cell phone data services

3 Stories

AT&T Looks to Rein In iPhone Data Hogs

Company may have to revamp how it bills customers

(Newser) - AT&T says it's working on ways to keep some iPhone customers from hogging everybody else's bandwidth. It will unveil a series of "incentives" early next year, which could include charging customers based on how much data they use rather than offering an "unlimited" plan, reports the Wall ...

Company Yanks Online Cell Directory

90 million numbers taken offline after consumers freaked out

(Newser) - Data company Intelius scoured business records and other sources and managed to compile around half the cellphone numbers in America, MSNBC reports. When it put those 90 million numbers online, available to anybody paying a $15 fee, people were outraged. Consumers were shocked to find their private cellphone numbers were...

Apple Lets Businesses in on iPhones
Apple Lets Businesses in on iPhones

Apple Lets Businesses in on iPhones

Corporate-focused data plan costs $25 extra each month

(Newser) - Get ready to send a more fashionable Out-of-Office Auto Reply. Apple and AT&T today revealed their first iPhone plans for businesses, allowing for discounted voice plans but charging a $25 monthly premium for data plans. New customers must sign up for a 2-year agreement, and existing AT&T customers...

3 Stories
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