teen pregnancy

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Pregnancy Pact Was Real, Says Principal

Defends comments after mayor says there's no proof

(Newser) - The principal of a Massachusetts high school who said 17 girls got pregnant at his school as part of a pact isn't backing down from his claim, the AP reports. The principal said he gleaned the information through a nurse practitioner, “verbal staff reports,” and “student/staff chatter....

Pregnancy Pact Recollection 'Foggy'
Pregnancy Pact Recollection 'Foggy'

Pregnancy Pact Recollection 'Foggy'

Mayor at center of media frenzy speaks for absent HS principal

(Newser) - The mayor of the city where high school students reportedly made a "pregnancy pact" reiterated today that local officials haven't found any evidence confirming the agreement, the Boston Herald reports. The Gloucester, Mass., mayor said at a press conference the school principal couldn't provide a source for that claim:...

Mayor: No Proof of Teen Pregnancy Pact

Glouester staff, families doubt explanation for baby boom

(Newser) - The mayor of Gloucester says there’s no proof that teenage girls in the Massachusetts town made a pact to have babies together, the AP reports. The principal of Gloucester High School, where a bizarre spate of 17 girls got pregnant this year, was quoted in Time saying the girls...

17 High School Teens Pregnant After Secret Pact

High fives over positive tests spark Mass. birth control battle

(Newser) - A pact among teenage girls to get pregnant has resulted in 17 pregnancies at a single Massachusetts high school—and sparked a debate in the conservative Catholic fishing town about birth control and available career options, reports Time magazine. Officials began to get wise to the secret pact when girls...

It's a Girl&mdash;Jamie Lynn Gives Birth
It's a Girl—Jamie Lynn Gives Birth

It's a Girl—Jamie Lynn Gives Birth

Maddie Briann arrives via C-section just as Britney makes it to town

(Newser) - Jamie Lynn Spears gave birth via C-section this morning in Mississippi, the National Enquirer reports. The 17-year-old’s baby, Maddie Briann, weighs 6 pounds, 10 ounces. Sister Britney arrived in Louisiana yesterday to await the delivery. An ultrasound last week showed that there were possible complications with the baby's position.

Miss. Cops Bust Pap for Stalking Jamie Lynn

But photog says he was 200 feet away

(Newser) - A paparazzo who once photographed Britney Spears’ bare nether regions was charged Tuesday for stalking the pop wreck’s pregnant teen sister Jamie Lynn, the AP reports. Authorities say Edwin Merino wouldn't leave the ready-to-pop Jamie Lynn, 17, and her baby daddy alone; he says he was shooting from a...

Teen Sex Rate Stops Dropping
Teen Sex Rate Stops Dropping

Teen Sex Rate Stops Dropping

Condom use also levels off, reviving debate about abstinence sex ed

(Newser) - A decade-long drop in the teen sex rate leveled off between 2001-2007 and it may now be slowly rising again, the Washington Post reports. The government survey of thousands of high school students also found that an increase in condom use flattened out in 2003. The numbers have alarmed public...

Britney Helps Jamie Lynn Celebrate

Family, friends gather to fete 17-year-old mom-to-be

(Newser) - Britney Spears returned home to Louisiana over the weekend for a cameo at 17-year-old sister Jamie Lynn's baby shower at their mother's home in Kentwood, People reports. "We all sat in a circle and she opened gifts and thanked every person," said a guest. "It was just...

Teen Gives Birth, Jogs to ER
 Teen Gives Birth, Jogs to ER 

Teen Gives Birth, Jogs to ER

'This baby is fine,' says doc

(Newser) - A terrified California teenager hid her pregnancy from her parents, gave birth alone in the shower—then walked and jogged four blocks to the hospital cradling her wrapped infant still attached by the umbilical cord. The mother of the teen, who said she was "just a little nervous,"...

Teen From Texas Sect Gives Birth
Teen From Texas Sect Gives Birth

Teen From Texas Sect Gives Birth

State says she's younger than 18, but ranch officials deny it

(Newser) - One of the teens taken from a polygamist sect in Texas gave birth to a boy today as state police stood guard outside her hospital room, the Houston Chronicle reports. State officials say the mother is younger than 18 and that she will be taken to a foster care facility...

Study Finds More Pregnant US Diabetics

Weight gain triggers type-2 'epidemic,' raises health issues

(Newser) - Diabetes among pregnant women has skyrocketed, a study finds, raising concerns for both mothers and children. In 1999-2005, the number of diabetic women giving birth more than doubled, the study found, and the number of diabetic teenage pregnancies rose five-fold. “These are high-risk pregnancies,” one doctor told USA ...

13-Year-Old Moms Among Girls From Polygamist Ranch

Custody hearing told girls believed having babies was their duty

(Newser) - Moms as young as 13 are among the 416 children removed from the Texas ranch of a polygamous sect, a child protection officer told a hearing yesterday. The state, making its case to keep the children away from the ranch, testified that a pregnant 14-year-old and a number of pregnant...

Teen Pregnancy Down in US, Feds Say
Teen Pregnancy Down in US, Feds Say

Teen Pregnancy Down in US, Feds Say

And more women are keeping babies out of wedlock

(Newser) - Teen pregnancy is down and more unmarried 20-somethings are getting pregnant in America, Reuters reports. A 2004 federal study also shows that more unmarried women are keeping their babies, except among blacks. Why the drop in teen pregnancies? "There is some evidence that contraceptive use was increasing among teenagers...

'Sex Bed' for Girls Found in Polygamist Temple

Temple used for sex with underage brides, tipster tells cops

(Newser) - Members of a polygamous cult had sex with underage girls inside the group's temple immediately after "spiritual weddings," according to court documents. Investigators found the bed, described by a tipster, in the temple of the Texas ranch. Men had sex with "brides" as young as 13, reports...

Sex Abuse 'Rampant' at Polygamist Ranch

Pubescent girls forced to 'marry' older men, say investigators

(Newser) - Young girls at a polygamous compound were readied for "spiritual marriages" to much older men as soon as they hit puberty, the AP reports. Papers submitted to a Texas court detail a "pattern of abuse" at the ranch, where young boys were forced to marry underage girls and...

Jamie Lynn May Be Hearing Wedding Bells

Britney's pregnant little sister is showing off a ring, People says

(Newser) - With a bun in the oven, teen star Jamie Lynn Spears now appears to have gotten an engagement ring from boyfriend Casey Aldridge, People reports. "She's been showing it off, talking about it," says a source close to the 16-year-old Spears, who's been hiding out in the Louisiana...

Hey, Hey, Hey! Cosby's a Rapper Now

His hip-hop record will criticize hip-hop culture, without the bad words

(Newser) - Bill Cosby, long a vocal critic of urban street culture and its gangsta rap, is holding his enemies close. His next record, State of Emergency, will be nothing but hip-hop, reports the Philadelphia Inquirer. The album will address sober issues faced by America's black youth, such as teen pregnancy and...

In Good Spears News, Sis' Show Still On

Jamie Lynn's Zoey 101 slated for February, Nickelodeon says

(Newser) - Nickelodeon is not, contrary to reports, yanking the upcoming season of the Jamie Lynn Spears vehicle Zoey 101 despite the 16-year-old star's pregnancy, a spokesman told MTV. "No truth to that rumor," Dan Martinsen said in response to stories the completed final season won't begin airing in February,...

Jamie Lynn's Beau May Not Be Baby Daddy

Insider says pregnant teen won't reveal father's name

(Newser) - Jamie Lynn Spears’ longtime beau may not be the father of her unborn child, PageSix.com reports. A “family insider” says the 16-year-old won’t reveal the father’s name, and friends and family don’t remember Spears and Casey Aldridge dating as seriously as she says. “Jamie...

Do As He Says, Not As He Does
Do As He Says, Not As He Does

Do As He Says, Not As He Does

Who might need advice from a Lohan? The Spears family, of course

(Newser) - In a gesture of troubled-celebrity empathy, MIchael Lohan, Lindsay's ex-con father, has reached out to the Spears family, imploring the world not to judge pregnant 16-year-old Jamie Lynn or sister Britney, "Extra" reports. “Stand together," he told the Spears clan. "Stand by each other and don’...

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