
Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

Olympic Protesters Zero In on Sponsors

Tibet, Darfur activists lobby corporations, with some success

(Newser) - As the Beijing Olympics approach, advocates for a free Tibet and peace in Darfur are trying to hit the Games where it hurts: in the wallet. A coalition of groups has been petitioning the corporations that are sponsoring this year's Olympics to press China on their behalf. The strategy seems...

300,000 Dead in Darfur: UN
 300,000 Dead in Darfur: UN 

300,000 Dead in Darfur: UN

Security Council told that situation is worsening

(Newser) - The UN's humanitarian chief has painted a grim picture of the situation in Darfur, estimating that disease, war, and famine have claimed 300,000 lives in the region since conflict broke out in 2003—100,000 of them since 2006. People are continuing to die as efforts to solve the...

Cindy McCain's Soft Talk Masks Deep Resolve

GOP candidate's wife is quiet on trail, crusader off it

(Newser) - Cindy McCain is reserved on the campaign trail—a marked contrast to the sometimes-pugilistic style of husband John—but outside the public eye she has been a “one-woman philanthropic operation,” reports the Chicago Tribune in a profile. The would-be first lady has brought medical relief missions to Rwanda...

Google Tracking Refugees
 Google Tracking Refugees 

Google Tracking Refugees

UN info on displaced peoples now available through Earth mapping feature

(Newser) - A new feature allows Google Earth users to take a tour of the world’s refugee hotspots, with images of camps supplemented by information from the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, the AP reports. The search titan has greatly improved the available resolution in its satellite photos of refugee areas—...

Clinton to Bush: Skip Olympics
 Clinton to Bush: Skip Olympics 

Clinton to Bush: Skip Olympics

Candidate cites Darfur and Tibet as reasons not to go

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton urged President Bush today to skip the Beijing Olympics over China's role in the Darfur genocide and violence in Tibet, Politico reports. She joined ranks with Nancy Pelosi in calling for Bush to protest Beijing's human rights record "absent major changes by the Chinese government," Clinton...

For Olympians, Conscience Battles Wallet

Protesting could get athletes thrown out of Games

(Newser) - The Beijing Olympics will be rife with protesters, but athletes may be reluctant to be among them, reports the New York Times. Olympic rules forbid protests or propaganda at Olympic sites, and sponsors are sure to frown on such activity. Even Team Darfur, a protest group with many Olympian members,...

Chad Pardons, Frees French 'Orphan' Kidnappers

Chad's president pardons aid workers

(Newser) - The six men imprisoned for kidnapping 103 Chadian children have been pardoned and freed from a French prison, reports the BBC. Convicted in Chad and sentenced to hard labor, the members of charity group Zoe's Ark had been transferred to a facility in France, and received a pardon from Chadian...

West Must Boycott Olympic Venues 'Stained With Blood'

Oppressed Chinese, Tibetans demand no less, French philosopher says

(Newser) - The West must take a stand against China's human-rights abuses by boycotting the Summer Olympics, French philosopher Bernard-Henry Levy insists in the New Republic. Otherwise, athletes will compete in “stadiums stained with blood.” China was supposed to cease its worst behavior, but it’s done the opposite: A...

Tibet Protests Could Snuff Olympic Torch's UK Visit

April 6 stop in London will test police readiness, set tone for rest of tour

(Newser) - The Olympic torch will pass through London on April 6, meeting major protests over China's human-rights abuses in Tibet and other causes. The visit will test how disruptive political forces could be on the Summer Games—and how well British security forces are preparing for the 2012 London Olympics, the...

Clooney Wound Up Over Omega Role in Olympics

Presses Olympic sponsor over Darfur

(Newser) - Actor George Clooney is pressuring watchmaker Omega, a key sponsor of  the Beijing Olympics, to speak out against China's involvement in Darfur. Clooney, a spokesman for the legendary Swiss company, is the latest Hollywood figure to use the upcoming Olympics as leverage against China, the strongest ally of Sudan, which...

Illegal Poaching Funds Militant Groups

US lawmakers to probe $10B wildlife trade in hearings this week

(Newser) - Shipments of African contraband such as ivory, tiger parts, and rhino horn are funding militant groups and perhaps terrorists, Newsweek reports. After the theft of $1.3 million in ivory in Chad last year and a reported rise in contraband smuggling, US lawmakers have become interested: A House hearing on...

Darfur Sees New Cycle of Bloodshed, Refugees

Recent upset in Chad has Sudanese military, janjaweed militias on warpath

(Newser) - Darfur may be on a road back to the pitched fighting between rebels, militias and the Sudanese army that killed hundreds of thousands and displaced millions 5 years ago, prompting the US to call it genocide, the New York Times reports. The Sudanese government recently stepped up operations in the...

Olympic Sponsors Targeted Over China-Darfur Links

McDonald's and others supporting 'genocide Olympics,' activists say

(Newser) - Activists are preparing to plaster college campuses with posters with charges like “McDonald’s: Proud Sponsor of the Genocide Olympics,” hoping to pressure multinational corporations sponsoring the Beijing Games into doing more about Darfur, BusinessWeek reports. Buying oil from Sudan makes China a sponsor of the region's genocide,...

Bush Urges Nations to Curb Darfur Fighting

He vows $100M for peacekeeping during visit to Rwanda

(Newser) - Halfway through his African tour, President Bush stopped in Rwanda today and honored the 800,000 killed in the country's 1994 genocide, the AFP reports. He also vowed $100 million to help curb Darfur fighting and urged other nations to do the same, but he defended his choice not to...

Bush Praises African Success
Bush Praises African Success

Bush Praises African Success

He begins trip, backs power-sharing deal for Kenya

(Newser) - President Bush is keeping things positive on his five-country African tour, focusing attention on “success stories.” But at the same time, he says, his efforts are addressing conflicts ravaging the continent.  “When you herald success, it helps others realize what is possible,” he said during...

Bush Defends Decision Not to Send Troops to Darfur

Reluctant to intervene in another Muslim nation

(Newser) - President Bush has defended his decision not to send US troops to Darfur to stop the genocide taking place in the troubled African region. The choice was partly due to a desire not to intervene in another Muslim country, he told the BBC. Bush is scheduled to leave today for...

12,000 Flee Darfur Raids for Chad
12,000 Flee Darfur Raids for Chad

12,000 Flee Darfur Raids for Chad

Sudanese gov't says attacks on 3 villages aimed at rebels

(Newser) - Government attacks on Darfur villages, ostensibly directed at rebel fighters, have caused a new exodus of at least 12,000 people from western Sudan into Chad, the BBC reports. The government acknowledges bombing three villages Friday, but said it was targeting fighters from the Justice and Equality Movement. Rebel leaders...

Tense Quiet Prevails in Chad
Tense Quiet Prevails in Chad

Tense Quiet Prevails in Chad

Sarkozy says France will support embattled government if needed

(Newser) - Chad's capital city was largely quiet today as rebels prowled the outskirts of violence-wracked N'Djamena, Reuters reports. "I think they are awaiting some reinforcements,” the foreign minister told the AP. Just in case, Nicolas Sarkozy said France was ready to lend its former colony's government military support. “...

Rebels Flee Chad's Capital
Rebels Flee Chad's Capital

Rebels Flee Chad's Capital

Government declares victory; insurgents say move allows civilians to escape hostilities

(Newser) - Rebels pulled out of Chad’s capital city of N’Djamena last night, temporarily ending a 2-day siege, but renewed hostilities broke out today, the AP reports. The rebels said they pulled back to allow civilians to flee, an offer hundreds took advantage of. But the interior minister insisted the...

New Peace Envoy Clooney Pleads for Darfur

Sees 'hope' after first mission to Africa

(Newser) - Actor George Clooney was officially designated a United Nations peace envoy yesterday—but he had already wrapped up his first mission. "If I'm going to go somewhere that cameras are going to follow me, they might as well follow me to places that people should be looking at,"...

Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>