
Stories 641 - 660 | << Prev   Next >>

Yeah, Life Begins at Conception —So What?

Mary Elizabeth Williams says that not all life is equal

(Newser) - It's time abortion rights supporters stopped dancing around it: Life begins at conception, argues Mary Elizabeth Williams at Salon . "Throughout my own pregnancies, I never wavered for a moment in the belief that I was carrying a human life inside of me," she writes. "And that...

Slain Kansas Abortion Doc's Clinic Reopening

Protesters seek rezoning to block facility

(Newser) - After George Tiller was killed in 2009, his abortion clinic in Kansas shut down. This spring, it will once again open its doors—but not without plenty of controversy, the Huffington Post reports. An abortion rights group purchased Tiller's former building, but anti-abortion activists are fighting the reopening. As...

In 1st, Majority of Americans Say Keep Abortion Legal
In 1st, Majority of Americans Say Keep Abortion Legal
survey says

In 1st, Majority of Americans Say Keep Abortion Legal

Poll comes on 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade

(Newser) - For the first time ever—and on the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade—a majority of Americans think abortion should almost always be legal. That majority clocks in at 54%; 44% think abortion should be illegal (though some of those respondents will allow for exceptions). Another big number: 70%...

Ireland to OK Abortion to Save Mom's Life

Church attacks proposed abortion bill

(Newser) - Ireland is taking a fresh look at its abortion laws after the death of a woman denied a potentially life-saving abortion . The government has pledged to bring in a law that will allow women to have an abortion if their lives are in danger, including, controversially, from their own threats...

Comic Links Adam Lanza to Women Who Have Abortions

Victoria Jackson starts war on Facebook

(Newser) - Ultraconservative comic Victoria Jackson has struck again. On her Facebook page she is all but comparing Connecticut mass murderer Adam Lanza to the millions of American women who have had abortions, Radar reports. "My friend Jim Riley posted: ‘Wasn’t the Connecticut killer just doing what abortionists do...

Husband of Woman Denied Abortion Suing Ireland

Savita Halappanavar died Oct. 28

(Newser) - The widower of an Indian woman who died in an Irish hospital after being refused an abortion plans to sue Ireland's government in the European Court of Human Rights. Praveen Halappanavar confirmed his decision today through his lawyer. His wife, Savita, died Oct. 28 in a Galway hospital one...

Supreme Court Orders New Review of ObamaCare Suit

Lawsuit claims violation of religious freedoms

(Newser) - The court cases continue for ObamaCare, with the Supreme Court today ordering a Virginia appeals court to review a lawsuit over the law's provisions regarding reproductive rights. Virginia's evangelical Liberty University had filed an earlier lawsuit arguing that the individual mandate meant taxpayer dollars would fund abortions and...

US Abortions Fall 5%, Biggest Drop in a Decade

Researchers think recession played a role

(Newser) - US abortions fell 5% during the recession and its aftermath in the biggest one-year decrease in at least a decade, perhaps because women are more careful to use birth control when times are tough, researchers say. The decline, detailed today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, came in...

TN GOP Rep Slept With 2 Patients, 3 Coworkers

Scott DesJarlais also admitted to encouraging his ex to get 2 abortions

(Newser) - For a pro-life guy, Scott DesJarlais sure likes abortions . The GOP congressman encouraged his ex-wife to get two abortions before their marriage, he admitted during a 2001 divorce proceeding, according to a transcript obtained yesterday by the Chattanooga Times Free Press . What's more, DesJarlais admits to having sexual relationships...

Ireland Promises 'Clarity' on Abortion After Woman's Death

Government to spell out when a woman's life takes precedence

(Newser) - Ireland's government today promised to bring "legal clarity" to the nation's strict anti-abortion laws after an Indian woman's high-profile death , reports Reuters . Savita Halappanavar, 31, died of blood poisoning in a Galway hospital after doctors refused her request to terminate her failing pregnancy. They said they...

Woman in Ireland Dies After Being Denied Abortion

Docs refused as dying fetus had heartbeat

(Newser) - The death of a woman who succumbed to blood poisoning days after being denied an abortion has caused an outcry in Ireland, where abortion is illegal unless the life of the woman is in danger, the Guardian reports. Savtia Halappanavar, a 31-year-old dentist, was 17 weeks pregnant when she was...

What We Learned Last Night
 What We Learned Last Night 
Election 2012

What We Learned Last Night

Obama's win reveals a lot about the electorate, the race

(Newser) - The dust has cleared, the votes have been counted, and Barack Obama stands victorious. What did we learn? What did this entire long election drama mean? Politico and CNN break down some takeaways from the big night:
  • Team Romney was bluffing. Romney's campaign said it had a chance in

ObamaCare, Abortion on Swing-State Ballots

State measures provide 'symbolic catharsis for conservatives'

(Newser) - ObamaCare isn't just a hot topic at the federal level this election year. While Mitt Romney has vowed to reform it , some states are putting their opposition to ObamaCare directly on the ballot, the Hill reports. Florida, for example, is letting voters weigh in on the health care mandate,...

Romney Adviser Backed Bans on Abortion, Gays in Africa

Jay Sekulow's ideology undermines Mitt's new centrism: Andy Kroll

(Newser) - Mitt Romney, man of the political center? At Mother Jones , Andy Kroll ridicules that notion by emphasizing Romney's ties with Jay Sekulow, a star of the Christian right who has advocated bans on homosexuality and abortion in Africa. His American Center for Law and Justice—called by Time a...

GOP Donors Rally Behind Mourdock in Indiana

But new poll shows Democratic challenger with lead

(Newser) - After Todd Akin made his controversial "legitimate rape" comments in August, he quickly became a pariah in the Republican party. Indiana's Richard Mourdock, on the other hand, is seeing a rush of GOP support, despite his own controversial rape and pregnancy comments , reports Politico . The final days will...

Larry Flynt to Mourdock: $1M for Proof 'God Intended'

He wants to see transcripts of Mourdock's convos with God

(Newser) - Millionaires are sure throwing around their millions: Larry Flynt ran a full-page ad in today's Indianapolis Star offering to put his money where Richard Mourdock's mouth is. In exchange for any "verifiable transcript of your personal conversations with God," including texts, letters, or emails, that say...

GOP Hopeful: Post-Rape Abortion Is 'More Violence' on Woman

Seattle-area House nominee weighs in on 'the rape thing'

(Newser) - The latest fallout over a Republican candidate's views on rape and/or abortion: A Seattle-area congressional nominee has dubbed abortions after rape "more violence onto a woman's body." Tea Party candidate John Koster was caught on tape noting that as to cases when the life of the...

Want to Reduce Abortions? Support Mothers

We're ignoring the most important topic: David Frum

(Newser) - The abortion debate frequently includes questions about when it should or should not be allowed—what if the mother’s life is at stake ? What if the pregnancy was the result of a rape ? What if it’s a selective reduction ?—but “these dorm-room hypotheticals do...

GOP Mainstream Wants to Ban Abortion for Rape Victims

It's not just Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock: William Saletan

(Newser) - Don't be fooled: It's not just the fringes of the Republican party that oppose abortion rights for rape victims. In fact, at least 12 of the 28 nonincumbent Republican Senate candidates would ban abortion, even in cases of rape, writes William Saletan at Slate . "That’s a...

Mourdock Apologizes: 'God Abhors Rape'

But the fallout continues

(Newser) - Not surprisingly, Richard Mourdock and the Republican Party are experiencing quite a bit of fallout from the Indiana Senate candidate's comments last night at a debate, in which he said "God intended" pregnancies from rape to happen . The latest:
  • The Democratic National Committee was quick to jump all

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