independent voters

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Voters Seek&mdash;But Don't Find&mdash;Safety
 Voters Seek—But 
 Don't Find—Safety 


Voters Seek—But Don't Find—Safety

Independents flee Dems to avoid 'turmoil and risk'

(Newser) - Independent voters are more volatile than ever, and politicians who want their votes need to regain their trust first, writes David Brooks . Polls show those voters, especially in new suburbs hard hit by recession, trust the government less than ever before, leaving them "in the position of a person...

Voters Now a Rampaging Herd

 Voters Now a Rampaging Herd  
Daniel Henninger

Voters Now a Rampaging Herd

Get ready for a permanent tea party as voters seek leaders

(Newser) - In the GOP upsets in Virginia and New Jersey, Daniel Henninger doesn't just see Obama backlash, he sees a voter rebellion from both parties, with independent Americans behaving like stampeding cattle. That independents would within one year swing from Obama enthusiasts to backing decent-to-weak Republicans in Virginia and New Jersey...

Health Bill Will Speed Swing Back to GOP
Health Bill Will Speed
Swing Back to GOP

Health Bill Will Speed Swing Back to GOP

Suburban, independent voter trend is bad news for Dems

(Newser) - This week's election results spell out a trend that should scare Democrats in both red and blue states, warns Karl Rove . Suburban and independent voters turned away from the party at a rate that would have easily put John McCain into the White House last year, and the health bill...

Sorry, Dems, 2008 Is So Last Year
 Sorry, Dems, 
 2008 Is So Last Year 

Sorry, Dems, 2008 Is So Last Year

Winning coalition doesn't reemerge in gubernatorial races

(Newser) - Last night’s gubernatorial defeats proved to Democrats that whatever magic they harnessed last November has left the building. Off-year elections aren’t usually great predictors, but with the Democrats’ winning 2008 coalition essentially absent, the warning signs are clear, writes Dan Balz in the Washington Post. Most notably, Democrats...

Republicans Can Retake House in a 2010 'Landslide'

If trends continue, Republicans could gain 40 seats

(Newser) - Fred Barnes surveys the political landscape and sees the possibility of Republicans gaining up to 40 House seats—and thus regaining control of the chamber—in the 2010 elections. "A landslide of that dimension is quite possible," he writes. Democrats have time to reverse the trend, but they're...

Fox Is Killing the GOP
 Fox Is Killing the GOP 

Fox Is Killing the GOP

(Newser) - Fox News and the Republican Party are locked into a cycle that will make a fortune for the network while dooming the party to further defeats, John Cook writes at Gawker. Fox viewership is up a whopping 45% over the last year as "frightened, paranoid, enraged, nativist zealots" ...

Obama's Independent Support Wanes

Pollster cites political 'sea change'

(Newser) - Though his overall approval rating remains sturdy, President Obama is losing support among independents, particularly in swing states, polls show. “This is a huge sea change that is playing itself out in American politics,” says a Democratic pollster. Obama fell 6 points last week from the week before...

As McCain Falls, NH Senator Faces Trouble

Sununu in hotly fought battle as Granite State turns on GOP

(Newser) - One of this year's most bitterly contested Senate races is in New Hampshire, where the Republican John Sununu is facing a rematch with Jeanne Shaheen, whom he defeated in 2002. In the famously independent Granite State, Sununu was counting on the popularity of John McCain to propel him to victory....

Palin Surprises Say a Lot ... About McCain

Slate's Dickerson questions McCain's 'hasty' impulse

(Newser) - Sarah Palin is so entertaining to cover, from her daughter's pregnancy to her policy disagreements with John McCain, that Slate's John Dickerson is wondering if it's "being made up as we go along." After painting Barack Obama as the risky candidate, McCain made a choice even veteran party...

Arnold May Skip GOP Convention

Governor says passing Calif. budget takes priority

(Newser) - When the Republican convention opens Monday night, its prime-time lineup could be missing one of its biggest draws: Arnold Schwarzenegger. The governor is vowing to remain in California if lawmakers can’t strike a budget deal, now 2 months overdue. And agreement seems unlikely, potentially costing Schwarzenegger a national platform...

West Primed for Dems' Taking
 West Primed for Dems' Taking

West Primed for Dems' Taking

Washington's neglect has voters yearning for change, Colo. senator writes

(Newser) - The West has long been a Republican stronghold, but Democrats have a chance there in November, Ken Salazar writes in the Los Angeles Times. Salazar himself beat the Republican establishment to win a Colorado Senate seat in 2004. Independents are now the region’s largest voting bloc, he writes, and...

Slim Poll Gap Looks Good for Mac, at First
Slim Poll Gap Looks Good
for Mac, at First

Slim Poll Gap Looks Good for Mac, at First

Stumbles haven't hurt Republican, who's in similar polling spot to both Bushes

(Newser) - A new poll shows Barack Obama up just 3% on John McCain (from 15% a few weeks ago), and another has them tied—numbers that look fantastic for the presumptive Republican nominee at first blush, Chris Cillizza writes in the Washington Post. "Given the tilt of this electorate, it's...

Obama Could Lose on Substance
Obama Could Lose on Substance

Obama Could Lose on Substance

Double-digit lead may evaporate as media tires of cool trivia

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s double-digit lead over John McCain may end up a mirage, writes Paul West in the Chicago Tribune, because many voters still don’t know much about the senator's politics. The media has focused largely on trivia, leaving wide swaths of the electorate unsure where Obama stands. “...

In Oil Switch, McCain Drilling for Swing-State Votes

Offshore exploration unpopular in Calif., but strikes chord on high gas prices elsewhere

(Newser) - Negative Californian reaction to John McCain’s offshore drilling flip-flop makes it appear the Republican has lost his strategic marbles, the Los Angeles Times notes—but McCain is gambling that efforts to lower gas prices will trump environmental concerns for voters in states like Michigan and Ohio. He’s “...

With GOP Adrift, McCain Does Left-Right Shimmy
With GOP Adrift, McCain
Does Left-Right Shimmy

With GOP Adrift, McCain Does Left-Right Shimmy

Candidate dances to keep conservatives, independents on his side

(Newser) - John McCain seems to be doing a sidestep between left and right while Barack Obama waltzes toward the center, Dana Milbank writes in the Washington Post. On issues like energy policy, the GOP candidate lurches between riling the right and enraging greenies. Apparently feeling nostalgic, Milbank writes, "McCain's route...

Poll: Obama or Clinton Would Beat McCain

Voters worry about age more than race or gender, survey finds

(Newser) - GOP contender John McCain would lose to either Democratic candidate if the match-up were held today, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll. Adults nationwide would choose Barack Obama over McCain by 12 percentage points; Hillary Clinton would beat the Republican by six points. Though McCain has eight months...

Rain Turns Out for GOP SC Primary, Too

Bland candidates, not weather, may keep voters at home

(Newser) - Today's forecast for parts of South Carolina calls for up to 3 inches of snow, but analysts say if turnout is low in today’s GOP primary, it’ll be because of the candidates, not the weather. Times have changed: “People would have walked through broken glass in their...

Voters Sweat Economy, Slam Bush: Exit Polls

Voters share concerns about Bush, markets

(Newser) - New Hampshire exit polls picked the brains of yesterday’s voters, finding not only that women helped Hillary Clinton and independents boosted John McCain, but also that the economy was foremost in most voters’ minds—and Republicans weren’t giving Bush backers a free pass. While two-thirds of Granite State...

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