6 Stories

Amid High Emissions, We Have 'Reasons to Be Hopeful'
New Climate Change Report
Has Hopeful Tone

New Climate Change Report Has Hopeful Tone

International Energy Agency acknowledges 'spectacular increase' in clean energy tech

(Newser) - The remarkable growth of clean energy technologies, including electric vehicles, is offering a glimmer of hope as the world faces the effects of a warming planet. In a new report , the Paris-based International Energy Agency finds the path to limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius and reaching net-zero...

US, Allies Make Rare Move on Oil
US, Allies 
Make Rare
Move on Oil

US, Allies Make Rare Move on Oil

All 31 nations in IEA agree to release a total of 60M barrels

(Newser) - All 31 member countries of the International Energy Agency have agreed to release 60 million barrels of oil from their strategic reserves—half of that from the United States—"to send a strong message to oil markets" that there will be "no shortfall in supplies" after Russia invaded...

Oil Slides Into Its Own Recession

A weak global economy is dragging oil consumption down for the first time in 25 years

(Newser) - Oil is officially entering a recession of its own, as a foundering global economy has caused the first reduction in consumption in a quarter-century, the Wall Street Journal reports. The International Energy Agency estimates that 2008 demand for oil will finish down some 300,000 barrels a day, the first...

World Price Tag to Fix Energy Mess: $45T

IAE advises G-8 to invest big in emissions 'revolution'

(Newser) - The world needs to pump $45 trillion into developing green technologies if it hopes to reach its goal of cutting emissions in half by 2050, the International Energy Agency said today. Otherwise, emissions will rise 130% over that period, and oil demand will climb 70%. The $45 trillion represents 1....

Agency Cuts Oil-Demand Forecast
Agency Cuts Oil-Demand Forecast

Agency Cuts Oil-Demand Forecast

Projected growth worldwide at lowest level since 9/11 attacks

(Newser) - The projected growth in the demand for oil worldwide is at its lowest level since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, but don't expect any any price relief, reports the Wall Street Journal. The IEA pegs projected growth at 1.3 million barrels a day, down 35% from its projection in ...

Demand for Oil May Pass Output by 2012

Experts see prolonged crisis as producers max out pumping ability

(Newser) - Production limits, not supply, could prompt an oil crisis in less than a decade as efforts to reduce demand and introduce alternative fuels trail growth in the world’s oil needs, the Journal reports. Oil companies currently produce 85 million barrels daily; some experts say they'll hit a wall at...

6 Stories
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