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Fake Raids Test Iraqi Reconstruction
Fake Raids Test Iraqi Reconstruction

Fake Raids Test Iraqi Reconstruction

U.S. aid to small businesses works only if it's invisible. Otherwise, companies get 'immediately shot or blown up.'

(Newser) - The American military is staging fake raids on Iraqi small businesses to confirm that US aid is being well spent—without tipping off insurgents that they have any US connection. "The only way things will work is if the US contribution is totally invisible," says a civil-affairs officer,...

Satellite Sisters
Satellite Sisters

Satellite Sisters

XM and Sirius may have unlikely rescuers from the Chicago School of Economics

(Newser) - Jim Surowiecki describes how the “Chicago School” of economists revolutionized anti-trust thinking in the 1970s. By arguing that it is not the number of competitors but rather their strength that mattered, these economists posited that some mergers stimulate competition.

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