dairy products

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Big Dairy Is Thrilled With Your Butter Board
Big Dairy Is Thrilled
With Your Butter Board

Big Dairy Is Thrilled With Your Butter Board

Grist looks at how the industry's PR machine is on a roll, displeasing some critics

(Newser) - Not too long ago, "butter board" recipes and how-tos were all the rage on social media. Not surprisingly, the dairy industry was pretty happy about this sudden love of butter. What may be a bit more surprising is that the industry itself played a big role in helping butter...

Cheese Ruling a 'Significant Win' for US Dairy Farmers

Cheese made in US can be labeled 'Gruyere,' to chagrin of dairy farmers from France, Switzerland

(Newser) - Feel free to call that Alpine-style cheese from Wisconsin "Gruyere." That's according to a US appeals court, which ruled last week that the label can be used for cheese made not only in the Swiss-French region it's named after, but also for cheese made in the...

You Didn't Really Want Butter for Your Popcorn, Did You?

It's getting harder to find, and prices have spiked to an average of $4.70 per pound

(Newser) - If you're already looking forward to baking for the holidays, there's one kitchen commodity you may want to start stockpiling now. Butter is increasingly in short supply, which means the price of it has skyrocketed—last month, it reached an average price of $4.70 per pound, a...

S. Korea Dairy Company Sorry for Turning Women Into Cows

The advertisement for Seoul Milk wasn't well received

(Newser) - "We are taking this matter seriously, and we will pay more attention and review to prevent similar problems in the future." It's a fairly standard corporate apology. What prompted South Korea's largest dairy company to issue it is a little less typical: an advertisement that critics...

'Got Milk?' Yes, You Do Again
'Got Milk?' Yes, You Do Again

'Got Milk?' Yes, You Do Again

Dairy industry's iconic ad campaign makes a comeback as milk sales shoot up during pandemic

(Newser) - The dairy industry has a familiar question for you: “Got milk?” Six years after the popular tagline was retired, “Got milk?” ads are back. A group funded by the dairy industry is reviving it, hoping to prolong the boost milk has gotten during the pandemic. US milk sales...

Native Americans Welcome Big Change in Butter Packaging
Say Goodbye to the
Land O'Lakes 'Butter Maiden'
in case you missed it

Say Goodbye to the Land O'Lakes 'Butter Maiden'

Native American woman who appeared on brand's packaging for decades has been nixed

(Newser) - If you can't quite put your finger on what's different about your butter the next time you pick up a pack of Land O'Lakes, allow us to fill you in. There's something missing from the packaging—the Native American "butter maiden" who used to be...

Dark Message to Dairy Farmers: 'Start Dumping Your Milk'

With food supply chain in chaos, farmers can't get their perishable product to where it's got to go

(Newser) - With schools and restaurants closed during the coronavirus pandemic, truck drivers afraid to transport product for fear of catching the virus, and exports slowing to a crawl, the dairy industry is taking a hit—and it's forcing farmers to trash their milk supply. "We need you to start...

This Is the World's Best Cheese
This Is the World's
Best Cheese

This Is the World's Best Cheese

Gruyere from Switzerland takes top prize at world's biggest cheese, butter, yogurt competition

(Newser) - A Gruyere from Switzerland has been named the world's best cheese, chosen from a record number of entrants from 26 nations in the World Championship Cheese Contest in Wisconsin. The cheese from Bern, Switzerland, made its maker, Michael Spycher of Mountain Dairy Fritzenhaus, a two-time winner. Spycher also won...

Nation's Biggest Milk Company Declares Bankruptcy

People aren't drinking nearly as much milk as they used to

(Newser) - Got milk? Increasingly, Americans don't, and that led the nation's biggest milk producer to file for bankruptcy Tuesday. Dean Foods blamed a decadeslong drop in milk consumption that has seen people turn to alternatives like soda, juice and almond milk. The Dallas company said it may sell itself...

American Cheese Scores a Big First
American Cheese
Scores a Big First

American Cheese Scores a Big First

Oregon cheese scored first-ever US win at World Cheese Awards

(Newser) - Cheese snobs who think American cheese is defined by Cheez Whiz will have been surprised by this year's World Cheese Awards. For the first time in the event's 32-year history, the winning cheese came from the US, Food & Wine reports. The honor went to the Rogue River...

Suit: Premium Dairy's Cows Surrounded by Dirt, Concrete

Class-action complaint against Tillamook creamery says most cows' life isn't as idyllic as advertised

(Newser) - Visit the website of the Tillamook County Creamery Association, and you'll view photos of "pampered" cows roaming freely in verdant fields. A new lawsuit from the Animal Legal Defense Fund, however, takes issue with this idyllic imagery from the company that churns out Tillamook-brand butter, cheese, ice cream,...

Almond Milk Recalled for Possibly Having Milk in It

Blue Diamond's Vanilla Almond Breeze may have been tainted in production 'failure'

(Newser) - Many people who drink almond milk do so to avoid drinking cow's milk, which is why the FDA has been forced to issue a recall on more than 145,000 half-gallon cartons of "potentially compromised product," per Gizmodo . The affected product from HP Hood: Blue Diamond Vanilla...

Family: Allergic Boy, 3, Died After Being Given Sandwich

Facility then failed to call an ambulance

(Newser) - A heartbroken New York family is mourning a 3-year-old boy whose death they say was completely preventable. Elijah Silvera was given a grilled cheese sandwich at a Harlem daycare on Nov. 3 "despite them knowing and having documented that he has a severe allergy to dairy," family members...

There's a Major Misconception About Dairy
There's a Major
About Dairy

There's a Major Misconception About Dairy

It's not linked to increase in cardiovascular disease: study

(Newser) - Gouda news for cheese lovers: Despite claims that the fatty treat does damage to your cardiovascular health, a review of 29 studies has found no evidence that full-fat dairy products like cheese and milk boost one's risk of death, heart attack, or stroke. While many dairy products are high...

America Has Way Too Much Cheese

Dairy stockpile is the biggest in decades

(Newser) - America has its problems but a cheese shortage definitely isn't one of them, according to the latest USDA figures. The stockpile of unsold cheese has swelled to more than 1.2 billion pounds, its highest level in records going back to at least 1984, Bloomberg reports. The cheese glut...

New Luxury Item: Butter?

 New Luxury Item: 
in case you missed it

New Luxury Item: Butter?

Price hits all-time high amid surge in demand

(Newser) - Will American shoppers soon be saying, "I can't believe I can't afford butter?" Butter prices hit a record high on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange this week, and with the levels of the stuff in storage down 42% over this time last year, "Americans are about to...

America, Get Ready for 'A2 Milk'

Proponents say it's healthier than current variety, which is rich in A1 protein

(Newser) - Those sickened by US milk may not be lactose intolerant—in fact, if they were to head abroad, one in four might find the stuff easier to drink. That's because of a protein known as A1 that's typically predominant in the milk of Holstein cows, which are widespread...

After 20 Years, Dairy Industry Dumps 'Got Milk?'

New 'Milk Life' campaign focuses on nutrition

(Newser) - After nearly 20 years, the dairy industry has decided its "Got Milk?" slogan is nearing the end of its shelf life. Amid slumping sales and stiff competition from the likes of almond milk, the Milk Processor Education Program has switched to a campaign called "Milk Life" that aims...

Whole Milk Linked to ... Skinny People?
 Whole Milk 
 Linked to ... 
 Skinny People? 
studies say

Whole Milk Linked to ... Skinny People?

Healthy dairy choices getting more complicated

(Newser) - Drinking fattier milk will make us fatter ourselves, right? Maybe not. New research reported by NPR suggests that whole milk is actually linked to lower weight. A study by Swedish experts found that, over a 12-year period, middle-aged men who used whole milk, cream, and butter had a lower risk...

Organic Milk Really Is Better for You
 Organic Milk Really 
 Is Better for You 

Organic Milk Really Is Better for You

Grass diet boosts heart-friendly acids, researchers say

(Newser) - The jury is still out on the health benefits of organic food, but organic milk appears to have some genuine advantages over conventional milk, according to new research. Almost 400 samples of both kinds of milk found that the organic stuff, from cows grazed in grassy pastures, was richer in...

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