
Stories 41 - 53 | << Prev 

Steele Will Head RNC
 Steele Will Head RNC 

Steele Will Head RNC

(Newser) - Michael Steele emerged from a grueling contest today to become the first African-American chairman of the Republican National Committee, Politico reports. The six-ballot process, the most drawn-out in years, ended in the rare election of a non-member. “This is awesome,” the former Maryland lieutenant governor said, drawing a...

Franken, Coleman Agree to Count 900 Rejected Ballots

But court case could keep race on for months

(Newser) - The battling campaigns in the Minnesota Senate race have agreed to count some 900 incorrectly rejected ballots, an unexpectedly high proportion of the 1,350 reviewed by county officials. The system required both campaigns to agree on every ballot, which made such a figure seem unlikely, Talking Points Memo reports....

Coleman Claims 150 Ballots Were Double-Counted

Minn. board faces new hurdles as it resolves disputes in Senate race

(Newser) - The Minnesota Senate recount is moving at a one-step-forward, two-steps-back pace, the Minneapolis Star-Tribune reports, with Republican Norm Coleman’s campaign saying 150 ballots were double-counted, and that the total tally needs to be adjusted by the Canvassing Board. The board, which is in the process of evaluating disputed ballots,...

Minn. Board Can't Keep Up With New Ballot Challenges

Candidates add to pile as panel starts sifting

(Newser) - The Minnesota state Canvassing Board began evaluating challenged ballots in the Senate recount yesterday, the Minneapolis Star-Tribune reports. These votes, where one of the campaigns disputed voter intent, are the last major obstacle in the count. But the campaigns say that having seen the standards, they may revive some withdrawn...

Minnesota Senate Race Hangs on Pair of Rulings

Court, Canvassing Board could shrink Coleman lead

(Newser) - Minnesota’s hotly contested Senate race now hinges on two fast-approaching decisions: a state Supreme Court ruling on standards for counting mistakenly rejected ballots (arguments to be heard tomorrow), and the Canvassing Board’s decision on the number of challenged ballots to be officially counted (review begins today). Republican incumbent...

Supreme Court Fields Obama Citizenship Challenges

Both claim Obama is not 'natural born'

(Newser) - Two lawsuits challenging Barack Obama’s right to be president on the grounds that he is not a US citizen are on the Supreme Court;s "to do" list, but the litigants' hopes of overturning the election results are slim, MSNBC reports. One alleges Obama was born in Kenya,...

Franken Is 'Likely to Win' Recount: Expert

Badly filled-out ballots could spell victory in Minnesota Senate race

(Newser) - Bumbling Democratic voters in Minnesota are likely to hand Al Franken a win, a political scientist tells the Huffington Post. The professor estimates that as many as 10,000 voters voided their ballots by circling a name or marking an X instead of filling in a circle. But Minnesota considers...

Foreclosed Homeowners May Lose Voting Rights

Dems: GOP plans to challenge addresses

(Newser) - Many of the million Americans who lost their homes through foreclosure in the last couple of years may discover at the polls that they've lost their right to vote in the upcoming election as well, the New York Times reports. Election officials and voter rights groups fear that failure to...

Swing States Will Face Voting Glitches: Report

Feds failed to notify officials of ballot machine failures

(Newser) - Little has been done to fix voting problems in some key states over the last few years, and voters in those states could have problems at the polls in November, CNN reports. Ten swing states—including Florida and Ohio—are likely to face voting day snarls, including shortages of voting...

Calif. Against Gay Marriage Ban: Poll

Slim majority say they would reject Prop 8 in November

(Newser) - A small majority of Californians polled would vote against a state constitutional ban on same-sex marriage in November, the Los Angeles Times reports. A Field Poll of 672 voters found that 51% oppose Proposition 8, while 42% support it. The ballot measure would define marriage as being exclusively between a...

Calif. Court Leaves Gay Marriage Ban on the Ballot

Sides prepare for November showdown

(Newser) - A voter initiative to ban gay marriage is staying on California’s ballot this November, the state’s supreme court ruled unanimously yesterday, setting the stage for a bitter November battle. Gay rights groups had argued that the proposition was an illegal constitutional revision, and that petitions for the initiative...

Kevorkian's Congressional Bid Advances

'Dr Death' gets enough signatures to be on Michigan ballot

(Newser) - Assisted suicide advocate Jack Kevorkian has collected enough signatures to be on the November ballot as a congressional candidate in Michigan. The Oakland County elections director says Kevorkian had about 3,200 valid signatures—about 200 more than needed.

NH Reports Record Turnout
NH Reports Record Turnout

NH Reports Record Turnout

Polling places scramble to find enough ballots

(Newser) - New Hampshire polling places are reporting record turnout for today's primaries, and the secretary of state’s office is sending more ballots to precincts overrun with voters. There’s no telling yet if predictions of 500,000 primary voters in the state of 1.3 million will pan out, but...

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