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Hope of Exonerating Ethel Rosenberg May End With Trump

Sons are pressuring Obama to move now to clear mom executed in '50s spy case

(Newser) - With President Obama's term coming to an end, the sons of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg are again calling on the president to clear their mother of the espionage charge for which they believe she was wrongly executed in 1953 in an intense Cold War case. Michael and Robert Meeropol...

Confession: Russian Spies in NYC Want More 'Drama'

Foreign operatives like Evgeny Buryakov often spend their days at meetings and on LinkedIn

(Newser) - A Wall Street analyst in the Bronx who spent much of his time attending mundane meetings, filing reports, and networking (including on LinkedIn) turned out to be a Russian spy—just part and parcel of the undercover espionage operations that burrow into place in New York City, as reported in...

Pardon Snowden So He Can Work for US Public
Pardon Snowden So He
Can Work for US Public

Pardon Snowden So He Can Work for US Public

Human rights officials make the case in NYT

(Newser) - Edward Snowden put out a public plea earlier this week for a pardon from President Obama—and two human rights activists agree with his call for clemency. Making their case for the ex-NSA contractor in the New York Times , Kenneth Roth (director of Human Rights Watch) and Salil Shetty (secretary...

FBI Worker Pleads Guilty to Being Spy for China

Kun Shan Chun had top security clearance, is accused of sending FBI docs overseas

(Newser) - An FBI electronics technician with top security clearance pleaded guilty on Monday to funneling photographs of FBI documents and other sensitive information to China, the AP reports. Prosecutors in Manhattan federal court charged Kun Shan Chun—a naturalized US citizen who goes by "Joey Chun"—with making false...

Strange North Korean Radio Broadcasts Raise Old Fears

'On page 459, question number 35, on page 913, question number 55...'

(Newser) - Mysterious radio broadcasts out of North Korea are raising Cold War concerns in South Korea, the AP reports. A woman read a string of meaningless numbers on North Korean state radio for two minutes on June 24. It happened again last Friday; this time for 14 minutes. Popular Mechanics gives...

Family: Venezuela Cops Framed Son, New Bride

Weapons found in wife's apartment were planted: witness

(Newser) - Until June 30, Joshua Holt and his wife, Thamara Caleño, were living a fairy tale. The Mormons—Holt from Utah, Caleño from Venezuela—had fallen in love online before meeting in the Dominican Republic earlier this year. Holt then traveled to Venezuela on June 11 to marry Caleñ...

Navy Officer Allegedly Gave Military Secrets to China

One report says he passed them to a girlfriend

(Newser) - The Navy is dealing with an espionage case that involves allegations of both treason and adultery. Though authorities haven't officially identified the officer involved, multiple outlets report that he is Lt. Cmdr. Edward Lin, who was born in Taiwan and became a naturalized US citizen in 2008. The New ...

NSA Analyst Who Spied for Soviets Freed After 30 Years

Ronald Pelton was paid $35K for NSA, Navy secrets

(Newser) - A former National Security Agency employee convicted of selling defense and communication secrets he gained during his career has been released from federal custody 30 years after his arrest. The sentence for Cold War-era spy Ronald Pelton, 74, ended on Tuesday. He had been placed on home confinement several months...

US Set to Free Israeli Spy, With a Catch
US Frees Israeli Spy,
With a Catch

US Frees Israeli Spy, With a Catch

Jonathan Pollard is out, but he can't go to Israel, at least for now

(Newser) - Jonathan Pollard is considered a traitor in the US and a hero in Israel, but he's going to have to stay in the former country for at least five years. Pollard, who was convicted of spying for Israel and given a life sentence in 1987, was released on parole...

Millions of Stolen Fingerprints Could Help Recruit, ID Spies

4.5M more fingerprints stolen in hack than previously thought

(Newser) - It turns out last year's massive government data breach is even worse than previously thought. Hackers stole the fingerprint images of 5.6 million applying for or receiving security clearances—4.5 million more than reported earlier, the government announced today. The Office of Personnel Management believes the Chinese...

Feds: Oops, 'Chinese Spy' Is Innocent US Professor

His arrest was based on scientific misunderstanding

(Newser) - The next time the Justice Department decides to arrest a "spy" for sending classified scientific information to China, it might try consulting a scientist first. In what the New York Times describes as an "embarrassing acknowledgement" for prosecutors and the FBI, espionage charges have been dropped against Xi...

Ethel Rosenberg's Sons: New Files Prove She's Innocent

They want Obama to exonerate the executed spy

(Newser) - The sons of Ethel Rosenberg say that newly released grand jury testimony confirms that their mother was no spy, despite her conviction and subsequent execution in a sensational Cold War case. Michael and Robert Meeropol write in the New York Times that they want President Obama to acknowledge the government'...

'Soviet Spy' Ethel Rosenberg May Have Been Innocent

Ethel Rosenberg's brother defended her a year before her conviction

(Newser) - The newly released 1950 grand jury testimony of David Greenglass , who helped cement the executions of his brother-in-law and sister Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, offers new evidence that Ethel was innocent in the most intense spying case of the Cold War. Both Rosenbergs were convicted of conspiring to steal atomic...

US: 6 From China Conspired to Steal Tech Secrets

5 indicted, one arrested

(Newser) - It's one arrest and five indictments with some big implications: Federal prosecutors have charged six Chinese citizens with what they allege was a decade-long effort to steal wireless technology from two Silicon Valley companies. Tianjin University professor Hao Zhang, 36, was arrested Saturday at LAX, en route to a...

Inside the Secret Ottawa Meetings on Cuba

Pope, Canada played key roles in talks that began in June last year

(Newser) - The historic thaw in US-Cuba relations didn't happen overnight, but came after more than a year of secret talks that had already been going on for months when President Obama caused a stir by shaking Raul Castro's hand at Nelson Mandela's funeral last year. Insiders tell Bloomberg...

North Korea Sentences American to 6 Years

Californian Matthew Miller, 24, held since April

(Newser) - North Korea's Supreme Court has sentenced Matthew Miller, a US citizen, to six years with labor for entering the country illegally and trying to commit an act of espionage. The court said today that the 24-year-old Miller, of Bakersfield, Calif., tore up his tourist visa at Pyongyang's airport...

Claim: German Double Agent Stole Files From Mailroom

As Merkel comments on the situation

(Newser) - If allegations that a German man spied on his country for the US are true, it's going to be a serious black mark on US-German relations, says Angela Merkel. The Wall Street Journal sheds more light on the 31-year-old accused spy , who was arrested Wednesday: Per sources, he was...

What China's 'Unit 61398' Allegedly Stole

US is 'China's biggest cyberattacker,' Beijing says in retaliation

(Newser) - Eric Holder described the cybercrimes charges against five Chinese military officers as a "wake-up call" and China is certainly paying attention: Government officials have summoned the US ambassador in Beijing, suspended a cybersecurity agreement made with the US last month, and denounced the charges as an "absurd" move...

Snowden Had Top Spy Lawyer on Retainer

Sought plea deal to return home

(Newser) - Last summer, hoping to strike a plea deal with the US, Edward Snowden lawyered up: The former NSA contractor had leading espionage lawyer Plato Cacheris on retainer, insiders tell the New York Times . "Snowden is interested in returning home," says another of his lawyers, Ben Wizner of the...

US Dangles Notorious Israel Spy's Freedom to Save Talks

Jonathan Pollard swiped Navy secrets in 1980s

(Newser) - With Israeli-Palestinian peace talks on the brink of collapse, the US has pulled out a major bargaining chip: jailed spy Jonathan Pollard. The former civilian intelligence analyst for the US Navy is serving a life sentence for spying for Israel, and the Obama administration is considering releasing him early to...

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