
Stories 201 - 220 | << Prev   Next >>

Tehran Judge Echoes Call for 'Fair' Saberi Trial

Iran minister chides Obama for not knowing details of closed trial

(Newser) - The head of Iran’s judiciary issued a statement today requesting that Roxana Saberi’s appeal “should be fairly, accurately, and quickly considered.” It’s not clear whether Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahrudi means Saberi’s appeal will be successful, or if he merely wants to stress to international...

Ahmadinejad: Ensure Jailed Journo's Rights

Make sure Saberi can defend herself, Iran prez tells prosecutor

(Newser) - In connection with the case of jailed Iranian-American journalist Roxana Saberi, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has written to Tehran's prosecutor to urge him to "make sure that the accused people will enjoy all freedoms and legal rights to defend themselves." Saberi's lawyer, who plans to appeal her 8-year sentence, approved...

Hillary Upset by Iran Prison Term for Journo

(Newser) - Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton says she's "deeply disappointed" by Iran's sentencing of American journalist Roxana Saberi. Clinton said in a statement the US is working with Swiss diplomats in Iran to get details about the court's decision and to ensure Saberi's well-being. Clinton said the US will...

Iran Jails US Journo for Spying

Dual citizen slapped with 8-year sentence on 'baseless' spy charges

(Newser) - An Iranian-American journalist has been sentenced to 8 years in jail on spying charges that the US says are baseless, the BBC reports. Roxana Saberi, 31, was charged with buying alcohol without a license when she was first arrested in January, then with working without a press card, before Iranian...

Hilton Sued for Stealing Info From Rival

Starwood claims purloined plans used to copy W luxury hotels

(Newser) - Starwood Hotels is accusing archrival Hilton of using stolen documents to build its new luxury brand in record time, Marketwatch reports. Starwood—which says the pilfered information amounts to a "blueprint" for building a luxury chain like the successful W hotels—is suing Hilton and two ex-Starwood execs for...

American Journo Goes on Trial in Iran

Dual citizen accused of spying for US; verdict expected within weeks

(Newser) - A dual American-Iranian citizen accused of spying for the US has gone on trial in Iran, reports Reuters. Iranian authorities say freelance journalist Roxana Saberi is being tried behind closed doors and a verdict is expected within 2 to 3 weeks. US authorities have called the accusations "baseless" and...

Father of US Journo Jailed in Iran Demands Her Freedom

(Newser) - The father of the Iranian-American journalist jailed for spying in Iran says he will remain in the country until she is freed, the AP reports. “I demand them to release my daughter as soon as possible so that she can return to her normal life and continue her job,...

Foreign Cyberspies Threaten Electrical Grid

(Newser) - It may sound like a B-grade espionage thriller, but foreign cyberspies have infiltrated the US electrical grid and stand ready to wreak havoc at the right moment, the Wall Street Journal reports. The foreign hackers—from China, Russia, and elsewhere—have left behind software programs that could theoretically allow them...

Jailed US Spy Tries to Collect From Russia

Ex-CIA agent sends son to get money, faces more time

(Newser) - A jailed spy who shared CIA secrets with Russia has improbably gotten himself into more hot water while behind bars, the Washington Post reports. Harold Nicholson, currently in the middle of a 23-year sentence, figured that Moscow still owed him money, so he got his son to travel around the...

Brits Recruit Spies on Facebook
 Brits Recruit Spies on Facebook 

Brits Recruit Spies on Facebook

Get ready to rock and roll

(Newser) - Single, love rock 'n roll and lip piercings, and seeking employment as 007. That could be exactly the kind of Facebook profile Britain's spy agency is seeking as it tries to recruit a more "diverse" type of spook with a new ad campaign on the social networking site. Three...

Tzipi Livni Was a Spy in Paris

Israeli leader-in-waiting served in elite Mossad spying unit

(Newser) - The woman set to be Israel's next prime minister started her career as an elite Mossad agent in Paris, the Times of London reports. Tzipi Livni was part of a covert cell in the city during the early '80s, when it was a hotspot in the spy agency's battle with...

Ethel Was Innocent: Witness

Co-defendant admits being spy, calls Julius' secrets 'junk'

(Newser) - A co-defendant of Julius and Ethel  Rosenberg has admitted for the first time that he was a Soviet spy—and that she was innocent. Morton Sobell, 91, passed military secrets to the Communists in World War II when the nations were still allies, he told the New York Times. Sobell,...

Russia Claims US Citizen Provoked War

Cites teacher's found passport as proof of meddling in Georgia

(Newser) - To support its claims that US intelligence agents played a role in the Georgian conflict, the Kremlin has produced a US passport belonging to an Army veteran from Texas, the Wall Street Journal reports. They say the passport was found in an outpost used by Georgian special forces. The alleged...

Top Gun-Control Activist Is Firearms Industry Spy

For-hire spy infiltrated deep into anti-gun movement

(Newser) - Mary McFate is a longtime prominent member of the gun-control movement; she is also, Mother Jones shockingly reveals, Mary Lou Sapone, a spy who infiltrates citizen groups for corporations targeted by activists—and who has been employed by the NRA. Over a decade, she reached high levels in a panoply...

Judge Orders Rosenberg Evidence Kept Secret

Attorneys sought material to clear Ethel

(Newser) - Evidence that could clear the name of Ethel Rosenberg must stay under wraps to protect grand jury secrecy, a judge ruled yesterday. Ethel and husband Julius were executed in 1953 for passing atomic secrets to the Soviets. Her brother David Greenglass, who testified against her, has since said he lied...

Brits: Russia Played Role in Ex-KGB Agent's London Murder

'Clear indications it was state action'

(Newser) - The murder of a former KGB agent in London 2 years ago was carried out with the support of the Russian government, British government sources have told the BBC. There are "very strong indications it was a state action," said one senior official. Alexander Litvinenko, who was mysteriously...

HP Exec Busted for Passing IBM Secrets

Exec shared rival's confidential info with new HP bosses

(Newser) - A former Hewlett-Packard vice president faces federal charges for sharing trade secrets from IBM, the Wall Street Journal reports. The exec requested confidential pricing information while he was working for IBM. Two months later, he got a job at HP and emailed the info to an HP executive, according to...

Mysteries of Holocaust Hero Endure
Mysteries of Holocaust Hero Endure

Mysteries of Holocaust Hero Endure

Wallenberg's fate, long a mystery, begins to come to light

(Newser) - Clues are emerging about the mysteries surrounding Raoul Wallenberg, a Swedish diplomat who saved tens of thousands of Jews from death in the Holocaust. Documents related to a super-secret US intelligence agency known as "the Pond"—which Wallenberg may have worked with—will be released later this year....

Engineer, 84, Busted in Israeli Spy Case

Accused of passing weapons secrets to Israel in the '80s

(Newser) - An 84-year-old engineer has been arrested in New Jersey on charges he passed military secrets to Israel in the '80s, Reuters reports. Ben-Ami Kadish, who holds both US and Israeli citizenship, is accused of giving classified information—including details on fighter jets, missiles, and nuclear weapons—to an Israeli consul...

Army Engineer Accused of Spying for Israel

American gave away information on nuclear weapons, fighter jets

(Newser) - An 84-year old American engineer was arrested today on charges of providing information on US military technology to Israel, Reuters reports. Ben-Ami Kadish, 83, has already admitted in FBI interviews to giving an unnamed Israeli source around 100 documents on nuclear weapons, the F-15 jet and the Patriot missile defense...

Stories 201 - 220 | << Prev   Next >>