
Stories 61 - 66 | << Prev 

Robotic Suit Helps Paralyzed Take Big Steps

Motorized exoskeleton enables walking, bending, climbing

(Newser) - People paralyzed from the waist down may soon be parking their wheelchairs in favor of a robotic walking suit, CNN reports. Designed by Dr. Amit Goffer, a disabled engineer in Israel, the lightweight exoskeleton of motorized leg supports and motion sensors enables users to walk around. "I don't have...

High-Tech Suit Gives Hope to Paralyzed

Israel's ReWalk exoskeleton lets patients paralyzed from the waist down stand upright

(Newser) - A mechanical exoskeleton developed by an Israeli firm allows paraplegics to stand upright and walk, the BBC reports. The ReWalk device consists of a backpack, leg braces and a wrist controller. Once a mode is selected, such as climbing stairs, leaning forward activates motors in the braces. “It lets...

Two-Wheeled Turtle Finds Love
 Two-Wheeled Turtle Finds Love

Two-Wheeled Turtle Finds Love

Disabled Arava fitted with rear wheels

(Newser) - A turtle that lost the use of her hind legs has come out of her shell since being fitted with a set of rear wheels, reports AP. The 55-pound turtle, Arava, has even begun mating with an amorous male. The 10-year-old spurred tortoise was fitted with a customized skateboard by...

Chinese Dancer Paralyzed in Fall
 Chinese Dancer Paralyzed in Fall

Chinese Dancer Paralyzed in Fall

Liu Yan was rehearsing for opening ceremonies; may never walk again

(Newser) - One of China’s top classical dancers may have been paralyzed for life during rehearsals for the Olympics' opening ceremonies, the New York Times reports. Liu Yan was to perform the show’s only solo number, until she missed a jump to a malfunctioning platform 12 days ago, falling 10...

Teen Paralyzed by Tick Bite
Teen Paralyzed by Tick Bite

Teen Paralyzed by Tick Bite

Experts recommend frequent checks to stop toxin as quickly as possible

(Newser) - A 13-year-old Washington boy was temporarily paralyzed last week by a bite from a tick embedded in his hairline, the Seattle Times reports. Though extremely rare, such paralysis is a risk in Western states, where Rocky Mountain wood ticks and American dog ticks are most prevalent. A tick left untreated...

'Rewired' Nerves Restore Ability to Walk

Promising research on mice raises hopes for human breakthrough

(Newser) - Scientists have figured out how mice that lose the ability to walk after a spinal-cord injury can regain it, a finding that could someday help human patients, Scientific American reports. When the long nerves that run from the brain to the base of the spine were severed, shorter nerves in...

Stories 61 - 66 | << Prev 
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