Republican debate

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Show Time: 9 Republicans Face Off
 Romney: Two Rick Perrys  
 on Social Security
gop debate

Romney: Two Rick Perrys on Social Security

And Perry thinks there are two Mitt Romneys on lots of things, too

(Newser) - Republicans got back into debate mode tonight, with Rick Perry and Mitt Romney trading a series of sharp and sometimes sarcastic barbs at one another over Social Security, immigration, and other issues, reports AP . No fewer than nine candidates were on the stage, thanks to the invite extended to former...

Karl Rove's Tips for Tonight's GOP Debaters

Perry must stop getting beaten up, Romney needs to light a fire

(Newser) - It’s debate time yet again tonight, and Karl Rove offers four of the 2012 presidential contenders some advice in the Wall Street Journal :
  • Rick Perry: Instead of focusing on turning Social Security over to the states, he should continue making the “compelling case” for reform that he started

Jon Stewart Slams CNN's 'Amerigasm'

Was that a debate, or a reality show?

(Newser) - Monday night's GOP debate started off in "fine reality show style," noted Jon Stewart last night , offering up as proof a clip of CNN's opening, in which the network actually assigned each candidate a title. (Mitt Romney is "the early frontrunner," Rick Perry "...

Mitt Romney's Tortoise Act Beats Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann in Debate
 Slow, Steady Mitt 
 Winning the Race 

Slow, Steady Mitt Winning the Race

Defensive posture serving Romney well, Aaron Blake writes

(Newser) - Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann have shot out of the gate in the GOP nomination contest, but “sometimes it’s slow-and-steady that gets it done,” writes Aaron Blake of the Washington Post , and if there’s one thing Mitt Romney’s proven so far, it’s that he’...

Consensus Say Michele Bachmann Got Her Mojo Back

 Michele Got Her 
 Mojo Back 
Consensus Says:

Michele Got Her Mojo Back

Bachmann's HPV attack on Perry turned heads

(Newser) - Pundits seemed to all agree that Michele Bachmann was on the ropes heading into last night’s Tea Party debate—and now they all seem to agree that she fought her way back in with her scathing indictment of Rick Perry’s HPV vaccination program. Here’s what people are...

Debate Winners: Romney, Bachmann, Tea Party
Debate Winners: Romney, Bachmann, Tea Party

Debate Winners: Romney, Bachmann, Tea Party

Rick Perry-bashing pays off for rivals

(Newser) - It was "attack Rick Perry night" at last night's GOP debate in Florida -—to the extent that even Jon Huntsman got in on the act—and the Texan's rivals succeeded in landing a few blows. Mitt Romney, who wisely ignored the Tea Party debate audience to...

Republican Presidential Americans Debate

 Pile on Perry 

GOP Debate

Candidates Pile on Perry

Bachmann gets feisty again with spirited jabs

(Newser) - Rick Perry drew feisty attacks on stage and a few boos from the crowd at tonight's GOP debate in Florida, which also saw Michele Bachmann step it up a notch after fading in the first debate, Politico reports. Tonight kicked off with a fiery exchange on Social Security, when...

5 Things to Watch For in Tonight's Debate

Social security and Tea Party topics likely to be big issues

(Newser) - Yes, it’s debate time again. Here’s what to watch for when the 2012 GOP presidential candidates face off tonight in Florida, at an event sponsored by CNN and the Tea Party Express:
  • Social Security will likely continue to be a flash point. At the last debate, Rick Perry

Ron Paul: Sorry, No 'Cross Words' With Perry

Says he doesn't even recall the exchange

(Newser) - Images of Rick Perry seemingly getting in Ron Paul's face during a TV break in this week's debate have triggered all kinds of fun speculation about what was going on, and now we've got explanations form both camps, notes Ben Smith of Politico . Prepare to be disappointed....

Election 2012 Opinion Roundup: Michele Bachmann Is 'Done. Fini. Kaput.'
 Is 'Done. 
 Fini. Kaput.' 
OPINION roundup

Bachmann Is 'Done. Fini. Kaput.'

Critics agree: GOP debate confirmed she's just an 'afterthought' now

(Newser) - If the fat lady didn’t quite sing for Michele Bachmann at last night’s debate, she at least hummed a few notes, say the critics:
  • It was “remarkable” to see this once-top-tier candidate “relegated to an afterthought, getting barely as much face time as Herman Cain, Rick

Republican Debate: Rick Perry Makes His Debate Debut With Fellow GOP Candidates in California
 Perry, Romney Tee Off 
gop debate

Perry, Romney Tee Off

Texas governor makes his presidential debate debut

(Newser) - Rick Perry made his debate debut tonight, and it's clear the new frontrunner is happy to mix it up. He and Mitt Romney went after each other with gusto, notes AP , as evidenced by an early exchange: After Perry criticized Romney's record of creating jobs in Massachusetts, Romney...

What to Watch for in Tonight's Debate

Will Perry make a good impression? Can Bachmann survive?

(Newser) - Sure, some of them have faced off before—but tonight’s Politico/NBC News debate marks the first time new frontrunner Rick Perry will join the fray, making it what Politico calls the “first Fall Classic” for 2012 GOP presidential hopefuls. And it’s the start of a busy month...

Bachmann: 'Submission' Means Respect

Candidate asked if she'd be submissive to her husband

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann believes wives should be submissive to their husbands—she has said she obtained a tax law degree only because her husband told her to—so would she remain submissive to her husband as president? That question from the Washington Examiner’s Byron York last night drew boos from...

Mitt Romney Unscathed by Iowa Debate
 in Iowa Debate 


Romney Unscathed in Iowa Debate

Front-runner stays above the fray as Minnesotans clash

(Newser) - Last night's GOP debate in Iowa was a testy affair, but Mitt Romney managed to stay above the fray and his front-runner status still isn't in doubt—at least until Rick Perry enters the race, pundits say.
  • "Neither the candidates nor the moderators did much to draw

Tonight's Ames Debate: What to Watch For

Bachmann, Romney, Pawlenty, et al fight for the No. 1 slot

(Newser) - There's plenty riding on Saturday's Ames Straw Poll, but have patience: The Ames debate comes first, and there's more than a little bit riding on that, too. Politico notes that while it's not the most important debate of the campaign, it is one that is likely...

Debate Helped Rick Perry, Hurt Palin
 Debate Helped 
 Rick Perry, 
 Hurt Palin 
nate silver

Debate Helped Rick Perry, Hurt Palin

Why? Bachmann did well and Pawlenty didn't: Nate Silver

(Newser) - Acknowledging first that it's a little dicey to read too much into a debate so early in the process, Nate Silver ventures that last night's GOP forum might hurt the 2012 prospects of Sarah Palin and help those of Rick Perry, neither of whom took part. For Palin,...

Bachmann, Romney Score as Debate's 'Big Winners'

Bachmann impressed while Romney held firm, say pundits

(Newser) - Mitt Romney and, more surprisingly, Michele Bachmann looked like the big winners in last night's Republican debate in New Hampshire, analysts say.
  • Bachmann, who announced her candidacy during the debate , was "at ease and forceful without looking at all crazy or out-of-control," writes EJ Dionne Jr. at

Leno Or Conan? Debaters Field Personal Questions
 Leno or Conan? Debaters
 Field Personal Questions

Leno or Conan? Debaters Field Personal Questions

Bachmann picks both Elvis, Johnny Cash

(Newser) - Good gimmick, or bad? At the Republican debate in New Hampshire , CNN moderator John King occasionally departed from talking policy to ask GOP hopefuls a "this or that?" question.
  • To Rick Santorum: "Leno or Conan?" Leno, Santorum decided after a pause, "but I don't watch either.

Michele Bachmann Files Papers to Run for President

She announces during Republican debate

(Newser) - The Republican debate in New Hampshire generated some news early: Michele Bachmann announced she is running for president. "I filed today my paperwork to seek the presidency of the United States," Bachmann, the first woman to enter the 2012 race, told the audience. "I wanted you to...

A Cheat Sheet to Tonight's GOP Debate

Among the things to watch for: Will Weiner make an appearance?

(Newser) - Tonight’s New Hampshire debate marks the “informal kickoff” to the 2012 GOP race, with nearly all the major candidates appearing. Joshua Green of the Atlantic breaks down the seven things to watch for:
  • Romney in the lead? He’s topping the polls; will he shine in this performance?

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