nuclear arsenal

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Obama Seeks Deal With Russia to Slash Nuclear Arms

Talks could reduce stockpiles by 80%

(Newser) - President Obama plans to restart aggressive talks with Russia aimed at reducing both nations' nuclear arsenals by 80% to 1,000 warheads each, the Times of London reports. Obama will set up a special White House office to oversee the talks, aimed at forging a treaty to replace the 1991...

Biggest Stories You Didn't Hear in '08

Catching up on the stuff blotted out by the election and financial crisis

(Newser) - Election coverage and reports on the financial crisis ate up much of the media's attention in '08—while some major news stories went under-reported. Time runs down the biggest:
  1. A Pentagon gaffe accidentally sent nuclear warhead fuses to Taiwan in 2006; the mix-up was noted this year—by the Taiwanese.

West Should Buy Out Pakistan's Nukes
 West Should Buy Out 
 Pakistan's Nukes 

West Should Buy Out Pakistan's Nukes

Trading needed aid dollars for elimination of WMDs would be cheap compared to bailout

(Newser) - Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal has done nothing to steady its economy or deter terrorism, Bret Stephens notes in the Wall Street Journal—so why not sell it to the West? Pakistan has already lobbied for economic aid; for eliminating “its entire nuclear stockpile and the industrial base that sustains...

Pakistan Moves to Mend Fences With India

Zadari extends olive branch, proposes economic union

(Newser) - Pakistan has proposed an economic pact and a general détente with India, marking the country’s friendliest overture in decades, the Financial Times reports. Asif Ali Zardari promised not to use his nuclear first-strike capabilities, a departure from Pakistan’s official policy, and offered to join India in a...

Nuke Advantage Emboldened Putin's Russia
Nuke Advantage Emboldened Putin's Russia

Nuke Advantage Emboldened Putin's Russia

US disarmament partly to blame for Georgia war, says Schoenfeld

(Newser) - Diplomats and pundits have debated what led Russia to attack Georgia so forcefully, pointing to everything from newfound economic strength to a sense of national humiliation. But Gabriel Schoenfeld, editor at neoconservative magazine Commentary, has another explanation: it's Russia's growing nuclear advantage, especially with short-range arms, that has "helped...

US Nuke Bomb Crew Caught Napping

Sleeping missile crew held secret codes

(Newser) - A three-man US missile crew fell asleep while in possession of  top secret launch codes for nuclear missiles, reports Reuters. It happened earlier this month at a Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota—the same site of a breach last year in which nuclear weapons were erroneously loaded on...

Dear Obama: Oppose Iran and We'll Love You
Dear Obama: Oppose Iran and We'll Love You

Dear Obama: Oppose Iran and We'll Love You

On eve of visit, one Israeli explains his nation's nuclear fears

(Newser) - On the eve of Barack Obama’s visit to Israel, Yossi Klein Halevi writes to him in the New Republic about Israel's fears. Like many nations, Israel is well-inclined towards Obama: It has no fear of his Muslim middle name and recently hailed his description of Israeli security as "...

Nuclear Parts Still Missing: Pentagon Report

Sensitive components remain unaccounted for in mess that cost Air Force brass jobs

(Newser) - The investigation that resulted in the dismissal of top US Air Force brass two weeks ago also found that hundreds of nuclear-missile parts remain missing, the Financial Times reports. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said the Pentagon needed "to re-establish positive control of these sensitive, classified components" in announcing the...

Nuke Blunder Last Straw for Booted Air Force Brass

Secretary Wynne, chief of staff Moseley long at odds with Pentagon

(Newser) - The Secretary of the Air Force and the service's chief of staff were forced to resign today on the heels of a report highly critical of the handling of nuclear weapons and technology, the Air Force Times reports.

Obama, McCain Mix It Up on Nuclear Policy

Republican distances himself from Bush policies

(Newser) - John McCain called for a new nuclear arms pact with Russia and said the US should show more "broad-minded internationalism" to reduce weapons around the world. McCain seemed to distance himself from President Bush's policies, and he took a veiled swipe at Barack Obama for the notion that sitting...

Talks Don't Yield New Nuclear Offer for Iran

Security Council nations seek unified stance on Tehran

(Newser) - A meeting in Shanghai of permanent UN Security Council members and Germany failed to produce a new set of incentives to offer Iran for cessation of its nuclear activities, Reuters reports. "We can say we agreed on the main content of a plan to restart negotiations, but not all...

US Reports Some Progress in North Korean Nuke Talks

But envoy says no 'major breakthrough' yet

(Newser) - Six-country negotiations aimed at producing a formal disclosure of North Korea's nuclear activities have advanced, Reuters reports, but aren't close to being settled. "We've definitely made some progress," said US envoy Christopher Hill today. "We still have a lot of work ahead of us. I don't want...

Sarkozy: France Will Cut Nuclear Arsenal

Country will maintain 300 weapons, half its Cold War max

(Newser) - French President Nicolas Sarkozy said today the country will cut its nuclear weapons arsenal to 300, or “half the maximum number we had during the Cold War,” the BBC reports. The move is aimed at cutting costs and modernizing the arsenal; Sarkozy said he is committed to maintaining...

Musharraf Courts Wary Europeans
Musharraf Courts Wary Europeans

Musharraf Courts Wary Europeans

Pledges free elections, nuclear security, no coddling Al-Qaeda

(Newser) - Pervez Musharraf visited Brussels yesterday and Paris today, reassuring leaders that Pakistan will hold fair elections and promising complete security for the nation's nuclear arsenal. EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana warned the Pakistani president that future cooperation between the EU and his government is contingent on those criteria, reports...

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