Dick Cheney

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Cheney Hunts Book Deal
 Cheney Hunts Book Deal 

Cheney Hunts Book Deal

Former veep selling story as a look at Republicanism from Nixon onwards

(Newser) - Dick Cheney is seeking as much as $2 million from publishers for a book on his life in politics, the New York Times reports. Insiders say the former vice president, who served in four Republican administrations, is selling the book as not just a look inside the Bush administration, but...

You Can't See It, But Cheney's Pants Are on Fire
You Can't See It, But Cheney's Pants Are on Fire

You Can't See It, But Cheney's Pants Are on Fire

Ex-veep's speech full of torture distortions

(Newser) - In his full-on assault on the president's conterterrorism policies yesterday, Dick Cheney deployed an arsenal of “omissions, exaggerations and misstatements,” charge Jonathan Landay and Warren Strobel of McClatchy. Among them:
  • Cheney claimed that harsh interrogations yielded vital, attack-preventing information and quoted Adm. Dennis Blair, director of national intelligence.

Cheney, Obama Telling Same Lie About Bush: Brooks

(Newser) - Barack Obama and Dick Cheney conspired to perpetuate the same myth yesterday, writes David Brooks of the New York Times. In their telling, we have seen a sharp break between Bush-Cheney terror policies and Obama-Biden ones. “This is a completely bogus distortion of history.” In reality, the policies...

RI Lawmaker: Let's Waterboard Bush for Charity

(Newser) - A Democratic state lawmaker in Rhode Island thinks George W. Bush and some of his top cronies should be waterboarded for charity, reports the Westerly Sun. State Rep. Rod Driver sent letters via certified mail to Bush, Dick Cheney, and Condoleezza Rice offering to donate $100 for every second they...

Politics? This Was Ali vs. Frazier

(Newser) - Today's "televised smackdown" between Obama and Cheney was the "political world's equivalent of Ali-Frazier," writes Dana Milbank in the Washington Post. After the president warned against "fear-mongering," Cheney came out swinging. He "used the word 'attack' 19 times, 'danger' and 'threat' six times apiece,...

Cheney Spouts 'Red Herrings and Lies'
 Cheney Spouts 
 'Red Herrings and Lies' 

Cheney Spouts 'Red Herrings and Lies'

(Newser) - Today's speech was "classic Dick Cheney," writes Fred Kaplan in Slate, and he doesn't mean it as a compliment. The former VP "built a case on straw men, red herrings, and lies" and put his "Manichean worldview" on full display. Kaplan labels as "blatant evasion"...

Cheney 'Answers' Obama, Defends Bush Policy

Says he's 'firm proponent' of 'enhanced interrogation program'

(Newser) - Dick Cheney offered an “answer” to President Obama’s national-security speech today, standing up for the policies of the Bush administration and saying he remained “a strong proponent of our enhanced interrogation program,” CNN reports. “In the fight against terrorism,” Cheney said, “there is...

Mouthy Cheney Gains Popularity: Poll

He and Bush more popular now than when leaving office

(Newser) - A new poll shows that Dick Cheney, currently making headlines for his stance on torture, is gaining popularity. 37% of those polled by CNN hold a favorable opinion of the former vice president, up 8% from when he left office; 55% still view him unfavorably. Former president Bush, who’s...

Obama, Cheney Ready Dueling Gitmo Speeches

(Newser) - In what’s becoming a much-hyped political showdown, Barack Obama and Dick Cheney will deliver back-to-back speeches on national security this morning, CNN reports. Obama’s 10am speech will lay out a framework for closing Guantanamo Bay, offering a high-minded defense of his decisions so far regarding it and its...

Limbaugh, Powell Escalate War of Words

(Newser) - The verbal war between Rush Limbaugh and Colin Powell has actually ticked up a notch. On his show today, Limbaugh resigned as “the titular head of the Republican Party” and sarcastically appointed Powell in his place, reports Media Matters. He blasted Powell as a representative of the “worn-out...

Biden: Secret Bunker? What Secret Bunker?

VP denies he divulged 'undisclosed location' beneath residence

(Newser) - Joe Biden did not—repeat, not—disclose the existence of a bunker at the Naval Observatory used by former VP Dick Cheney, Politico reports. “What the vice president described in his comments was not—as some press reports have suggested—an underground facility,” a Biden aide said today....

Obama Loves Star Trek , Not Cheney
 Obama Loves 
 Star Trek
 Not Cheney 

Obama Loves Star Trek, Not Cheney

(Newser) - Often compared to Spock, President Obama recently took time out to see the new Star Trek blockbuster—and liked it. “Star Trek was ahead of its time,” he said in a wide-ranging interview with Newsweek. Turning to Dick Cheney, Obama said the VP's arguments for torture and unilateral...

Steele Dodges Torture Question
 Steele Dodges 
 Torture Question 

Steele Dodges Torture Question

ACLU slams Obama; Liz Cheney: 'fantasies' spread about dad

(Newser) - Michael Steele has “a personal opinion” on whether the CIA’s interrogation techniques amounted to torture, but he refused to share it with David Gregory on Meet the Press today. “That’s not appropriate,” the RNC chairman said. But Steele did defend Dick Cheney and said Nancy...

Bless You, Dick Cheney
Bless You,
Dick Cheney

Bless You, Dick Cheney

Bill Kristol gives 'Darth Vader' the Most Valuable Republican award

(Newser) - Republicans should be shouting Dick Cheney’s name from the rafters, writes William Kristol in the Weekly Standard. While the rest of the party sat passively by as Obama attacked them on torture, “Dick Cheney—Darth Vader himself, Mr. Unpopularity … stepped onto the field.” Thanks to his...

Cheney Didn't Even Torture for Right Reasons
Cheney Didn't Even Torture for Right Reasons

Cheney Didn't Even Torture for Right Reasons

VP wanted to link Iraq and al-Qaeda, not stop next attack: Powell aide

(Newser) - The interrogation methods Dick Cheney so highly touts were put in place in 2002 not to prevent another terror attack, a former aide to Colin Powell writes in the Washington Note, but to dig up an Iraq-al-Qaeda connection to justify going to war. And it was Cheney himself, “frightened”...

CIA Denies Cheney Request for Torture Docs

Bush-era order on docs under pending litigation stymies ex-VP

(Newser) - The CIA today denied Dick Cheney’s request that documents possibly proving the effectiveness of enhanced interrogation techniques be declassified, MSNBC reports. An executive order “excludes from review information that is the subject of pending litigation,” the CIA said. The two documents “contain information that falls into...

Publicity Hound Cheney Makes Strategic Return

Ex-VP setting himself, party up to benefit from another 9/11

(Newser) - Dick Cheney isn’t in an undisclosed location anymore. The former VP is suddenly waging a one-man campaign defending the Bush administration’s interrogation tactics. Even he can’t believe that’s a great political move, writes Michael Duffy of Time, so what’s he up to? It’s possible...

Cheney: Jeb Would Be a Fine President

Another Bush in White House? Fine idea, says former VP

(Newser) - Dick Cheney isn't happy that he and George W. Bush aren't running the world anymore, so he'll settle for the next best thing—stick Jeb Bush in the White House. “I think he's a good man," Cheney told Neil Cavuto of Fox. "I'd probably support him...

Liz Cheney: Dad Is Not a Crazy Old Coot

Duty calls him to forgo retirement to bash Obama, daughter says

(Newser) - Liz Cheney went on MSNBC’s Morning Joe today, firing back at Washington Post scribe Eugene Robinson for calling her dad a “crazy old coot.” Robinson had said we ought to send Cheney “back to Wyoming” where he could rant in peace. “My dad would probably...

Let's Put Cheney Out to Pasture
 Let's Put Cheney Out to Pasture 

Let's Put Cheney Out to Pasture

VP is a veritable font of nonsense

(Newser) - Isn’t it time we sent Dick Cheney back to Wyoming, found him a home “where the buffalo roam and there’s always room for one more crazy old coot down at the general store?” Eugene Robinson asks in the Washington Post. It’s no wonder the TV networks...

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