
Stories 961 - 980 | << Prev   Next >>

Holy Cross Priests Rip Obama Notre Dame Invitation

Order charges Notre Dame 'risks its soul' by letting prez speak

(Newser) - Ten priests from the Holy Cross order that founded the University of Notre Dame say the school risks its "true soul" and could alienate itself from the Catholic Church by inviting President Obama to campus next month. They urged  the Holy Cross priest who heads Notre Dame to reconsider...

Cardinal: Notre Dame Forgot How to Be Catholic

(Newser) - Cardinal Francis George of Chicago ratcheted up the criticism of Notre Dame for inviting President Obama to give a commencement speech in May, the Tribune reports. The school “didn’t understand what it means to be Catholic when they issued this invitation,” said George. Catholic groups have criticized...

Stiffed Surrogate Moms Face Tough Decision

What's a mother to do? It's up to her, says Salon

(Newser) - Surrogate moms-to-be who have learned they've been stiffed by out-of-cash firms that arranged their pregnancies face a major decision. The only way for these women to quit "working" is to obtain abortions, notes William Saletan in Slate. He fervently hopes the women will see their pregnancies through. So what's...

Bishop to Skip Obama Event Over Stem Cells, Abortion

(Newser) - The Roman Catholic bishop whose diocese includes the University of Notre Dame says he will boycott President Obama's May 17 commencement speech at the school because of Obama's support for abortion rights and embryonic stem-cell research. John D'Arcy said today that Obama's recent decision to fund embryonic stem-cell research brought...

Steele Backs Off Remarks on Abortion

(Newser) - Michael Steele has again stirred up some trouble with his Republican constituency, this time by making an intricate but obtuse argument about his stance on abortion, the Washington Post reports. In an interview with GQ, the RNC chair was asked if he supported a woman’s right to choose. “...

Brazil Prez Flouts Church, Backs Abortion Docs

Girl has popular support

(Newser) - Brazil’s president today attacked the archbishop who excommunicated the doctors who performed an abortion on a 9-year-old rape victim. The girl had allegedly been impregnated with twins by her stepfather, who was not disciplined when Jose Cardoso Sobrinho excommunicated the girl’s mother and her doctors. “In this...

Pro-Choice Obama Exploits Sebelius' Catholicism
Pro-Choice Obama Exploits Sebelius' Catholicism

Pro-Choice Obama Exploits Sebelius' Catholicism

(Newser) - President Obama is enacting a ghastly brace of pro-choice policies, including weakening "conscience protections" for doctors and adopting the “most radical possible option” on stem cell research, Michael Gerson writes for the Washington Post. And enlisting a Catholic—HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius—to help implement his agenda “...

Decisions Make Obama 'Abortion President': Rep

(Newser) - A Republican congressman who fiercely opposes abortion and embryonic stem-cell research has called Barack Obama the “abortion president” for decisions affecting both issues, Fox News reports. Obama will lift the federal ban on new stem-cell research along with a Bush edict allowing caregivers to refuse abortion on moral grounds....

Why Obama Keeps Quiet on Abortion
Why Obama Keeps Quiet
on Abortion

Why Obama Keeps Quiet on Abortion

Why pro-choice advocates are tepid on the Freedom of Choice Act

(Newser) - President Obama has promised to pass a "Freedom of Choice Act" to ban abortion restrictions, yet hasn't lifted a finger; nor have pro-choice advocates raised a fuss. With Democrats in Congress and a liberal national mood, why not strike now? Because the controversy over partial-birth abortion settled the...

Obama Will Undo Abortion 'Conscience' Provision

Rule helped workers avoid aiding abortions

(Newser) - The Obama White House plans to overturn protections that President Bush extended to health workers who refuse to perform abortions or other procedures on moral grounds, the New York Times reports. Bush’s last-minute “conscience regulation” took effect on Obama’s first day in office, and now, after a...

Catholic Group Savages Dems Using Senator's Signature

Staffer, not Brownback, approved the letter

(Newser) - A letter suggesting that top Democratic lawmakers aren’t “real Catholics” is attributed to Sen. Sam Brownback, the Huffington Post reports, but in fact came from a conservative Catholic group, Politico confirms.  “Real Catholics need a new voice—not the likes of Ted Kennedy and Nancy Pelosi...

Safer Down Syndrome Tests Give Birth to Ethics Fears

Procedures look safer, more accurate, but raise ethics concerns

(Newser) - New tests to detect Down syndrome early in pregnancy look highly promising to some experts—but they’re prompting new ethical and medical questions, the Washington Post reports. The procedures, to be publicly available in June, appear safer and more accurate than current options. But Down syndrome and anti-abortion activists...

Catholics Protest Nonexistent Abortion Bill

(Newser) - Catholics are pulling out all the stops to quash the Freedom of Choice Act, peppering Congress and the White House with postcards and letters. There’s just one problem: There is no Freedom of Choice Act. The bill has been introduced in years past, but it isn’t before Congress...

Pope Scolds Pelosi on Abortion
 Pope Scolds Pelosi on Abortion 

Pope Scolds Pelosi on Abortion

Pelosi aides, Vatican have differing take on meeting

(Newser) - Pope Benedict didn't beat around the bush in his short meeting with Nancy Pelosi today. He lectured the Catholic House speaker about her liberal views on abortion and assisted suicide, the Vatican says. Pelosi's aides, however, focused on brighter moments: She showed the pontiff photos of her grandkids and discussed...

Pope to Meet With Pro-Choice Pelosi

Vatican grants audience to pro-choice House speaker as a politician rather than as a Catholic

(Newser) - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has been granted an audience with Pope Benedict XVI tomorrow, the Hill reports. Pelosi, who describes herself as an "ardent Catholic" but holds views on reproductive rights firmly at odds with the Vatican's position, is on an eight-day official trip to Italy. Vatican officials made...

Obama Seeks Common Ground on Abortion
Obama Seeks Common Ground on Abortion

Obama Seeks Common Ground on Abortion

President focuses on reducing unwanted pregnancies

(Newser) - President Obama is hoping a nuanced approach can soften the debate over one of the most contentious issues in America: abortion, writes Rob Stein in the Washington Post. Since taking office, Obama has lifted a Republican ban on funding international aid groups that provide abortion services, but also persuaded House...

Vatican Blasts Obama Policy on Abortion

Backers say plan promotes women's health, fights AIDS

(Newser) - The Vatican today condemned President Obama's move to give federal funding to international groups that include abortions and abortion counseling with health care, the BBC reports. A Vatican official said the policy dealt a blow to those fighting "the slaughter of the innocents." Supporters of the move say...

Obama Lifts Abortion 'Gag Rule'

(Newser) - President Obama today overturned the “gag rule” prohibiting the US from funding groups that provide abortions or abortion counseling overseas, Reuters reports. The policy has been enforced and rescinded depending on the Oval Office occupant since it was instituted under President Reagan. Unlike yesterday's high-profile signing ceremony, today's executive...

Anti-Abortion Ad Borrows Obama's Life Story

(Newser) - Barack Obama may support a woman's right to choose, but a new anti-abortion ad uses his own life story to argue against it, writes David Waters in his "On Faith" blog for the Washington Post. The spot shows a fetus in a womb as words appear on the screen:...

36 Years After Roe, Obama Affirms Support for Choice

Thousands protest on anniversary of landmark abortion ruling

(Newser) - President Obama acknowledged the 36th anniversary of Roe v. Wade today by reaffirming his support for the abortion rights that ruling secured, CBS reports. “I remain committed to protecting a woman’s right to choose,” Obama said in a statement, adding that, regardless of political persuasion, reducing unwanted...

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