radio advertising

11 Stories

Haley to Launch $10M Ad Blitz to Overtake DeSantis

Former UN ambassador plans TV, radio, and digital ads in Iowa, New Hampshire

(Newser) - Nikki Haley's presidential campaign will reserve $10 million in television, radio, and digital advertising across Iowa and New Hampshire beginning in the first week of December, a massive investment designed to give the former United Nations ambassador an advantage over Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. Details of the advertising plans,...

Radio Hosts Squeezed by Too Much Listener Info

Hosts say it takes away from content

(Newser) - Radio stations are collecting more and more data on the listening habits of their audience, and even popular hosts like Ryan Seacrest are feeling the pinch. Seacrest says Clear Channel execs told him to zip it because ratings would rise if "you actually play some more music," the...

Google's Radio Ad Conquest Falls Flat

Automated advertising plan not music to industry's ears

(Newser) - Google has hit a stumbling block in its quest for world domination: A bid to “conquer radio” with its advertising program didn’t go as planned, and the firm is dropping the effort at the end of the month, the Wall Street Journal reports. The Internet giant bet its...

Dems to Coleman: Concede Already

(Newser) - Democrats have widened their campaign against Norm Coleman to include a radio ad urging him to concede to Al Franken, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reports. “Minnesota deserves two senators and voters deserve to have their verdict stand,” says the ad, produced by the DNC. “Call Norm Coleman,...

New Labor Radio Ad Beats Up on Rush
New Labor Radio Ad Beats Up on Rush

New Labor Radio Ad Beats Up on Rush

Attacks GOP senators, tells them not to side with Limbaugh

(Newser) - A radio ad is making the rounds in Cleveland, Reno, and Philadelphia, slamming the local Republican senator and the apparent leader of the opposition: Rush Limbaugh. The ad, from the labor-backed Americans United for Change, slams House Republicans who “voted with Limbaugh against creating 4 million new American jobs....

Radio Struggles as Advertisers Tune Out

Despite a slight growth in audience, homogenized radio is losing ad dollars

(Newser) - More listeners hasn’t translated into more cash for radio broadcasters struggling to keep advertising revenues up, reports the New York Times, as prime clients like auto dealers and retailers cut ad buys in their own battle to stay afloat. Radio advertising continued its 18-month nosedive, declining 10% in October...

Obama Records Radio Ad for Georgia's Martin

Black support key to Democrat's bid in Senate run-off

(Newser) - Barack Obama is lending his voice to Georgia Democrat Jim Martin's Senate run-off race, Politico reports. In a 1-minute radio spot, the president-elect calls on listeners to “turn out one more time and help elect Jim Martin.” If Martin can win the support of the African-Americans who voted...

Radio Spots Put the 'Ad' in Adultery

Campaign for online dating service for marrieds makes ripples in Boston

(Newser) - The Ashley Madison Agency, a Web site matching would-be adulterers and home of the catchphrase “Life is short, have an affair,” has launched an ad blitz on Boston radio stations, reports the Herald. “The era of the scarlet letter is long over,” the company’s CEO...

Candidates Bombard Swing States With Radio Ads

Campaigns like low cost, lower accountability

(Newser) - Although conventional radio may seem obsolete, it is an important tool of the presidential campaigns this year, USA Today reports. Political advertising is flooding the airwaves in battleground states as the campaigns take advantage of the cost: $500 to $600 per airing for a 30-second spot in Northern Virginia, compared...

'Experts' Too Often Feeding From Industry Troughs

Press misses, ignores where funds come from

(Newser) - Media consumers, beware: that assertive, well-versed, trustworthy "expert" may in fact be an industry shill, Shannon Brownlee and Jeanne Lenzer write on Slate. Journalists across the board, and even some radio hosts, are failing to disclose financial ties to various industries—drug companies being a prime example—fudging the...

Internet Advertising to Overtake Radio Spending

Forecaster sees $$$ shift happening by 2008

(Newser) - Spending on Internet advertising will overtake radio advertising next year, a forecaster predicted today. A major advertising agency CEO said the Internet would get 9.4% of the ad market worldwide in 2008, compared to 7.9% for radio, reports AP. The two media are neck-and-neck this year, with 8....

11 Stories
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