Hosni Mubarak

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Egyptian Rage Falls Hard on Mubarak Crony

Steel oligarch, became symbol of cronyism

(Newser) - The violence and popular wrath rumbling through Egypt are falling hard against Ahmed Ezz, a steel oligarch with a near-monopoly and a close friendship with Hosni Mubarak's son. Ezz's Cairo digs was torched three times, and popular resentment against Mubarak cronies is reaching critical mass—now Ezz finds his assets...

Mubarak: World's Richest Man?

Family fortune may reach $70B: report

(Newser) - Hosni Mubarak may be the richest man in the world—by far—if reports are correct . The Guardian reported that Middle East experts put the Egyptian leader’s family fortune at some $70 billion, which the New York Post notes is quite a bit more than the riches of both...

Mubarak-Praising US Envoy Has Biz Ties to ... Mubarak

Frank Wisner comments backed Mubarak

(Newser) - The US envoy who surprisingly praised Hosni Mubarak after meeting with him in Egypt last week actually works for a major American law firm that works for Mubarak, reports Robert Fisk in the Independent . Frank Wisner has worked for Patton Boggs for about two years; the law firm has handled...

Egyptians to State: Stuff Your Empty Promises

Protesters still demanding Mubarak quit

(Newser) - Angry protesters say promises of major changes from Egypt's leaders in talks yesterday didn't go far enough to quell the national uprising. "Our demands are still the same," said a spokesman for the Muslim Brotherhood, one of six groups that met with government leaders. "They only responded...

Egypt Protesters Win Free Press, Concessions

But Mubarak doesn't agree to leave

(Newser) - From today's meetings between Egyptian Vice President Omar Suleiman and various protest groups comes a pretty significant list of concessions the regime is granting. The down low, as per the AP:
  • Free press: The government promised it would stop impeding the media, Internet access, and text messaging.
  • Protesters: Cairo agreed

US Backs Suleiman; Demonstrators Shrug

Leaders of ruling party resign, but protesters see it all as half-steps

(Newser) - See if this sounds familiar: The day's wire reports on Egypt bring news of yet more pressure on Hosni Mubarak and more concessions from the government, followed by the same response protesters have given for 12 days—nowhere near good enough. The two developments competing for headlines are:
  • Hillary Clinton

Egypt Plots Mubarak's 'Graceful Exit'
 Egypt Plots 
 'Graceful Exit' 


Egypt Plots Mubarak's 'Graceful Exit'

Top officials push for him to deputize Suleiman, step aside in all but name

(Newser) - Hosni Mubarak may think he's hanging on through September elections, but top-level Egyptians on both sides of the protests, as well as US officials, are negotiating what the AP and the New York Times are calling his "graceful exit." Proposals on the table largely center around Mubarak stepping...

Obama Keeps Up Pressure on 'Patriot' Mubarak

Mass protests remain largely peaceful

(Newser) - Tahrir Square remained largely peaceful today as throngs of demonstrators—estimates ranged up to the hundreds of thousands—continued their call for Hosni Mubarak to step down and President Obama reiterated his demand for a quick transition of power. The New York Times pegged the mood among demonstrators as "...

Sorry Egypt, You Need Mubarak (For Now)

He needs to stick around long enough to dismantle his regime

(Newser) - Protesters are plainly not satisfied with Hosni Mubarak’s promise to leave office in September, but like it or not, they need him to stick around for a little while, Tarek Masoud writes in the New York Times . Only the president has the power to dissolve the parliament, he explains,...

Army Guards Egypt Protest, Prepares for New Leaders

White House in talks regarding caretaker government

(Newser) - A massive wave of protesters again flooded Cairo's Tahrir Square today—this time clearly under army protection. Protesters were the target of gun battles and other attacks yesterday by pro-government supporters who critics charged were being directed by toppling leader Hosni Mubarak and his ruling party. In an apparent sign...

US Working On Quick Exit for Mubarak

One possibility is to have the new VP take over immediately

(Newser) - Hosni Mubarak continues to insist that he can't resign immediately, but the Obama administration is in negotiations with other Egyptian officials to have him to do just that, reports the New York Times . The leading possibility would be to have new VP Omar Suleiman, previously the head of intelligence, take...

Mubarak: I Want to Leave but I Can't
 Mubarak: I Want 
 to Leave but I Can't 

Mubarak: I Want to Leave but I Can't

He tells ABC he fears even worse chaos would ensue

(Newser) - Hosni Mubarak tells ABC's Christiane Amanpour that he's tired of being president and would like to resign immediately, but fears Egypt would sink into even worse chaos if he did. Other early highlights from the interview:
  • On the violence: He insists his government isn't responsible and blames the Muslim Brotherhood.

Mubarak's Son Won't Seek Presidency: VP

Move is another concession to demonstrators

(Newser) - Hosni Mubarak’s son Gamal won’t try to succeed him as president of Egypt, the country’s vice president said, according to state television. The move is the latest concession to demonstrators, the AP reports; many thought Mubarak was planning for his son to take over the presidency, against...

Fresh Violence Erupts as Gunfire Rocks Cairo

Critics charge Mubarak with launching attack

(Newser) - New violence erupted before dawn today as Hosni Mubarak's supporters opened fire on protesters with automatic weapons, several news outlets reported. A stream of ambulances transported bloodied demonstrators from Tahrir Square as protesters chased down some of the attackers, witnesses said. At least one of the weapons was a heavy...

Violent Clashes Break Out in Cairo

 Violent Clashes 
 Break Out in Cairo 

Violent Clashes Break Out in Cairo

Men charged through on camel and horseback, swinging whips

(Newser) - Chaos broke out in Cairo’s Tahrir Square today, as supporters of Hosni Mubarak took to the streets, resulting in a violent confrontation with pro-Democracy protesters. Tens of thousands on each side battled using rocks, sticks, and iron bars, Sky News reports. Initially there was a break in the fighting—...

ElBaradei: Mubarak's Pledge an 'Act of Deception'

'Once he's out of the country, demonstrators will go home'

(Newser) - Mohamed ElBaradei isn’t satisfied with President Mubarak’s pledge to stand down in September —he wants him out now. “Nobody is satisfied with that, nobody is ready to be naïve, not see a ploy,” ElBaradei told the Wall Street Journal and other media outlets. “...

Obama: Egypt's Transition 'Must Begin Now'

He praises young demonstrators, along with the military

(Newser) - President Obama said he spoke to Hosni Mubarak again today and told him that Egypt's transition to new leadership "must begin now." In his own speech, Obama didn't explicitly call for Mubarak to step down earlier than September, though the Washington Post quotes insiders as saying the administration...

Muslim Brotherhood: ‘No One Is Satisfied’

Mubarak's offer might not bring end to demonstrations

(Newser) - Based on protesters' initial reaction to Hosni Mubarak's promise not to run for re-election in September—but to remain in office during the interim—it won't be enough to appease them. “No one is satisfied,” said a spokesman for the Muslim Brotherhood, according to the Wall Street Journal...

Mubarak Says He Won't Run for Re-Election

Obama urged him to skip the fall elections

(Newser) - Hosni Mubarak addressed his nation again today, this time promising not to run for another term in the September election, reports Al Jazeera . The Egyptian leader says he intends to remain in office until then and work toward a "peaceful transfer of power." Now the big question: Will...

Throngs Gather for 'Million-Man' March

Pockets of protesters form elsewhere.

(Newser) - Cairo's “march of a million” looks like it's living up to its billing, reports al-Jazeera , with something along those lines gathered in Tahrir Square to call for Hosni Mubarak’s departure. A second "million-strong" demonstration is also scheduled in Alexandria, and in there have been “increasingly large...

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