cell phone jammers

5 Stories

Cell Phone Vigilante Jams Calls on Philly Buses

He says he's proud of it, but experts say it's not safe

(Newser) - Riders of Philadelphia's No. 44 bus have been complaining a lot lately of lost cell phone calls, and NBC 10 found out why: A man, whom they identify only as "Eric," is jamming them. Reporters tracked Eric down after an NBC employee saw him using a handheld...

Charles Manson Caught With Cell Phone

Calif. prison phone problem out of control, lawmakers say

(Newser) - California prison authorities are having a hard time keeping cell phones out of the hands of even the most notorious inmates. The number of phones confiscated in the state since officials started keeping track has jumped from 1,400 in 2007 to 8,675 so far this year, and prisoners...

Spokane School Jams Cells During Class

District consulting with FCC on legality of jamming

(Newser) - Students in Spokane, Wash. couldn't could call or text during class for 3 whole days, KHQ-TV reports. A school there recently tested a cell phone jammer to get kids focused on academics, but admitted the move may not be legal. They're checking with the FCC. "We just thought it...

Prisons Aim to Change Ban on Phone Jamming

Rampant cell use facilitates crimes committed behind bars

(Newser) - Cell phone use is a growing problem among prison inmates, but the obvious solution—signal jamming—is illegal under a 74-year-old federal law. Prisoners can easily smuggle the increasingly tiny handsets, and for the unrepentant among them, “whatever illegal activities you were doing outside, you can continue that uninterrupted,...

'You Got Jammed!'
'You Got Jammed!'

'You Got Jammed!'

People are snapping up devices to silence annoying chatterers. So what if they're illegal?

(Newser) - Ever find yourself cut off mid-conversation, on a bus or train, by a lost signal? Could be the work of the guy sitting next to you, the New York Times reports. An increasing number of people are snapping up pocket-sized jammers, which emit signals strong enough to knock out cell...

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