Warren Buffett

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Meet Warren Buffett's Righthand Woman, Age 28

Tracy Britt is already one of the most influential woman at Berkshire Hathaway

(Newser) - Prepare to feel inadequate. Tracy Britt is 28 years old. She grew up on a farm in Kansas. And she's one of Warren Buffett's top lieutenants. Four years after she was hired fresh out of Harvard Business School to be Buffett's financial assistant, she is now the...

Lunch With Buffett Sells for 'Only' $1M

That's a big drop from his previous charity auctions

(Newser) - The annual charity auction of a private lunch with billionaire investor Warren Buffett went for just more than $1 million—a bargain price compared to past years for an opportunity to sit down with one of the world's most successful philanthropists. An anonymous donor had the high bid of...

He's Back: Gates World's Richest Person Once Again

First time he's held Bloomberg title since 2007

(Newser) - It's been a while—six years, to be precise—since Bill Gates was dubbed the richest person in the world by Bloomberg. But thanks to an ascendant Microsoft and a dent in Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim's fortune—now $72.1 billion—Gates is again at the top with...

Buffett Gets 100K Twitter Followers in 2 Hours

Oracle of Omaha joins the club

(Newser) - Warren Buffett has made the day's biggest splash on Twitter with his first-ever tweet at 12:20 declaring that "Warren is in the house," reports TheStreet . Two hours later, he had more than 100,000 followers, with the number growing quickly. It's quite a jump for...

Warren Buffett: Women Are Going to Drive US Success

Berkshire boss thinks it's time for women to achieve their full potential

(Newser) - Warren Buffett is an eternal optimist, and there's one big reason he's high on America's long-term economic future: women. "America has forged its success while utilizing, in large part, only half of the country's talent," he muses in a piece for Fortune . From the...

All the World's Gold Weighs in At...

Inside the quest to tally up how much is out there

(Newser) - If you were to stuff all the world's gold in a single room, how large would it have to be? According to Warren Buffett, one that's 67 feet long, 67 feet wide, and 67 feet tall. And he's actually pretty spot on, according to an annual survey...

Buffett Drops Out of Forbes Top 3 Billionaires

Carlos Slim still richest guy in the world

(Newser) - Forbes' annual list of billionaires is out—and for the first time since 2000, Warren Buffett didn't make the top three. The list has again expanded; now it contains 1,426 names who boast a total net worth of $5.4 trillion, compared to $4.6 trillion last year....

Feds Suspect Insider Trading Related to Heinz Deal

SEC freezes Swiss account that made a huge profit

(Newser) - Some traders made a bundle over the big HJ Heinz acquisition yesterday, and federal regulars suspect insider trading. The SEC obtained a court order today to freeze a brokerage account in Switzerland and prevent the assets from being moved. The account was used for trades placed Wednesday that netted $1....

Buffett and Co. to Buy Heinz
 Buffett and Co. to Buy Heinz 

Buffett and Co. to Buy Heinz

In largest deal in food industry history

(Newser) - An investment group including Warren Buffett has agreed to buy HJ Heinz Co., in what the company says will be the largest deal in food industry history. Shareholders will get $72.50 in cash for each common share, a 20% premium on yesterday's closing price, meaning the deal values...

Ted Turner Made Philanthropy Cool Again

 Ted Turner Made 
 Cool Again 
Nicholas Kristof

Ted Turner Made Philanthropy Cool Again

Kristof: Billionaires have taken up the cause, except for Donald Trump

(Newser) - Fifteen years ago, Ted Turner announced he was giving away $1 billion to UN causes such as fighting poverty, clearing landmines, and helping refugees. While that was one of the largest philanthropic giveaways ever, more important was the example it set for America's richest, helping to revive the tradition...

We Need a Minimum Tax on &Uuml;ber Rich

 We Need a 
 Minimum Tax 
 on Über Rich 
warren buffett

We Need a Minimum Tax on Über Rich

Warren Buffett: Taxes won't deter wealthy investors

(Newser) - Warren Buffett is taking another stand in the tax debate. In a New York Times op-ed this morning, the Berkshire Hathaway boss calls on Congress to establish a minimum tax on the richest Americans, "right now." His proposal: "30% of taxable income between $1 million and $10...

Net Worth of 400 Richest Americans Jumped 13%
Net Worth of 400 Richest Americans Jumped 13% 

Net Worth of 400 Richest Americans Jumped 13%

And those 400 now make up 1/8 of the US economy

(Newser) - It was a good year for America's 400 richest people, who saw their net worth jump 13% to $1.7 trillion, according to Forbes' latest " Forbes 400 " list. For a little context, Reuters notes that that means their combined net worth represents roughly one-eighth of the entire...

More Billionaires Agree to Give Away Half Their Wealth

But where's the money going?

(Newser) - Bill Gates and Warren Buffett have convinced 11 more billionaires to give away half of their wealth. The richies, including Netflix CEO Reed Hastings, will bring the total number of families participating in the "Giving Pledge" to 92. The campaign, launched two years ago, aims to convince the wealthy...

Buffett Dumps Municipal Bonds, Spooks Investors

Berkshire cancels credit default swaps on municipal bonds

(Newser) - Warren Buffett isn't betting on the health of cities, states, and towns anymore. Berkshire Hathaway has backed out of a number of credit-default swaps insuring $8.25 billion in municipal bonds, sending shivers of doubt through investors who've been hungrily buying such bonds, the Wall Street Journal reports....

Lunch With Warren Buffett Goes for $3.5M

Charity auction sets record for meal with Berkshire Hathaway chairman

(Newser) - If this is how much lunch costs, one shudders to think of dinner. A private lunch with investor Warren Buffett was sold for $3.5 million yesterday, at a charity auction to help the homeless in San Francisco, reports the AP . While the Glide Foundation has raised $11.5 million...

Buffett's Latest Buy: 63 More Newspapers

In $142M deal

(Newser) - Billionaire Warren Buffett's company is making its largest foray into newspapers yet, agreeing to buy 63 papers from Media General Inc. The $142 million deal includes the Richmond Times-Dispatch and the Winston-Salem Journal. The company is selling all its papers except those in Tampa, most importantly the Tampa Tribune....

Buffett Feels 'Terrific' Despite Prostate Cancer

Berkshire shareholders seem to believe him

(Newser) - Warren Buffett insists that he's feeling good after his recent prostate cancer diagnosis. Based on the questions he got at Berkshire Hathaway's annual meeting, shareholders are taking him at his word. Despite the fact that Buffett just disclosed his cancer diagnosis last month, he didn't face the...

Stephen King: Raise My F***ing Taxes Already

The rich aren't going to pay up just to be nice

(Newser) - Stephen King is following Warren Buffett's lead with an op-ed begging to be taxed more—though King drops in a few more F-bombs in his very salty appeal. In "Tax Me, for F***'s Sake," the wealthy author offers his views on his fellow one-percenters: "The...

World&#39;s Most Influential People
 World's Most Influential People 
'time' list

World's Most Influential People

Mitt Romney, Tim Cook, Warren Buffett make Time's list

(Newser) - From politicians and authors, to tech titans and entrepreneurs, to entertainers and athletes, Time 's 2012 list of the world's 100 most influential people contains a little bit of everything. A sampling:
  • Mitt Romney: President Obama makes the list, of course, but so do GOP challengers Romney and

Warren Buffett Has Prostate Cancer

But it's stage I, and not remotely life-threatening

(Newser) - Warren Buffett today announced he has stage I prostate cancer, but the octogenarian was quick to spread the "good news" that the condition "is not remotely life-threatening or even debilitating in any meaningful way," according to a release spotted by the Wall Street Journal . The Oracle of...

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