Tucson, Arizona

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Giffords Still Critical, Sedated; Cops Seek Second Suspect

Arizona rep never woke up; news conference later

(Newser) - Rep. Gabrielle Giffords remained heavily sedated and in critical condition today as investigators sought to understand what motivated a gunman to carry out an assassination attempt on the Democratic lawmaker in a rampage that killed six. A University Medical Center spokeswoman said that Giffords underwent a two-hour surgery yesterday and...

Giffords Had Decided 'Life Was About Service'
Giffords Had Decided
'Life Was About Service'

Giffords Had Decided 'Life Was About Service'

Arizona rep like to ride her motorcycle without a helmet

(Newser) - Gabrielle Giffords may just beat the odds and add gunshot survivor to a hefty and varied resume that includes gun rights advocate, motorcycle and equestrian enthusiast, health care champion, astronaut's wife, French horn player, and Democrats' rising star in a Republican district. The New York Times profiles the Arizona rep,...

Suspect Jared Lee Loughner Left Bizarre Videos

Man accused in Gabrielle Giffords shooting posted 'goodbye' this morning

(Newser) - Details are trickling in about the 22-year-old Tucson man accused of shooting Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and scores of others, but suspect Jared Lee Loughner remains largely a mystery. He left several videos that reference his displeasure with the government, mind control, attaining a new consciousness, and even creating a new...

Palin Offers Condolences After Arizona Shooting

McCain says Gabrielle Giffords' shooter is disgrace to the human race

(Newser) - Sarah Palin, who's been taking flak because of a SarahPac map that put Gabrielle Giffords' district in its crosshairs (literally), issued a quick Facebook statement today offering "sincere condolences" to Giffords' family after the Arizona shooting . "On behalf of Todd and my family, we all pray for the...

Gunman Shoots Congresswoman in Arizona
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords
Shot in Arizona

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords Shot in Arizona

Several others also shot; hospital says congresswoman in surgery

(Newser) - Arizona congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was shot in the head at close range today while hosting a public event outside a Tucson supermarket, reports NPR . Several other people also were shot, and the AP says at least one aide was killed. A hospital spokeswoman says Giffords is in surgery after conflicting...

US Troops Headed to Mexican Border

National Guard presence to be especially strong in Arizona

(Newser) - National Guard troops are headed to the Mexican border next month to beef up security along the border fence. As part of President Obama's new border plan, the 1,200 troops will spend a year in California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas, where they'll help border patrol agents monitor and...

Arizona Outlaws Ethnic Studies
 Arizona Outlaws Ethnic Studies 

Arizona Outlaws Ethnic Studies

Because they're racist against white people

(Newser) - Well, this should quiet down all the racial tension in Arizona: Gov. Jan Brewer has signed a bill designed to outlaw the Tucson school district's ethnic studies program—just hours after UN human rights experts issued a report condemning that very law. The measure is the brainchild of Arizona schools...

Tucson Tops 'Simple Life' List
 Tucson Tops 'Simple Life' List 

Tucson Tops 'Simple Life' List

(Newser) - Of all the cities and towns in America, Tucson, Ariz., offers the simplest and most rewarding living, USA Today reports. The AARP studied demographic information and a city’s stress index—a measure of suicide, crime, and divorce rates—to pick places a retiree might relax easily, and cheaply. The...

Comcast Apologizes for Super Bowl Porn

Cable company blames 'malicious act' for randy interruption

(Newser) - Comcast has apologized to Tucson-area viewers whose Super Bowl coverage was interrupted by a porn clip, reports the Arizona Daily Star. The cable company blames a mysterious "malicious act" for the graphic content that flashed across viewers' screens, and is offering a $10 credit to those who saw the...

Porn Interrupts Super Bowl Broadcast
Porn Interrupts Super Bowl Broadcast

Porn Interrupts Super Bowl Broadcast

TV station probes mystery switch from gridiron to graphic

(Newser) - Tucson-area Super Bowl viewers were startled when coverage suddenly cut to a very different kind of action in the final minutes of the game, the Arizona Daily Star reports. The game was interrupted by some 30 steamy seconds from a porn channel, featuring full male nudity. Only Comcast customers were...

Gates Sees Stars, Donates $10M to 'Scope

Joins 2nd Microsoft mogul in backing plan to photograph heavens

(Newser) - Bill Gates and Bill Simonyi—space geeks and Microsoft billionaires both—are donating $30 million to the Chilean-based Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, the Guardian reports. The $400 million endeavor, scheduled to be working in 2015, will snap pics of the sky with a 3,200 megapixel digital camera every 15...

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