaps the best way to explore how health-care reform will affect our lives is to consider the fictional dystopias the Obamacare society won't have to endure. Or, have io9 do it for you:
  1. A mutant plague. A rich country in which 30 million people have no access to preventative care

Plague Bacteria Linked to Death of Scientist

University of Chicago geneticist exposed to weakened strain

(Newser) - A 60-year-old researcher at the University of Chicago died earlier this month from an infection that may have been set off by the bacteria that causes the plague. Malcolm Casadaban was working with a weakened strain of the bacteria that is normally harmless, and the CDC has been called in...

China Isolates Town After 2 Die of Plague

10,000 quarantined in Tibetan region after outbreak at funeral

(Newser) - China has quarantined a remote town of 10,000 after two people died of pneumonic plague, one of the world's deadliest diseases. The Times of London reports that the first victim died after burying his dog, and 11 people at the funeral then fell ill, one fatally. Pneumonic plague is...

'Vampire' Unearthed in Venice
 'Vampire' Unearthed in Venice 

'Vampire' Unearthed in Venice

Gravediggers took steps to stop corpse feasting on other plague victims

(Newser) - Italian archeologists have discovered evidence of an ancient vampire-slaying ritual in a 16th-century plague pit near Venice, the AP reports. A female skeleton was unearthed with a brick wedged between her jaws, in what experts believe was an attempt by superstitious gravediggers to stop the corpse from eating through its...

Black Death Wipes Out al-Qaeda Camp in Algeria

Bubonic plague wiped out 40 recruits at Algerian base

(Newser) - Bubonic plague is believed to have wiped out dozens of al-Qaeda recruits at a terror training camp in Algeria, the Daily Mail reports. The epidemic came to light when security forces found a militant's diseased body dumped on a roadside. Security sources say the plague forced the group to turn...

Sleep Longer, Live Longer?
 Sleep Longer, Live Longer? 

Sleep Longer, Live Longer?

Extra hour of sleep linked to less calcification in arteries

(Newser) - An extra hour in bed may save your life, Web MD reports. Every extra hour of sleep over six hours a night has been linked to a significant drop in people's chances of developing a build-up of calcium in their arteries, potentially cutting their risk of heart attack, according to...

Romans Left Conquered Peoples More Prone to HIV

Those in areas ruled by empire less likely to have key gene, scientists find

(Newser) - The Roman conquest of Europe may explain why populations living in the former empire are more vulnerable to HIV, French researchers say. A genetic variant that protects against the AIDS-causing virus is less prevalent in former Roman colonies such as England, France, Greece, and Spain, though some argue that a...

Smith Carries Legend
Smith Carries Legend

Smith Carries Legend

Movie has its flaws, but it's also a lot of fun

(Newser) - I Am Legend, a tale of the last man on Earth, who, through some freak of immunity, avoids a killer virus, isn't a perfect film. But despite its lack of surprises and its ending, which feels like "a studio-sanctioned reshoot," writes Chicago Tribune critic Michael Phillips, "you’...

Plague Kills Monkey in Denver Zoo
Plague Kills Monkey in Denver Zoo

Plague Kills Monkey in Denver Zoo

Danger to humans from flea-borne disease deemed minimal

(Newser) - The bubonic plague has hit the Denver Zoo. An 8-year-old hooded capuchin monkey named Spanky was found dead last week, and postmortem tests confirmed that the cause was plague. The Denver Post reports that the monkey may have contracted the disease, which is usually spread by fleas, by eating the...

Stories 41 - 57 | << Prev