information technology

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North Korean Spies Are Getting US IT Jobs

Remote job offerings, AI advances are helping operatives infiltrate US companies: WSJ

(Newser) - In May, federal prosecutors announced fraud charges against several people who'd allegedly helped individuals with ties to North Korea secure jobs with over 300 US companies, generating $7 million for Kim Jong Un's regime. But that's just one small part of an ongoing fraud scheme that's...

US Companies Inadvertently Gave $7M to North Korea

American charged in fraud scheme that saw North Koreans pose as remote US workers

(Newser) - Citizens of North Korea are snagging remote jobs with US companies and funneling earnings into their country's missile program, federal authorities said Thursday in announcing fraud charges against a US woman accused of facilitating such a scheme. Christina Chapman, 49, of Litchfield Park, Arizona, is among five people facing...

Fired IT Staff Deliver Parting Diss at Billboard
Fired IT Staff
Deliver Parting
Diss at Billboard
in case you missed it

Fired IT Staff Deliver Parting Diss at Billboard

Animal House-themed post announcing layoffs was quickly deleted

(Newser) - Revenge is apparently best served by Kent "Flounder" Dorfman. A photo of the Animal House character described as having a 0.2 grade point average topped a late Tuesday article published by Billboard with the headline "Billboard / Hollywood Reporter lays off entire IT staff due to Covid19....

Fired IT Guy Demands $200K to Unlock Data

Online college couldn't access account

(Newser) - An IT worker fired for refusing to relocate demanded $200,000 to unlock a Google account with the emails and coursework of 2,000 students, an online college claims. The American College of Education alleges in a lawsuit that Triano Williams changed the password on the account and demanded the...

11 American Jobs That Pay Over $100K

IT and marketing managers make the list

(Newser) - Want to pull in $100,000 a year? According to Bureau of Labor Statistics data, just 38 US occupations offer that much, and only 11 of them are common enough to employ over 100,000 people, 24/7 Wall St reports. Among those, here are the top five:
  1. Family and General

Firm Behind ObamaCare Mess Is ... Unusual

At CGI Federal, employees 'make their own jobs'

(Newser) - How did the company that built the bulk of manage to bungle it so badly? There may be some clues in the corporate ethos of CGI Federal, Newsweek finds in an extensive look at the Canadian IT pioneer that now holds hundreds of government contracts in the US...

iPhone Uses More Power Than a Fridge

While ICT takes 10% of global electricity: report

(Newser) - Is your iPhone running? Better shut it off, because that device is using more energy than your refrigerator. A new report says that a fridge uses just 322 kWh per year, compared with the 361 kWh for an iPhone, if you include its wireless connections, data usage, and battery charges,...

GM to Add 1,500 Tech Jobs
 GM to Add 1,500 Tech Jobs 

GM to Add 1,500 Tech Jobs

Automaker has decided to stop outsourcing IT work

(Newser) - General Motors released a bit of positive jobs news today, announcing that it will be hiring 1,500 people for a new software development center in Michigan, as it reverses its longstanding trend of outsourcing its IT work overseas. The Michigan plant will be the second of four planned new...

We Need a for College Admissions

Our current system is badly outdated: Kevin Carey

(Newser) - It's time to bring the college admissions process into the modern age, writes Kevin Carey at the Atlantic . He doesn't mean the process by which elite students get into Ivy League schools—he means the real world, where the vast majority of students end up picking a school...

Getting Distracted Online Is Good for Humanity
Getting Distracted Online
Is Good for Humanity

Getting Distracted Online Is Good for Humanity

We're all part of a burgeoning superorganism

(Newser) - Don’t worry if you can’t make it through these two paragraphs without checking your email in another tab. There are plenty of doomsayers warning that the Internet is rotting our brains and ruining our ability to concentrate, but they’re missing the point, writes Robert Wright in the...

Digital Spew Edges Into Zettabyte Zone

World output set to break mega barrier

(Newser) - The flood of digital information produced by the world is outgrowing even the language described it. "Zettabyte"—one million million gigabytes, or enough information to fill 75 billion iPads—has now entered the lexicon, and the world's digital output is expected to pass the 1 zettabyte mark for...

Next Year, You Might Actually Get a Raise

Ten jobs likely to benefit from the improving economy

(Newser) - Unsurprisingly, 2009 was a grim year for many an employee’s wallet, with 85% of big companies doing away with across-the-board merit pay, but 2010 already looks a lot brighter. More than half the companies who froze salaries this year tell Fortune they plan to defrost them next year. Here’...

IT Firm Puts Autism to Work
 IT Firm Puts Autism to Work 

IT Firm Puts Autism to Work

Software tester finds niche for those with the disorder

(Newser) - A Danish entrepreneur—and father of a son with autism—has figured out a profitable way to serve the needs of blue chip companies and the underemployed members of the autism community. Thorkil Sonne’s company, Specialisterne, does repetitive software testing, turning its employees’ disability into an asset. “This...

Let Employees Roam the Web
 Let Employees Roam the Web 

Let Employees Roam the Web

(Newser) - Protecting against viruses and encouraging productivity is all well and good, Farhad Manjoo writes on Slate, but “locking down” company computers isn’t the way to go about it. Companies that “block the Web and various other online distractions on the theory that a cowed workforce is an...

Barcode of Future Is Tiny, Shiny

MIT researchers design an alternative with 'Bokodes'

(Newser) - MIT researchers have designed a possible replacement for the conventional barcode, the BBC reports. Called Bokodes, the tags are made up of a powered light-emitting diode, a mask and a lens, and can store much more information than the black-and-white stripe variety. More, the scientists say, the Bokodes can be...

Virtual Desktops Brings Work Close to Home

Citrix, Intel system may make it easier to leave office behind

(Newser) - The line between work and home keeps getting blurrier. Citrix and Intel are teaming to create a system that will make it easier for people to access work files from their personal laptops or home computers, the Miami Herald reports. The files wouldn't be on the personal computer's hard drive,...

Our Economic Cure? Innovation
 Our Economic Cure? Innovation 

Our Economic Cure? Innovation

Innovation, and making it more efficient, can turn gray skies blue

(Newser) - Democrats and Republicans do have something in common: Both parties are wrong on how to resuscitate the flat-lining US economy, Michael Mandel argues in BusinessWeek. Tax cuts or increased government spending aren’t the cure. “Innovation is the best—and maybe the only—way the US can get out...

Intel Snubs Microsoft, Won't Adopt Vista in Offices

The thirty pieces of silver are on their way

(Newser) - Intel has decided not to upgrade the 80,000 or so computers its employees use to Windows Vista, seemingly betraying its longtime bosom buddy Microsoft, the New York Times reports. The latest Windows iteration has drawn jeers for being bloated and buggy. “This isn’t a matter of dissing...

Who's Afraid of Google Health?
Who's Afraid
of Google Health?

Who's Afraid of Google Health?

Concerns over personal privacy "misguided"

(Newser) - Google's new health record-sharing service has privacy advocates' hearts racing. But the benefits outweigh the risks, both in costs and potential lives saved, James Gibney argues in the Atlantic. Ready access to personal health records could prevent medical errors like incorrectly prescribed meds while saving billions in related  costs.

IBM Raises Dividend 25%
 IBM Raises Dividend 25% 

IBM Raises Dividend 25%

Firm paying out $2.5B, expecting $12B in stock buybacks

(Newser) - IBM raised its quarterly dividend for the thirteenth consecutive year today after posting strong Q1 earnings two weeks ago, the Wall Street Journal reports. The firm expects to pay $2.5 billion to shareholders this year after raising its dividend 25%, from 40 to 50 cents. IBM also expects to...

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