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David Stern&#39;s &#39;Most Humane&#39; Act Was Supporting Magic
This Was David Stern's
'Most Humane' Act

This Was David Stern's 'Most Humane' Act

NBA commissioner embraced Magic Johnson after HIV diagnosis, 'figuratively and literally'

(Newser) - The current NBA commissioner says his predecessor , David Stern, turned the basketball league into "a truly global brand." But the legacy that Stern, who died Wednesday at age 77, should be most hailed for is his support of Magic Johnson after the basketball great was diagnosed with HIV,...

Despite 10 Years of Warnings, People Still Drink Dangerous 'Cure'

FDA: Taking sodium chlorite products like Miracle Mineral Solution is basically drinking bleach

(Newser) - It's OK to believe in miracles, but drinking bleach for your ailments isn't going to lead to one. That's effectively what people are doing when they quaff a product known as Miracle Mineral Solution, and other products like it that promise a cure for autism, cancer, HIV,...

Researchers Say They&#39;ve Just Proved HIV Is Curable
Results of Mice Study
Bring Big HIV News
new study

Results of Mice Study Bring Big HIV News

Researchers eradicated HIV from the DNA of 9 infected mice

(Newser) - Researchers tell CNBC they have for the first time shown "that the HIV disease is a curable disease" A study published Tuesday in Nature Communications details how they got to such a statement: essentially by putting the brakes on HIV's spread in mice and then editing it out...

Pakistan Doctor Blamed for Hundreds of HIV Infections

More than 500 children have tested positive in district

(Newser) - More than 600 people, including at least 500 children between 2 months and 12 years old, have tested positive for HIV in a rural district in southern Pakistan—and authorities suspect a single doctor is to blame for most of the infections. Authorities say most of the infected children in...

He Thought He&#39;d Die, So He Began a Con. He Didn&#39;t Die
He Thought He'd Die, So He
Began a Con. He Didn't Die

He Thought He'd Die, So He Began a Con. He Didn't Die

Mark Olmsted, who was HIV-positive, assumed identity of his dead brother Luke

(Newser) - It seemed like it would be quite a way to go after getting diagnosed with a likely fatal illness: become a con man and live your remaining days out like a king. Except, as Nathaniel Penn notes in a fascinating profile for GQ : "What the hell happens if you...

A Big Donation Meant to Fight HIV, With 'Mixed' Reaction

Gilead Sciences will donate Truvada, but critics say they should cut price for everyone instead

(Newser) - On Thursday, President Trump tweeted the news: An announcement from Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar that Gilead Sciences, manufacturer of the only approved HIV-preventing drug, would donate enough Truvada to treat 200,000 patients each year through at least 2025, and possibly though 2030. Azar noted the...

After Bloody 'Vampire' Facial, a Frightening Diagnosis

Health officials: 2 customers of NM day spa are HIV-positive after 'injection-related procedures'

(Newser) - In September, a day spa in Albuquerque, NM, suddenly shuttered , along with an explainer from state health officials that they'd identified practices at the spa "that could potentially spread blood-borne infections." Now, the New Mexico Department of Health says two former customers of VIP Spa who received...

Report: HIV 'Cured' in a Second Patient

This proves a cure is reachable, experts say

(Newser) - Researchers say it is too early to declare that a cure for HIV has been found—but with a second patient now free of the virus after a stem cell transplant, a cure appears to be in reach. Researchers say the man, identified only as the "London patient,"...

Feds: HIV-Positive Shelter Worker Sexually Abused Immigrant Kids

Southwest Key, largest operator of US immigrant youth shelters, also plagued with other allegations

(Newser) - While the controversy surrounding immigrant children separated from their parents at the US border continues to swirl, the AP reports on troublesome news out of a shelter outside Phoenix. Per federal authorities, Levian Pacheco, who used to work for Southwest Key's Casa Kokopelli facility in Mesa, has pleaded not...

Man Wins Massive Sum After Canceled HIV Test

A federal jury in Boston has awarded $18.4 million to Sean Stentiford

(Newser) - A federal jury has awarded $18.4 million in damages to a man who said in a lawsuit that two doctors failed to test him for HIV, which allowed the virus to progress to AIDS. The Boston Globe reports the jury ruled Monday in favor of 48-year-old Sean Stentiford...

Bill Gates: Wife Didn't Love How Trump Spoke of Our Daughter

Gates also said Trump seemed confused about difference between HIV, HPV

(Newser) - Bill Gates recently helmed a Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation meeting with staff, and per the Guardian , he offered some anecdotes involving President Trump. In the footage aired Thursday night on MSNBC, Gates noted that when he first met Trump in late 2016, it was "kind of scary" how...

Grindr Busted Making 'Disturbing' HIV Revelations

Company admits it has shared users' HIV status with 2 analytics vendors

(Newser) - If Grindr users share their HIV status on the gay dating app, they may assume that revelation will stay among themselves, potential partners, and Grindr. But BuzzFeed reported Monday that Grindr shared that data (including HIV status and "last tested date," as well as email addresses) with two...

U2 Will Break 'Sacred Pledge,' and You Could Take Part

Up for a game of mini-golf?

(Newser) - When the members of U2 were just young Irish lads, they made "a sacred pledge" to each other that has remained steadfast throughout their decades-long run as rock stars: Never play golf. "We didn't think it was rock 'n' roll," frontman Bono tells the AP...

Elton John Calls Out Georgia Rep. for 'Horrific' HIV Comment

The singer became the latest to attack Betty Price

(Newser) - Elton John has jumped into the American culture wars in response to comments from a Georgia state representative suggesting a quarantine might be necessary to stem the spread of HIV, Politico reports. In a statement released by the Elton John AIDS Foundation, the legendary British singer-songwriter lashed out at Rep....

Girl's HIV Drugs Were Halted 8 Years Ago. It's 'Promising'

Researchers point to early treatment that can possibly lead to long-term remission

(Newser) - A South African girl born with the AIDS virus has kept her infection suppressed for more than eight years after stopping anti-HIV medicines—more evidence that early treatment can occasionally cause a long remission that, if it lasts, would be a form of cure. Her case was revealed Monday at...

AIDS Deaths Fall by Half From 2005 Peak

In a first, more than half of people with HIV are taking medication for it

(Newser) - For the first time in the global AIDS epidemic that has spanned four decades and killed 35 million people, more than half of all those infected with HIV are on drugs to treat the virus, the UN said Thursday. AIDS deaths are also now close to half of what they...

6 Members of Trump's HIV/AIDS Panel Quit

PACHA members say Trump 'simply does not care' about HIV/AIDS

(Newser) - Six members of the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS resigned in protest last week over what they call an administration that has "no strategy" to deal with the epidemic, and "a president who simply does not care," NBC News reports. A member of the group accused the...

HIV Rate Could Hit 50% for Gay and Bisexual Black Men in US

HIV rate for gay, bisexual black men in US higher than any country in world

(Newser) - In 1981, the very first report on AIDS detailed five cases in gay white men. It left out a sixth case: that of a gay black man. The doctor behind the report now says that exclusion "might've made a difference." The HIV rate in gay and bisexual...

Man Charged With Murder After Girlfriend Dies of AIDS

Prosecutors say Ron Murdock knowingly infected her with HIV

(Newser) - Kimberly Klempner, 51, died of AIDS on Feb. 5—and her former boyfriend of five years is charged with her murder. Ohio prosecutors allege Ron J. Murdock, 51, of Toledo "absolutely knew" he had HIV, did not tell Klempner that fact, and infected her with the virus via unprotected...

He Fought AIDS by Convincing World It Was Security Threat

No modern epidemic had ever been considered a security matter before

(Newser) - No one person turned the tide in the fight against HIV/AIDS, but Richard Holbrooke—former US ambassador to the UN and president of the Security Council—was an instrumental part of saving millions of lives from the disease. In 2000, Holbrooke—having visited places like Cambodia and Namibia—was convinced...

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