House Democrats

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Key Dem: 'We Have the Votes&mdash;Now, as We Speak'
 Key Dem: 'We Have the 
 Votes—Now, as We Speak' 

Key Dem: 'We Have the Votes—Now, as We Speak'

Chair of House Democratic caucus says they've got it done

(Newser) - The chairman of the Democratic caucus in the House says his party has the 216 votes needed to pass President Barack Obama's historic health care bill. Speaking Sunday on ABC's This Week, Connecticut Rep. John Larson said, in his words, "We have the votes now—as we speak."

Obama Makes Final Plea: 'We're 24 Hours Away'

Says it's the most important step since Medicare

(Newser) - Victory within reach, President Obama rallied House Democrats today for a final health care push. "After a year of debate ... we're 24 hours away," said the president during a visit to Capitol Hill. “Every once in a while a moment comes where you have a chance to...

Health Bill to Shave $130B Off Deficit in Decade: Hoyer
Health Bill to Shave $130B
Off Deficit in Decade: Hoyer
house votes on sunday

Health Bill to Shave $130B Off Deficit in Decade: Hoyer

Vote scheduled for Sunday as Dems try to wrangle 10 yeas

(Newser) - The Congressional Budget Office numbers aren’t in yet, but House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer assures wary legislators that health care reform will save billions, even trillions, over the next 20 years. His statement comes as House Democrats try to wrangle the 10 additional votes needed to pass the bill,...

GOP Paints Pelosi, Not Obama, as Health Care Villain
GOP Paints Pelosi, Not Obama, as Health Care Villain
election 2010

GOP Paints Pelosi, Not Obama, as Health Care Villain

2010 election strategy focuses on unpopular House Speaker

(Newser) - When it comes to this year's House elections, the GOP wants voters thinking about Pelosicare, not Obamacare. Pinning health care reform on the unpopular House Speaker—and casting Democratic incumbents as her minions—is a key part of the Republican strategy for 2010: winning the support of 2008 Obama voters...

Pelosi: Health Bill Horse Trading Is Over

Democratic leaders play hardball ahead of House vote

(Newser) - The store is closed for House Democrats looking for sweeteners to sway them into voting for the health bill, Nancy Pelosi warned yesterday. Pelosi stressed that she won't be making any changes to the final legislation for the sake of holdouts, meaning that there will be no more "Cornhusker...

Democrats: Health Vote Next Week

Pelosi 'delighted' Obama will be present for 'historic' passage

(Newser) - Democrats got ready for a health care rumble today, with Nancy Pelosi telling her troops to clear their schedules, be ready to stay in session, and expect a vote next week. Pelosi will move to pass the Senate's December bill as soon as Thursday or Friday, and though Politico...

Obama Delays Asia Trip to Firm Up Health Reform

 Obama Delays 
 Asia Trip to 
 Firm Up 
 Health Reform 
no holiday for sasha, malia

Obama Delays Asia Trip to Firm Up Health Reform

Congressional Democrats were irked at president for skipping town

(Newser) - Despite White House assurances to the contrary yesterday, President Obama will postpone his Asian trip for three days to focus on firming up health care reform legislation. Congressional Democrats had expressed dismay that the president was leaving the country as the House approached a deal that may allow them to...

GOP: Obama Must Sign Health Measure Before Reconciliation
GOP: Obama Must Sign Health Measure Before Reconciliation

GOP: Obama Must Sign Health Measure Before Reconciliation

And Senate's bill, which House Dems dislike

(Newser) - There looks to be a pretty substantial wrinkle in congressional Democrats’ plans to pass health-care reform via the simple-majority processes of reconciliation: President Obama would have to sign the Senate version of the bill into law before the House and Senate versions could be reconciled into one. That’s the...

Democrats Rebel Against Pelosi Rule

In the House, an 'every man for himself' mentality setting in

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi’s grip on the Democratic caucus is slipping, with subtle and not-so-subtle challenges to her authority coming with increasing regularity. She couldn’t, for example, muster enough votes to get the Senate’s $15 billion jobs bill through without amendments, because of objections from the Blue Dogs on...

Eric Massa Asked Aide for a Good 'Frakking'
Eric Massa Asked Aide for
a Good 'Frakking'
spicy comments dept.

Eric Massa Asked Aide for a Good 'Frakking'

Says he was run out of House for opposition to health reform bill

(Newser) - Eric Massa took the opportunity on his weekly radio show yesterday to accuse other House Democrats of running him out of Congress because of his opposition to health care reform—and to reveal the spicy comments that spurred the ethics investigation that forced his resignation. “Now they’ve gotten...

Eric Massa Will Step Down Monday
Eric Massa
Will Step Down Monday

Eric Massa Will Step Down Monday

NY congressman: 'I'm guilty' of sexual harassment

(Newser) - Rep. Eric Massa, who had already said he wouldn't run for re-election , will leave office on Monday. The first-term New York Democrat said a recurrence of cancer played a role in his decision, but also admitted a sexual harassment complaint a male staff member filed with the Ethics Committee had...

Rep. Delahunt Is Latest Dem to Bow Out

Mass. veteran is 17th to decide against re-election bid

(Newser) - Joining 16 of his fellow House Democrats, Massachusetts Rep. William Delahunt says he will not seek re-election this fall. “It’s got nothing to do with politics,” Delahunt, 68, tells the Boston Globe . “It’s time.” And while Delahunt had to be talked into seeking re-election...

Rangel Denies He's Giving Up Chairmanship

NBC says he'll leave post; move is temporary, ABC claims

(Newser) - Congressman Charles Rangel tonight denied a report that he is giving up his chairmanship of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee—though he wouldn’t, in speaking to Politico , rule out doing so in the future. “I can’t make all those promises at my age,” said...

Obama Will OK Use of Reconciliation on Health Bill

Wants GOP help but will do what's needed

(Newser) - President Obama will tell Democrats tomorrow to use reconciliation to get health-care reform passed if Senate Republicans won’t cooperate, White House sources tell ABC News tonight. That option would allow a previously passed bill to be “fixed” with 51 votes (which the Democrats have) and not a filibuster-proof...

Nine House Dems May Flip to 'Yes' on Health Care

Three of them are about to retire

(Newser) - Nine House Democrats say they have not ruled out switching their "no" votes to "yes" on Obama's health care overhaul, brightening the party's hopes in the face of unyielding Republican opposition. The White House has tried to smooth the way for them, showing its own openness to changes...

Mag Names Most Liberal, Conservative Lawmakers

Rankings show ideology trumping Obama's change agenda

(Newser) - National Journal 's rankings of the most liberal and conservative lawmakers confirm that President Obama's first term has had little effect on the partisan atmosphere in Congress. Most members stick to the ideological positions they've staked out for most of their careers, with Sherrod Brown, John Kerry, and Chris...

Patrick Kennedy Won't Run for Re-Election in RI
Patrick Kennedy Won't
Run for Re-Election in RI

Patrick Kennedy Won't Run for Re-Election in RI

Ted Kennedy's 42-year-old son won't seek ninth House term

(Newser) - Rep. Patrick Kennedy, the 42-year-old son of the late Sen. Edward Kennedy, has decided not to seek re-election for his seat representing Rhode Island in Congress. Kennedy's term ends early next year but he says in a television message viewed by the AP that his life is "taking a...

Dems in Disarray Over Obama's Shift to the Center

Latest proposals on economy provoke grumbling

(Newser) - President Obama's efforts to send a clear message to voters on the economy are being muddied by infighting among Democrats. His plans to freeze federal spending and use TARP funds for small-business lending are meeting resistance from his party on Capitol Hill, while frustrated House Democrats complain that their Senate...

Health Reform: It's 1994 All Over Again
 Health Reform: 
 It's 1994 All Over Again 

Health Reform: It's 1994 All Over Again

Parallels to last time comprehensive legislation died are stark

(Newser) - Even a cursory look at Democrats’ activity on health care reform brings back clear memories of their 1994 failure to pass comprehensive legislation. For instance, write Carrie Budoff Brown and Chris Frates, “the same people who spent months arguing that reform had to be jammed through quickly” are now...

Health Reform Could Proceed on Two Tracks

Pelosi: Congress can work on small tweaks, refine broad plan

(Newser) - Reiterating that there’s no House support for passing the Senate’s version of health-care reform, Nancy Pelosi has a two-pronged strategy for moving forward: Congress should go for small, likely-to-pass tweaks to the system now, while continuing work on an overhaul that can get the necessary votes down the...

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