Lou Dobbs

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Anderson Cooper's Ratings Plummet

With no election, CNN primetime stalwart staggers

(Newser) - Anderson Cooper may be widely respected, but he isnt widely watched. Anderson Cooper 360 is down 62% since last November, and down 70% among the 25-to-54 demographic that’s so important to advertisers, according to Nielsen figures. Last month the CNN 10pm stalwart came in second behind Fox’s On ...

Dobbs to Latino Voters: Let's Be Amigos!
Dobbs to Latino Voters:
Let's Be Amigos!

Dobbs to Latino Voters: Let's Be Amigos!

Once rabidly anti-illegal anchor now warms to 'amnesty'

(Newser) - If Lou Dobbs does indeed run against the only Hispanic in the Senate, New Jersey’s Robert Menendez, he may have to mend some fences with Latino voters—and here he goes. The former CNN anchor, notorious for his views against illegal immigration, gave an interview to Telemundo last week...

Dobbs: CNN Didn't Want Obama Criticism

'What is immutable is that I'm staying in the public arena'

(Newser) - Lou Dobbs guarantees "100%" that he'll be staying in "the public arena" now that he's finished with CNN, he told Fox's Bill O'Reilly last night, but he demurred on whether that means a run for a New Jersey Senate seat. President Obama "isn't the devil," Dobbs...

CNN Paid Dobbs $8M to Leave
 CNN Paid Dobbs $8M to Leave 

CNN Paid Dobbs $8M to Leave

Bosses objected to reporting on immigration, 'birther' movement

(Newser) - CNN was so outraged over Lou Dobbs’ conservative reporting that they paid him $8 million just to leave, an anonymous source tells the New York Post. “They wanted him out,” the source says. Dobbs still had a year and a half left on his $12 million contract, but...

Lou Dobbs: I Wasn't Forced Out
 Lou Dobbs: 
 I Wasn't 
 Forced Out 

Lou Dobbs: I Wasn't Forced Out

Ex-CNN host says he hasn't talked with Fox

(Newser) - Lou Dobbs says he doesn't feel as though he was pushed out of CNN, where he worked for all but 2 years of its existence until last Wednesday. "I don't know if people will believe it, but we had a very amicable parting on the best of terms,"...

Dobbs 2012: A Nightmare for Republicans
Dobbs 2012: A Nightmare
for Republicans

Dobbs 2012: A Nightmare for Republicans

Ex-anchor could split the tea-bagger vote as an independent

(Newser) - Lou Dobbs has dropped big hints that he plans a career in politics, and the GOP should be worried, warns Joe Conason. A presidential run by Dobbs seems like a strong possibility, but he won't be running as a Republican, Conason writes for Salon . Instead, the newly departed CNN anchor...

John King Will Replace Lou Dobbs

 John King 
 Will Replace 
 Lou Dobbs  
musical anchor chairs

John King Will Replace Lou Dobbs

Anchor of CNN's 'State of the Union' 'thrilled' with primetime slot

(Newser) - CNN political reporter and State of the Union host John King will replace the abruptly departed Lou Dobbs in CNN's 7pm weekday slot starting early next year. Aside from hosting the network's Sunday political gabfest, King is known for using a touch-screen “magic map” to illustrate his election analysis....

Lou Dobbs Leaves CNN
 Lou Dobbs Leaves CNN 

Lou Dobbs Leaves CNN

Longtime anchor announces move on tonight's show

(Newser) - Anchor Lou Dobbs is leaving CNN, he announced during tonight’s show—his last after 27 years at the channel. Dobbs, whose contract wasn’t up until 2011, has made waves with his anti-immigration views and his questioning of President Obama’s citizenship; he didn’t shed much light on...

Shot Fired at Dobbs' Home
 Shot Fired at Dobbs' Home 

Shot Fired at Dobbs' Home

Bullet struck siding but didn't penetrate

(Newser) - A gun was fired at CNN commentator Lou Dobbs’ home while his wife and chauffeur talked outside earlier this month, New Jersey state police said today. Dobbs said the shot came after “weeks and weeks” of threatening phone calls—which he had not reported to police because of their...

Lefty Talking Heads Fan 'Birther' Flames

Debunked rumor gets far more play on MSNBC than on Fox

(Newser) - When CNN correspondent Candy Crowley mentioned birthers on Lou Dobbs’ show last week, the host panicked. “Don’t say ‘birthers,’ whatever you do,” he said. “Not on this broadcast.” Dobbs has become a much-ridiculed face of the birther movement, but he's discussed the issue...

Chuck Norris Jabs Obama for Birthers

(Newser) - Butt-of-hipster-jokes Chuck Norris has leaped into the birther movement, challenging  President Obama to cough up his "long form" birth certificate. Norris wishes Obama happy birthday on Creative.com, then not-so-subtly sequés into: "Speaking of birthdays," why do "you refuse to reveal your original birth certificate?"...

CNN Kills Ad Ripping Birther Dobbs

(Newser) - A media watchdog ad attacking CNN anchor Lou Dobbs for his "racially charged" support of conspiracy theorists who question President Obama's birth certificate is all set to run tomorrow on CNN. But there's fat chance you'll ever see it on CNN. Five of the six cable providers who sold...

Beck, Dobbs Fear the Rise of Minorities: Rich
Beck, Dobbs Fear the Rise of Minorities: Rich

Beck, Dobbs Fear the Rise of Minorities: Rich

White elites too often succumb to 'Village People populism'

(Newser) - A nation bored by dreary, knotty debates about health care found relief in another National Conversation on Race. “This one,” as Frank Rich writes in the New York Times of last week’s ballyhooed Beer Summit, “ended with a burp,” but the hangover could last well...

Group Buys Anti-Dobbs Ads to Air on CNN

Bring 'em on, says host caught up in birther controversy

(Newser) - Liberal watchdog group Media Matters is buying CNN airtime to run anti-Lou Dobbs ads during the host’s own show next week, reports Plum Line. The ads condemn Dobbs’ recent calls for Barack Obama to produce a legitimate birth certificate and will also run on Fox News and MSNBC in...

Dobbs' Ratings Plummet After Birther Talk

Questioning prez birth certificate scares off 15% of viewers

(Newser) - Even Bill O'Reilly thinks that Lou Dobbs' continuing sympathy with the birther movement questioning President Obama's birth certificate is just a ploy "to get ratings, trying to be provocative." But if Dobbs is pushing conspiracy theories to bump up viewership, it isn't working, reports the New York Observer....

Beck Wins It All in Stewart's Jackass Derby

Beck crowned king in new segment

(Newser) - “Apparently, any jackass in a suit willing to go on television and criticize the president can make a pretty hefty living,” Jon Stewart said last night on The Daily Show. To crown the biggest jackass of all, Stewart trotted out a new segment: "So You Think You...

Lou Dobbs Calls Maddow a 'Tea- Bagging Queen'

Insists he's no birther... but wants to see the birth certificate

(Newser) - Lou Dobbs is being cruelly oppressed. He says the left is trying to “silence” him for demanding that Barack Obama produce a birth certificate. “My god, you’re talking about the third rail of American journalism, baby!” he said on his radio show yesterday. Among these scary...

Stewart to 'Birther' Dobbs: Do You Even Watch CNN?

Scam would have had to start in 1961, after all

(Newser) - The “birthers” who doubt Barack Obama’s citizenship are multiplying, but CNN performed a “thorough debunking of this silliness on July 17,” Jon Stewart said last night on the Daily Show. So why did Lou Dobbs bring it up again three days later? “Do you even...

It's Alive! Obama 'Birther' Conspiracy Spawns Nut Nest

(Newser) - The conspiracy theory that the first black president is an alien and not an American citizen is bizarrely growing a full head of steam and spitting out a wacky cast of characters, notes Eric Etheridge in the New York Times. The fact that Barack Obama has a Hawaiian birth certificate...

Now Dobbs Hints Prez Is 'Undocumented'

(Newser) - Lou Dobbs, not known for his subtlety on questions of immigration, has added his voice to the fringe chorus insisting that President Obama was not born an American citizen. "I'm starting to think we have a document issue. You suppose he’s un—no, I won’t even use...

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