Tony Blair

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Blair Ally to Step Down
Blair Ally
to Step Down

Blair Ally to Step Down

Home secretary's surprise announcement frees new PM to overhaul cabinet

(Newser) - British Home Secretary John Reid will stand down, he announced yesterday, giving PM apparent Gordon Brown space to rejigger the cabinet when he succeeds Tony Blair. Tensions have run high between the old and new Labour leaders' supporters, but Reid stressed that his surprise departure was personal; the Guardian reports...

Sunset for Blair&rsquo;s New Dawn
Sunset for Blair’s New Dawn

Sunset for Blair’s New Dawn

(Newser) - With Tony Blair about to step down, Alan Cowell considers the departing PM's most important accomplishments and failures. The former: moving Britain’s poiltical center of gravity away from Margaret Thatcher’s rugged individualism and toward a more compassionate society. 

Labour Party Escapes Election Catastrophe

Pro-independence faction takes control of Scottish parliament

(Newser) - Tony Blair's Labour Party took a beating in yesterday's local elections, winning just 27 percent of the vote. But both the party—wildly unpopular because of Blair's Iraq war stance and several recent scandals—and pundits scored the result a minor victory because Labour lost only 410 local council seats...

Blair Points To Successor
Blair Points
To Successor

Blair Points To Successor

After 10 years at No. 10, PM says he'll pass torch to Brown within weeks

(Newser) - As he marked a decade in power, British prime minister Tony Blair said yesterday he'll step down within weeks. Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown is expected to succeed Blair, who stopped short of officially anointing Brown but told a Labour rally, "In all probability, a Scot will become...

Blair Blames Crime Wave on Black Culture

Stop 'pretending it's not young black kids doing it,' PM says

(Newser) - Black culture is responsible for a recent rash of teenage murders in Britain, Tony Blair said yesterday in a burst of un-PC criminology that outraged black leaders. The violence, which has killed seven teens in recent weeks, won't let up unless Britons stop “pretending it is not young black...

Britons Ask: Were Captives Too Cozy With Iranians?

Co-operation called, "Bloody Shambles"

(Newser) - As the euphoria over the homecoming of the 15 British captives subsides, some Britons are charging that the sailors and marines went overboard in co-operating with their captors. Lt. Gen. Sir Michael Gray tells London’s Daily Mail: "In my days you would have got name, rank and serial...

British Sailors Come Home
British Sailors Come Home

British Sailors Come Home

(Newser) - The fifteen British sailors captured by Iran are back in the UK. As soon as the British Airways jet touched down as Heathrow, Blair traded his measured diplomatic tone  for harsher words, warning the "elements of the Iranian regime" were still arming insurgents inside Iraq."

British Captives Standoff Stiffens
British Captives
Standoff Stiffens

British Captives Standoff Stiffens

Experts say there is no clear border between Iran and Iraqi waters

(Newser) - London and Tehran and ratcheted up the rhetoric over the 15 British soldiers being held captive in Iran yesterday, the LA Times reports: Britain got the UN Security Council to issue a statement of "grave concern," while Tehran released more video of sailors professing guilt and issued charts...

Brits Prove Captured Sailors Were in Iraqi Waters

Iran can't stick to a story

(Newser) - The 15 British sailors captured by Iran last week were inside Iraqi waters, British evidence released today shows. The craft's GPS system put it 1.7 nautical miles outside Iranian territory, which a British military helicopter confirms. The Iranian government revised its own version of the location Monday, when its...

Irish Rivals Unite for Self-Rule
Irish Rivals Unite for Self-Rule

Irish Rivals Unite for Self-Rule

Powersharing agreement in Northern Ireland will allow continuation of self-rule

(Newser) - Ian Paisley and Gerry Adams sat down together yesterday and agreed  to a power sharing deal for Northern Ireland that would include their rival parties. A British deadline to disband the national assembly if a pact wasn't forthcoming jump-started the negotiations, after four years of stalled talks.  The coalition...

Blair Blasts Seizure of British Patrol

Iran said to be looking for swap deal

(Newser) - Tony Blair is furious over Iran's capture of 15 sailors and Marines, but so far, diplomatic efforts have not even yielded where they are being held. “I hope the Iranian government understands how fundamental an issue this is for us,”   Blair sputtered at a European summit,...

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