Stories 321 - 340 | << Prev   Next >>

Tea Party Should Stand Alone, But Lose the Nuts

The movement is better off independent

(Newser) - Tea partiers should stay post-partisan, urges Karl Rove. Rather than align with either party the group should preserve its independence and "hold the feet of politicians in both parties to its fire," he writes in the Wall Street Journal . But, to maximize its influence on policy, the movement...

Tea Partiers Attempt GOP Takeover From the Inside
 Tea Partiers 
 Attempt GOP 
 Takeover From 
 the Inside 


Tea Partiers Attempt GOP Takeover From the Inside

Activists fill local posts that set policy, choose candidates

(Newser) - If you thought tea partiers weren’t joiners, think again, as conservative activists across the country fill vacant local Republican Party positions in an effort to change the GOP from the inside. Precinct representatives have a hand in electing county leaders, who determine the platform and even which candidates to...

Public Supports Obama Over GOP
 Public Supports 
 Obama Over GOP 

Public Supports Obama Over GOP

Americans are wary, but still prefer Dems to GOP

(Newser) - President Obama has small lead over the GOP when it comes to public opinion, a new poll shows. Though Obama's approval rating sits at just 46%, only 35% of respondents have a favorable opinion of the Republican Party. A majority also believe the president is making the greater effort at...

Senate Majority in Reach for Republicans
 Senate Majority in Reach 
 for Republicans 

Senate Majority in Reach for Republicans

It's a long shot, but many races competitive, Lieberman could switch

(Newser) - It still isn’t likely—OK?—but suddenly it's "within the realm of speculation” that the Republicans could recapture the Senate in November. With Mark Kirk’s primary win in Illinois and competitive races in Colorado, Pennsylvania, and California, a 10-seat pickup is now a distant possibility, Jim Vandehei...

Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin Lead GOP Fundraising

He's got about $3M, and she's got $2.1M

(Newser) - Mitt Romney and Sarah Palin lead the pack of possible 2012 GOP presidential challengers when it comes to fundraising, with $2.9 million and $2.1 million coming in over the last year, respectively. Romney still had $1.1 million in the bank at the beginning of the year after...

Scott Brown Got Late Push From Wall Street

Financial firms poured $450,000 into his Senate campaign

(Newser) - In the 6 days before the special election for US senator from Massachusetts, employees of financial companies gave a whopping $450,000 to Scott Brown. The donations came just after President Obama proposed a fee on Wall Street’s biggest players to help pay back lost TARP funds. The influx...

Obama vs. GOP = Great TV
 Obama vs. GOP = Great TV 

Obama vs. GOP = Great TV

President immensely entertaining in smooth mockery of Republicans

(Newser) - Whatever the political consequences of President Obama's meeting with House Republicans today, the encounter will go down as "easily the most entertaining program C-SPAN (or any cable news network, really) has aired in a long time," writes Mike Madden for Salon . The verbal jousting was "a spectacle,...

Obama Spars With GOP

 Obama Spars 
 With GOP 

Obama Spars With GOP

President chides Republicans for telling constituents he'll 'destroy America'

(Newser) - President Obama went toe-to-toe with House Republicans today, accusing them of opposing legislation for political gain. Obama chastised the Republicans for labelling health care reform as a "Bolshevik plot" and said, "The fact of the matter is, many of you, if you voted with the administration on something,...

McCain Launches Preemptive Strike on Hayworth

Campaign gets aggressive early against conservative challenger

(Newser) - John McCain is pulling no punches in an offensive against primary challenger JD Hayworth, whom he hopes to shut down before Hayworth's campaign even begins. McCain has rallied his troops to file complaints with the FEC about Hayworth’s radio program, which they allege he was using to campaign in...

Hey, GOP: It's Time for Contract With America 2.0
Hey, GOP: It's Time for Contract With America 2.0

Hey, GOP: It's Time for Contract With America 2.0

Strong statement of principles could win more seats this year

(Newser) - Republicans will probably gain seats this year by doing nothing, Matt Lewis writes for Politics Daily . But if the GOP wants a real victory, it should take a page from Newt Gingrich’s playbook and come up with Contract with America, version 2.0, "a promise that if Republicans...

Meghan McCain: I Passed the Ridiculous GOP Purity Test what makes me such a radical?

(Newser) - After George Washington University's College Republican group dissed for her pro-gay-marriage stance, saying her views don't align with the GOP, Meghan McCain decided to take her party's "ridiculous" purity test. McCain wanted to see "just how radical I am from the 'pure ones'"—and with a bit...

After Brown, GOP Sees More Seats in Play

Republican candidates gain confidence boost for 2010

(Newser) - Scott Brown’s surprise victory in Massachusetts has reinvigorated Republican hopes for making gains in the 2010 elections. The GOP is now inspired to take on long shots, and is fielding candidates for the Wisconsin and Indiana Senate seats, which only weeks ago were assumed to be Democratic locks. In...

Top GOP Fundraiser Mosbacher Dead at 82

Bush 41's commerce secretary helped grease the skids for NAFTA

(Newser) - Robert Mosbacher, a legendary GOP fundraiser who served as George HW Bush's commerce secretary, died of cancer today in Houston. The multimillionaire oilman was 82. Mosbacher, an influential NAFTA proponent, was "the shrewdest dealmaker I ever knew," Bush, a friend of half a century, said in a statement....

GOP Should Copy Domino's, Admit It Screwed Up
GOP Should Copy Domino's, Admit It Screwed Up

GOP Should Copy Domino's, Admit It Screwed Up

Republicans can rise again if party acknowledges, 'We blew it'

(Newser) - The GOP need not abandon its core principles to become ascendant again—but it has to 'fess up to its failure to deliver what it preaches. The party could take a lesson from Domino’s Pizza, which in a new campaign basically says: "We blew it." The analogy...

Upheaval Looms as White Majorities Fade

Voting districts morph as minority power grows

(Newser) - A sea change in American politics looms as white majorities are fading in a burgeoning number of voting districts across America. Nearly half of House members represent districts with at least 30% minority populations, double the rate in the 90s, and a fraction of what's bound to occur in the...

Palin Won't Rule Out Third-Party Run

No need if GOP 'gets back' to conservative base, but she'll see

(Newser) - Sarah Palin might just consider running for president in 2012 on a third-party ticket if the GOP doesn’t get its conservative bona fides back in order. Of course, “if the Republican party gets back to that base, I think our party is going to be stronger and there's...

Sarah and Trig Emerge as Anti-Abortion Stars

Palin's Downs syndrome son a huge hit on the 'Going Rogue' tour

(Newser) - The anti-abortion movement has a new star, and his name is Trig. And, oh yeah, his mom Sarah Palin. While Palin has always been an abortion foe, her profile in the movement has soared since she left the Alaska governor's office, and especially since she started the Going Rogue tour....

Purges Threaten to Leave GOP Weak, Lost
Purges Threaten to Leave GOP Weak, Lost
Thomas Frank

Purges Threaten to Leave GOP Weak, Lost

Paranoid purity test will also leave right wing with no scapegoats

(Newser) - The new 10-point RNC purity test intended to purge Republicans who aren't conservative enough makes about as much sense as hacking off your own limbs to cure a weak pulse, Thomas Frank writes in the Wall Street Journal . And after the "coming period of inquisition and excommunication," says...

GOP Base United Vs. Obama, Little Else

For most, leadership is ineffective, or nonexistent

(Newser) - A lot of strong opinions are swirling around the Republican base, but none of them appear to point a way forward for the fractured party. GOP voters and GOP-leaning independents polled are united in their distrust of—even anger at—the Obama administration and Democrats in Congress. But second in...

GOP Eyes Resurgent UK Conservatives

Cameron's centrist style may help show GOP route back to power

(Newser) - Britain's Conservative Party is widely expected to regain power next year after over a decade in opposition, and the US Republican Party is starting to look for lessons from across the Atlantic. David Cameron has led the UK conservatives party to a big lead in the polls after it was...

Stories 321 - 340 | << Prev   Next >>