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Site Raises $150K for Founder of Neo-Nazi Site

To help Daily Stormer's Andrew Anglin in suit filed by Tanya Gersh for 'campaign of terror'

(Newser) - Crowdfunded donations to Andrew Anglin, founder of the neo-Nazi site the Daily Stormer, have reached $150,000 to help pay for his legal defense in a lawsuit filed by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Per the Los Angeles Times , it took under two months to raise the money on the...

Neo-Nazi Meets His Match: A Girl Scout

Lucie Myslíková, 16, applauded for her courage

(Newser) - Confronted with a neo-Nazi in the Czech Republic, a 16-year-old Girl Scout stood her ground, engaging the man in a heated debate. But it's a "powerful" photo of the exchange that now has people talking, per USA Today . Police tell the Guardian some 150 neo-Nazis had gathered for...

Norway Mass Killer Doesn't Have It So Bad: Appeals Court

Anders Behring Breivik isn't being kept in 'inhuman' conditions, court rules

(Newser) - Anders Behring Breivik isn't being kept in inhuman conditions after all. An Oslo court had agreed last April with the Norwegian mass killer's contention that his imprisonment was "degrading," mainly because he was kept in almost total isolation from other prisoners. On Wednesday, however, an appeals...

Neo-Nazi Blogger Had a Secret Jewish Wife

Mike Peinovich has resigned from The Right Stuff

(Newser) - The founder of a neo-Nazi blog and major figure in the alt-right movement has resigned after he was revealed to have a Jewish wife. A post published on Medium over the weekend claimed Mike Enoch of The Right Stuff—whose Daily Shoah podcast has 100,000 subscribers—is actually Mike...

Neo-Nazi Site: 'Take Action' Against Jews in Mont. Town

Mother of hate group leader Richard Spencer owns building there, says she's being harassed

(Newser) - An ominous call to troll Jewish residents online in a Montana town has been issued by a white supremacist website, apparently because the mom of a hate-group leader owns a building there. The Missoulian reports that in Whitefish, where Sherry Spencer, mother of National Policy Institute head Richard Spencer—described...

Google Not Fighting Holocaust Deniers in Search Results

But company says it rarely removes content from search results

(Newser) - Stormfront has the dubious distinction, via the Southern Poverty Law Center , of being "the first major hate site on the Internet." That online longevity has also helped it earn the top spot in Google's search results when users type "Did the Holocaust happen" into the search...

Cadillac Distances Itself From 'Alt-Right' Casting Call

Employee of casting agency is fired after posting

(Newser) - Cadillac is quickly distancing itself from a casting call for an upcoming commercial that called for real "alt-right (neo-Nazi)" people to apply. The car maker says it did not authorize or approve the casting notice, which was posted Friday by a casting service called the Cast Station, reports Reuters...

Neo-Nazi Hears Fate for 'Brutal' Killing of UK Lawmaker

White supremacist Thomas Mair murdered Jo Cox

(Newser) - A white supremacist who shot and stabbed a pro-European UK lawmaker while shouting "Britain first" was sentenced to life in prison Wednesday for a crime prosecutors called an act of far-right terrorism. Jurors at London's Central Criminal Court deliberated for less than two hours before unanimously finding 53-year-old...

7 Stabbed as Calif. Neo-Nazi Rally Turns Bloody

Group says rally was reaction to anti-Trump protests

(Newser) - There were chaotic and bloody scenes outside California's Capitol building Sunday when a far-right group calling itself the Traditionalist Worker Party tried to hold a rally. Witnesses tell the Los Angeles Times that things turned violent as soon as a few dozen members of the white supremacist group turned...

Man Teaches Pug Nazi Salute, Is Charged With Hate Crime

Markus Meechan, 28, trained girlfriend's dog to raise a paw to slurs

(Newser) - A 28-year-old Scottish man insists it was all a joke "to annoy my girlfriend," but his video of himself training her pug to make a Nazi-like salute has landed him in the slammer on hate crime charges, reports the Guardian . Markus Meechan posted the video, which he calls...

Woman's Defiant Pose Strikes Chord in Sweden

She stood up to neo-Nazis during march

(Newser) - A 42-year-old woman has become the "talk of Sweden" after striking a defiant pose against neo-Nazi marchers, reports the Local . Tess Asplund stood in the path of the marchers with her fist raised in a photo captured by David Lagerlof of the anti-racism group Expo. "It was an...

Austria Wants to Seize Hitler's Birth Home

The vacant building, sometimes a Neo-Nazi hot spot, is proving quite a headache

(Newser) - In an effort to prevent the "increasingly decrepit" building from falling into further disrepair, Austrian officials say they plan to draft a law that would allow them to seize Adolf Hitler's birth home in Braunau, a quaint town of 17,000 on the German border, reports the New ...

Neo-Nazis Tricked Into Anti-Nazi Fundraiser

Town in Germany turns their march into a charity event

(Newser) - When life hands you lemons, make lemonade. Or, if you're the fine citizens of Wunsiedel, Germany, when life hands you neo-Nazis marching uninvited into your town every year, you turn it to your advantage. That's exactly what fed-up residents did to deal with the 200 far-right extremists who...

Anti-Semitic Neo-Nazi Running for US Senate

Robert Ransdell plans mainstream radio spots for Kentucky race

(Newser) - November's Senate race in Kentucky is between Mitch McConnell and Democratic challenger Alison Lundergan Grimes. But write-in candidate Robert Ransdell is now making headlines because he happens to be a neo-Nazi who runs on the slogan, "With Jews We Lose," reports the Courier-Journal . Ransdell isn't content...

City Plays Schindler's List Theme for Neo-Nazis

Sweden's Norrkoping sends a message at rally

(Newser) - The Swedish city of Norrkoping allowed neo-Nazis to stage a rally, but officials managed to tweak them just the same—by ringing the bells of city hall to the theme song from Schindler's List. City officials decided the tune from Steven Spielberg's Holocaust drama was an appropriate way...

For 1st Time This Century, Far-Right Groups Decline

But those left are 'leaner and meaner,' watchdog warns

(Newser) - Tough times for the far right? The number of militias, skinhead gangs, and other extremist groups in the US dropped last year for the first time since 1999, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center . The hate-group watchdog found that the number of extreme-right groups dropped around 14% to 2,...

Neo-Nazi Dad Fights to Get 'Eva Braun' Back

Heath Campbell is back

(Newser) - Heath Campbell—the neo-Nazi dad who first grabbed headlines in 2008 when a supermarket refused to write son Adolf Hitler Campbell's name on a birthday cake, and held onto those headline by wearing a Nazi uniform to a June custody hearing—is now fighting to get back yet another...

'Nazi Shazam' App Combats Far-Right Music

Germany clamps down on banned songs

(Newser) - Want to stop neo-Nazis using music to spread hate? There's now an app for that. Police in Germany have developed a app dubbed "Nazi Shazam" which can detect banned far-right songs within seconds, Der Spiegel reports. The country's authorities have identified more than a thousand songs with...

DNA Test Stuns Man Who Wants All-White Town

Craig Cobb is 14% sub-Saharan African, test reveals

(Newser) - A neo-Nazi who wants to found an all-white enclave in North Dakota has been shown evidence of racial diversity where he least expected it: in his own DNA. Craig Cobb agreed to the test as part of the Trisha Goddard Show's "Race in America" series, but he rejected...

Boy Who Killed Neo-Nazi Dad Gets at Least 7 Years

Now 13-year-old sent to juvenile facility

(Newser) - A 13-year-old California boy who was 10 when he killed his neo-Nazi father will spend at least the next seven years in a state juvenile facility. Judge Jean R. Leonard said the maximum the boy can serve would be until he is 23, but he will be eligible for parole...

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