Central Park

Stories 41 - 56 | << Prev 

Central Park Crime Jumps 45%
 Central Park Crime Jumps 45% 

Central Park Crime Jumps 45%

Poor economy blamed

(Newser) - Crimes in Central Park have skyrocketed 45% over last year, and Manhattan officials are blaming the poor economy. Rapes jumped from zero to 7 so far this year, and grand larceny is up 60% to 56 cases. "A bad economy doesn’t help. Many more people are using the...

World (and Google) Mark John Lennon's 70th

Today's doodle has an audio link

(Newser) - Central Park is the place to be today for John Lennon fans looking to pay tribute on what would have been his 70th birthday. People from around the world are gathering in the park's Strawberry Fields, reports AP . Liverpool, meanwhile, unveiled a peace monument in his honor, notes AFP . (See...

Bloomberg: No Smoking in Central Park

Mayor wants to take ban outdoors to cover parks, walkways

(Newser) - Mayor Bloomberg wants smokers to stay out of Central Park and parts of Times Square. The anti-tobacco mayor has proposed widening the city's smoking ban to cover parks, beaches, pedestrian plazas, and boardwalks, reports the New York Post . Scofflaws, tourist or not, would face a $50 fine under his plan,...

Falling Tree Branch Kills Baby in Central Park

Freak accident injures mother of 6-month-old

(Newser) - A 6-month-old girl is dead and her mother hospitalized after a branch fell 40 feet from a tree and hit them as they posed for pictures at the Central Park Zoo yesterday. Karla DelGallo of New Jersey had Gianna Ricciutti in her arms and "was trying to get away...

Artist Jeanne-Claude, Wife of Christo, Dead at 74

She made her mark creating giant environmental artworks with husband

(Newser) - Jeanne-Claude, the artist who with her husband, Christo, traveled the globe creating massive works of public art, died yesterday in New York at age 74 after a brain aneurysm. Christo and Jean-Claude first caught the public eye in the 1960s and '70s in Europe wrapping landmark buildings and bridges in...

Triple Mugging Rattles Central Park

One man busted, cohorts on the loose

(Newser) - An armed mugging of three men in Central Park has rattled New Yorkers who were beginning to get used to feeling safe strolling in Manhattan's famous green space. Two park strollers were accosted before dawn yesterday by a gunman and two cohorts who emptied the men's pockets. When a third...

NY Google Wiz Fights Back After He's Bashed by Branch

(Newser) - A Google engineer was fighting for recovery yesterday after suffering severe head injuries when a 100-pound branch slammed into his head as he was walking through New York's Central Park. The 33-year-old father of two responded to commands to open his eyes yesterday after being in a coma, reports the...

Gawker Catches HuffPo Falling for Hoax
 Gawker Catches HuffPo 
 Falling for Hoax 


Gawker Catches HuffPo Falling for Hoax

Arianna must be thrilled, Gawker blogger muses

(Newser) - An airport in Central Park? Sounds ridiculous, but the Huffington Post fell for it yesterday—much to the delight and amusement of Gawker. HuffPo ran a satirical story on its homepage last night (caught in a screenshot by Gawker before it was removed) with what appeared to be a straight...

Hourly Breaks? Blaine's Cheating!

Onlookers unimpressed by Blaine's latest stunt

(Newser) - David Blaine takes a 10-minute break every hour? "It's cheating," says an unimpressed onlooker among a crowd of 8,000 watching Blaine hang upside down in Central Park until a grand finale tonight, the New York Daily News reports. Though the illusionist planned to do his business using...

Blaine Dives Into Hanging Stunt
 Blaine Dives Into Hanging Stunt 

Blaine Dives Into Hanging Stunt

Despite risks, he plans to hang for 60 hours over Central Park

(Newser) - Performance art magician David Blaine dove head first into his latest public show in New York yesterday, hanging upside-down over Central Park. The Brooklyn-born show off plans to hang for 60 hours, despite a doctor's warning that the increased blood pressure in his head could cause blindness, and even death...

The Standoff Over Central Park
 The Standoff Over Central Park 

The Standoff Over Central Park

Joggers hate cyclists, cyclists hate dogs, everybody hates cars

(Newser) - Central Park is an oasis in the middle of Manhattan, but it’s also an early-morning battleground. New York magazine surveys the battlefield and finds open hostility. Cyclists shake their fists in rage at headphone-impaired joggers, dogs and owners fear for life and limb at bike crossings, and everyone nurses...

CNN Star Busted With Drugs, Sex Toy in Park

Charges dropped pending drug counseling

(Newser) - When cops found Richard Quest in Central Park early yesterday morning, they first busted him for loitering past the park's closing time. Then they noticed that the CNN star had a rope tied from his neck to his genitals, drugs in his pocket, and a sex toy in his boot,...

PETA Goes After NYC Carriages
 PETA Goes After NYC Carriages 

PETA Goes After NYC Carriages

Animal-rights activist calls the trade 'disgusting'

(Newser) - Animal-rights activists have long been champing at the bit to ban horse-drawn carriages in New York City, and a PETA publicity strongman is in town to do just that, New York magazine reports. Though Michael Bloomberg and others in City Hall support the trade, PETA's Dan Mathews—legendary for his...

NY to Clone Central Park 'Tree-nome'

Cuttings will be replicated in lab, replanted across city

(Newser) - Arborists and geneticists are collaborating on a project to bring 1 million new trees to New York's gritty streets by 2016. They won't be entirely new, though, Newsday reports. Cuttings will be taken from several species in Central Park, then shipped to an Oregon lab where they will be cloned,...

Take a Bite Out of the Big Apple
Take a Bite Out of the Big Apple

Take a Bite Out of the Big Apple

Spending the Christmas season in New York City is an adventure for the whole family

(Newser) - New York doesn't slow down just because the weather gets nippy. If anything, there's even more to do in the city that never sleeps. TimeOut recommends catching the Washington Square Tree Lighting Dec. 4. Those seeking a little more flexibility in their plans can check out the origami Christmas tree...

US Marathon Runner Dies in Olympic Trials

Ryan Shay collapsed 5 miles into the race

(Newser) - Four-time US long-distance champion Ryan Shay died today during Olympic marathon trials in New York City, the AP reports. Shay, 28, collapsed about 5 miles into the 26.2-mile race and could not be revived. The cause of death remains unclear. “It cuts a knife through everybody's hearts,”...

Stories 41 - 56 | << Prev